Does LIIFT4 Work? Workout Reviews (Complete List)

LIIFT4 Mike and Joel Freeman



LIIFT4 Review – Does it Work?


We will see if I think LIIFT4 works as I test drive this program for you (and me). I have forever been creating hybrids to get the best of resistance, core and intervals cardio in one workout schedule. And, I have forever been trying to fit health and fitness into my busy lifestyle including running around with our two kids, work stuff, house responsibilities, pursuing my hobbies and active lifestyle. I know from experience that focused, efficient workouts are key. Get in, get out, get results. The nutrition can be especially challenging and I like to enjoy “rewards” for my hard work. If only there was a program that hit all of these targets for motivated team members… There appears to be now – I am pumped at the potential for LIIFT4!!


What is LIIFT4?

LIIFT4 is an efficient, 8-week program from Joel Freeman (Core De Force) that combines weightlifting and calorie-burning High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) with the nutrition and supplements needed for a complete body transformation. The moves are based on classic lifting techniques that let you isolate, stabilize, and focus each rep on the muscle group you’re working. You work out JUST 4 days a week with 3 strategically chosen recovery days that allow you to recharge and build muscle while living your life such as running, biking, swimming and hiking to supplement your workouts. Every workout is 30–40 minutes and ends with a quick core routine. No opportunity for boredom because you’ll do 32 UNIQUE workouts for the program in real time with Joel and the cast—never doing the same workout twice. There is also an optional “cheat day”, alternative Vegan nutrition plan as well as stretch and foam rolling recovery routines!


I was even more pumped for this program given that I had the opportunity to participate in the first ever live LIIFT4 workouts with Joel in Indianapolis at the exclusive Coach Summit sessions! Great guy to hang out with as well. I have met Joel many times and I am honored to be helping others with him around the World for this health and fitness lifestyle!


Like most Beachbody programs, there are modifiers for a range of fitness levels including a “bandifier” split screen for using resistance bands (great for travel).


My goal with this detailed LIIFT4 Review is to both try the program AND create perspective for you to make a decision on leveraging LIIFT4 for your health and fitness goals. Again, given that I am a Science guy,  I will leverage heart rate analysis for each workout to draw conclusions and comparisons including the data in my perspective. This approach is similar to my popular reviews for P90X3Insanity Max:30Hammer & Chisel22 Minute Hard CorpsBody BeastCountry HeatCore De Force, Shaun Week and Shift Shop. I have a Polar H7 Bluetooth enabled heart rate monitor (chest strap) synced to my iPhone using the free Polar Beat Mobile App and Polar Flow. Warmup and cooldown time is included in the heart rate analysis.



My fitness level during this program review was off-the-charts. Besides my previous Beachbody workouts and this program, I have been doing intense, physical archaeological fieldwork this Summer so my functional cardio/strength may be the best in my life. What does this mean? It means my heart rates in my analysis may be lower than expected for many people doing LIIFT4 given my fitness level (i.e., calories, average and max heart rates, workout zone). In fact, for many of the workouts you can see below that I am burning between 250-400 calories per workout. Many of my team members have been burning in the 400-600+ calories per workout range for the same workouts. So, everyone will be different, but the data below is a great relative measure for the program. Trust me, this program is a challenge if you select the proper weights and push hard in your HIIT and core!!


With that said, the warmups and cooldowns are limited in LIIFT4 so it is recommended to add additional time to stretch if needed.


Nutrition is CRITICAL for getting the results you want with your fitness program and the targets need to be aligned with the clean eating system (Nutrition + Portion Fix recommended, but you may need to bump calories for mass gain depending on goals). My current supplements include the BODi Performance Advanced Stack of ENERGIZE pre-workoutHYDRATE during workout, and RECOVER post-workout with Shakeology and Beachbar snacks. Be sure to let me know if you would like to join my private support team for daily motivation and accountability, the slight edge, for your success. Check out my TESTIMONIALS! Click JOIN TEAM RAGE with any questions. Let’s do this!


Be sure to use this new 15% off promo code savings when you use any of the links on this page only! >>> MIKENBODI15

Please contact me directly if you have any issues using the promo code, need links to different products, or, would like help selecting the products to maximize your results! >>>



I hope you enjoy my LIIFT4 Review!!


LIIFT4 Private Support Group



The Workouts

BOD Sneak Peek

Full Body LIIFT 50/50 (Sneak Peek)

B4 LIIFT4 (pre-LIIFT4 launch, 20min, use as prep for program)

Chest Back Circuit (B4 LIIFT4)

Legs LIIFT 50/50 (B4 LIIFT4)

Shoulder Arms LIIFT Intervals (B4 LIIFT4)

Full Body HIIT (B4 LIIFT4)

LIIFT4 Week 1 (Build It)

Chest Triceps – LIIFT 50/50 (Week 1)

Back Biceps – Circuit (Week 1)

Shoulders – LIIFT Intervals (Week 1)

Legs – LIIFT 50/50 (Week 1)

Recovery Workouts

LIIFT4 Roll and Recover

LIIFT4 Stretch

LIIFT4 Week 2 (Build It)

Chest Triceps Circuit (Week 2)

Back Biceps LIIFT 50/50 (Week 2)

Shoulders LIIFT Intervals (Week 2)

Legs HIIT (Week 2)

LIIFT4 Week 3 (Build It)

Chest Triceps LIIFT 50/50 (Week 3)

Back Biceps Circuit (Week 3)

Shoulders LIIFT Intervals (Week 3)

Legs LIIFT 50/50 (Week 3)

LIIFT4 Week 4 (Build It)

Chest Triceps Circuit (Week 4)

Back Biceps LIIFT 50/50 (Week 4)

Shoulders LIIFT Intervals (Week 4)

Legs HIIT (Week 4)

LIIFT4 Week 5 (Build It)

Chest Triceps LIIFT 50/50 (Week 5)

Back Biceps Circuit (Week 5)

Shoulders LIIFT Intervals (Week 5)

Legs LIIFT 50/50 (Week 5)

LIIFT4 Week 6 (Build It)

Chest Triceps Circuit (Week 6)

Back Biceps LIIFT 50/50 (Week 6)

Shoulders LIIFT Intervals (Week 6)

Legs HIIT (Week 6)

LIIFT4 Week 7 (Shred It)

Chest Back Circuit (Week 7)

Legs LIIFT 50/50 (Week 7)

Shoulders Arms Circuit (Week 7)

Full Body HIIT (Week 7)

LIIFT4 Week 8 (Shred It)

Chest Back Circuit (Week 8)

Legs LIIFT 50/50 (Week 8)

Shoulders Arms Circuit (Week 8)

Full Body HIIT (Week 8)



The Data Analysis Summary

I will get to my data summary shortly, however, overall LIIFT4 is my new FAVORITE workout program. That says a lot! Below I will share my pros/cons for LIIFT4 in addition to summary graphs and charts for the program heart rate analysis (and relative to other leading Beachbody programs!)


Pros: 4 days per week to fit busy schedules (me!), fast workouts 30-40 min, allows for activity outside of the program, foam rolling workout, flexible nutrition plan with “rewards” encouraged for hard work, Vegan specific meal plan, core work in every workout, 34 unique workouts in the main LIIFT4 program (+5 for sneak peek and B4 LIIFT4 pre-releases), Joel is a motivating trainer, you make the workouts as hard as you like depending on weight selection and HIIT effort, and the combo of lifts with HIIT is very effective!


Cons: No music! This initially surprised me, but I got used to no music plus there are Spotify playlists on BOD for LIIFT4. Other cons include only 4 days per week (for those wanting more), although not required. The cast sometimes has poor form, however, Joel tries to correct. There are no pull-ups or incline press. I understand the program is designed to limit equipment required, which is awesome, but pull-ups are the best overall strength exercise in my mind. You will see in my workout reviews that I subbed in pull-ups for “back extension” during LIIFT4. I think this is the best way to incorporate pull-ups. Incline press is lacking since no bench is used in LIIFT4, but again, this can be subbed in if you would like. All workouts are unique, but they leverage similar moves for a given muscle group and HIIT. More variety in exercises would be good besides just varying the sequence of moves. Timing and pace between moves is FAST in LIIFT4, you must use the weight progression tracker consistently and have your weights ready to rock-and-roll. Keeping up with the fast pacing is part of what ramps results with this program!


Overall, like I mentioned, LIIFT4 is my new favorite program. It is ALMOST perfect for my lifestyle and goals. I tweaked the schedule slightly with my new hybrid with Body Beast/A Week of Hard Labor to align with my specific lean mass gain goals, but I recommend doing LIIFT4 “as is” before trying any hybrids to see how it works for you. Awesome program!


Moving on to my final analysis, the table below demonstrates the VERY detailed results from comprehensive heart rate analysis for all 34 workouts for the main LIIFT4 program (click to expand for easier reading).  The data includes calories burned, average heart rate, max heart rate, time in each of 5 workout zones plus the percentage of time in max zones 4 and 5. Normalized calories are also shown (calories/workout time). The data is sorted by week for the program since there are 8 weeks of unique workouts. The graph also summarizes the workouts with regard to heart rate analysis (calories burned, average heart rate). The second table summarizes the same data for the additional LIIFT4 Sneak Peek and B4 LIIFT4 workouts.


LIIFT4 Heart Rate Analysis Review Summary



LIIFT4 Heart Rate Analysis Review Graph Summary


PreRelease LIIFT4 Heart Rate Analysis Review Summary


I feel really good about the data set and the regression analysis below indicates a very strong correlation to the data set for normalized calories and heart rates, which is a good sign (very close to perfect correlation R2 = 1). Although not shown in graphical format, max heart rates vs. average heart rates for all 34 official LIIFT4 workouts (excluding sneak peek and B4 LIIFT4) also provides a good fit at y = 1.2248x + 6.8492 (R2 = 0.85872).


LIIFT4 Heart Rate Analysis Review Regression


You can see from the data set that LIIFT4 provides a range of workouts that challenge in different ways. (By the way, I know that you are not actually “burning” calories, ha, it is just a term.) I think Legs LIIFT 50/50 Week 7 (highest calorie burn) and Shoulders LIIFT Intervals Week 5 (highest max heart rate) are two of the toughest workouts in the program, while the core, foam rolling and stretch workouts are obviously the easiest. Generally, the strength circuit (resistance) workouts typically have lower calorie burns than the HIIT/LIIFT versions (with cardio) speed workouts. As expected, the longer workouts typically burn more than the shorter workouts. The “Shred It” weeks 7 and 8 definitely ramp intensity and focus relative to Weeks 1-6 “Build It” workouts with the added burnout sets and movements. This is reflected in generally higher calorie burns and average heart rates for Weeks 7-8. As a side note, the B4 LIIFT4 workouts at 20 min range each show lower calorie burns given the shorter workout lengths, and these will make GREAT workouts to get a great total body workout when running short on time!


Check out the comparison below to some key performance indicators relative to other top Beachbody programs P90X3, Insanity Max:30, Hammer & Chisel, 22 Minute Hard Corps, Body Beast, Country Heat, Core De Force, Shaun Week and Shift Shop (click to expand for easier reading). Numbers shown are averages of all 16 Insanity Max:30 workouts, all 20 P90X3 workouts, all 19 Hammer and Chisel, all 13 22 Minute Hard Corps workouts, all 15 Body Beast workouts, 11 Country Heat workouts, all 14 Core De Force, all 7 Shaun Week workouts, all 11 Shift Shop workouts relative to all 34 LIIFT4 workouts. Workout times generally average in the 30 minute range for most of the programs…


LIIFT4 Heart Rate Analysis Review Beachbody Comparison



The data comparing LIIFT4 to other Beachbody programs actually surprises me quite a bit (virtually no LIIFT4 workouts had my heart rate ramped into Zone 5). That is why data is SO important! Overall, LIIFT4 comes in as one of the “easier” ones via heart rate analysis given relatively lower calories burned, average heart rates, max heart rates and workout zones. With that said, similar to Shift Shop, LIIFT4 is NOT easy. I believe overall some of the numbers are lower on average given the significant amount of time spent with lifting moves as well as the core focus found in every workout. I would also say the resistance workouts did not push me as hard as some of the other resistance workouts in the Beachbody catalogue (e.g., Body Beast, P90X3), although LIIFT4 lifts were still challenging and pacing was fast so the heart rate did stay elevated in many workouts. Also, many of the HIIT moves were completed in only 30-sec intervals followed by short breaks so the max heart rate may not have ramped fully for me before rate relaxation occurs between moves, sets and blocks (unlike Max:30!!). Further, as mentioned at the start of this blog review, my fitness level is currently at an all-time high partly due to this program so my heart rates will be lower than when my fitness is not as dialed in. Many Team members doing LIIFT4 with me were burning in the 500-600 cals range per workout. LIIFT4 is clearly more of a performance based program along the lines of Insanity Asylum, Shift Shop and 22 Minute Hard Corps. I believe it is the best overall program to date!


So, Does LIIFT4 Work?


YES! As I always say, I am not going to lie, most if not all of these programs will work if you follow them, especially the nutrition guide and discipline. I know this from my personal experience as well as the experience of thousands on my Team across the World almost 10 years already. LIIFT4 is ANOTHER tool in the toolbox for achieving your health and fitness goals. LIIFT4 is the best overall program I have come across for my lifestyle and goals. I am a fan of LIIFT4 and Joel Freeman, but I still gravitate toward Body Beast for my primary mass gain goals at the present time. As such, I have created a LIIFT4 Body Beast Hybrid that leverages LIIFT4 workouts as the framework to enhance my overall core, cardio and functional performance development along with the muscle hypertrophy focus of Body Beast. I hope you enjoy my LIIFT4 Review — #Liift4Life!


Favorite Workouts: Shoulders LIIFT Intervals, Back/Biceps LIIFT 50/50, Full Body HIIT

Least Favorite Workouts: Legs LIIFT 50/50

Hardest Workouts (for me): Legs LIIFT 50/50, Shoulders LIIFT Intervals, Legs HIIT

Easiest Workouts (for me): LIIFT4 Stretch, LIIFT Roll and Recover


LIIFT4 Private Support Group



The Reviews

Full Body LIIFT 50/50 (Sneak Peek)

The first workout in my LIIFT4 Review is Full Body LIIFT 50/50 since it was the preview sneak peek workout provided on BOD in advance of the launch of LIIFT4. This one is described as working your full body with lifts, HIIT and core circuits for total body results!

Heart rate analysis data…


Full Body LIIFT 50:50 Review Full Body LIIFT 50:50 Review


This workout was a great intro to the LIIFT4 program. There is a quick couple minute warmup and the remainder of the workout consists of moves leveraged throughout the 8 weeks of LIIFT4. Joel designed the sneak peek with the 50/50 format where he guides you through all of the LIFT work first followed by all of HIIT exercises, then finally all of the core work. There are minimal breaks between sets (30-60 sec) and the lift movements are slow/controlled to maintain proper form and keep time under tension (TEMPO-like). This stuff works, I know from experience, and the weight selected will directly determine your results (want 8th rep to be hard). The lifting section involves supersets to get the max workout in shortest time. For lifts, there are 2 exercises back-to-back at 10 reps each for 3 sets, which equals one “block”. There are then 2 more blocks to give 3 lifting blocks total. For this workout, lifts include block 1 (chest press and skullcrusher on floor), block 2 (shoulder press, row) and block 3 (front loaded squat, curl). The HIIT section of the workout provides 3 exercises each for 30 seconds, take break and repeat for 2 more sets for 3 total. Movements include soccer run, catchers (burpee to squat) and triple bears (ouch!). The core component involves 2 exercises at 30 seconds each with 15 sec break between, repeated 3 times total as well with reaching sit-up and bicycle twist. The end of the workout has a short cooldown. This was a rocker!

Loved the sneak peek of LIIFT4! Loved it, right up my alley and most on our team. My heart rate response for Full Body LIIFT 50/50 shows 282 calories in 33 minutes with average and max heart rates of 130 and 170 bpm, respectively, and most of the workout in zones 1-3. This is impressive considering the large chunk of time spent in warmup, cooldown and core work at lower heart rates. I had the weights dialed in pretty good and definitely pushed hard. The triple bear thing in the HIIT section was tough and one of my new favorite moves! I have to say that I may consider doing my flat chest press work on my bench vs. the floor so I can stay safer and lift heavier for my results. The transition of the weights on the floor may be an issue for my back so I will watch it and make a decision of floor vs. bench. Good stuff, I am VERY excited about this program after the sneak peek on BOD!



Chest Back Circuit (B4 LIIFT4)

The B4 LIIFT4 workouts are shorter versions of LIIFT4 routines at 20 minutes range each to be used as prep or transition work into the official program. Given that they are only 20 minutes I expect to be able to use these when super busy and limited time to workout for years to come. First up is Chest/Back – Circuit!

Described as,

“Back-to-back exercises and minimal rest will keep your heart rate up and calorie burn high in this intense upper-body weightlifting workout.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Chest Back Circuit Review Chest Back Circuit Review


These B4 LIIFT4 workouts are shorter, but still challenging! I really liked it! There was a short warmup followed by 2 lifting blocks and then push-up burnouts plus core (no HIIT in this one). Each of the 2 blocks has 2 exercises (10 reps each, short 20 sec rest between for 3 sets total each block). Weight selection is key, as always. Chest/Back – Circuit includes block 1 (chest press, reverse fly) and block 2 (chest fly, row). Burnout includes 30 seconds of push-ups for 3 sets with short rest in between. Core component includes reaching sit-up and then side reaches back-to-back (love these!), 30 seconds each for 3 sets (short breaks between sets). Short cooldown at the end.

Not surprising with a 20 Min workout and no HIIT in this one, my heart rate and calories burned were pretty low compared to Full Body LIIFT 50/50. 139 calories in 20 minutes with average and max heart rates of 117 and 148 bpm, respectively. However, I expect the “afterburner” from resistance work to more significant. Most of the workout was in zones 1 and 2. Overall, I am really excited about LIIFT4! I am still debating on if I will move to my bench vs. floor for the flat bench press part of the circuit. Again, this would be a little safer for my back given my history of disc herniation and I could also push more weight safely. I definitely prefer doing the chest fly move ON THE FLOOR to help avoid shoulder injury by going too far in the movement. It would also have been awesome to have pull-ups in this workout/program, but I pushed hard on the rows to challenge my back. I may decide to add pull-ups as a burnout after the actual LIIFT4 chest workouts if this trends hold throughout the program. Otherwise, good stuff and I will try legs tomorrow! #Liift4Life



Legs LIIFT 50/50 (B4 LIIFT4)

The B4 LIIFT4 workouts are shorter versions of LIIFT4 routines at 20 minutes range each to be used as prep or transition work into the official program. Given that they are only 20 minutes I expect to be able to use these when super busy and limited time to workout for years to come. Next up is Legs – LIIFT 50/50!

Described as,

“Build stronger legs and a leaner, more defined body by first lifting heavy and then powering through high-intensity cardio in this fat-incinerating combo workout.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Legs LIIFT 50:50 Review Legs LIIFT 50:50 Review


Legs LIIFT 50/50 for the B4 LIIFT4 series was a good one and I was sweating A LOT by the end! Weight selection is key to get a challenge safely in the time available. Used 20-50 pound dumbbell range for most, may increase next time. Calorie “burn” was 194 calories in 21 minutes with average and max heart rates of 133 and 168 bpm, respectively, and most of the workout in zones 2 and 3. Overall, the heart rate analysis numbers exceed those from Chest/Back. Not too surprising when working the large leg muscles and HIIT component. As always, the workout started with a brief warmup. Then, there was the typical lift/HIIT 50/50 format followed by core work similar to Full Body LIIFT 50/50 reviewed above from the sneak peek on BOD. Weights or bands can be used with modifiers for all fitness levels. The lifts include 2 exercises for 10 reps/3 sets each with short break between sets. There are 2 total lifting blocks followed by HIIT component. Lifts involved block 1 (front loaded squats, deadlift) and block 2 (goblet sumo, calf raises). HIIT movements were 3 sets at 2 exercises for 30 seconds each with 15 sec rest in between including soccer run and squared squats (plyo squat-like). The square squat HIIT move was killer! The core section reminded me of P90X3 isometrix with side plank both sides at 30-sec each side for 3 sets (hello, cuts!). Good stuff, good burn! These B4 workouts are shorter, but awesome!



Shoulder Arms LIIFT Intervals (B4 LIIFT4)

The B4 LIIFT4 workouts are shorter versions of LIIFT4 routines at 20 minutes range each to be used as prep or transition work into the official program. Given that they are only 20 minutes I expect to be able to use these when super busy and limited time to workout for years to come. Next up is Shoulder/Arms LIIFT Intervals!

Described as,

“You’ll alternate between classic weightlifting and high-intensity cardio in this heart-pounding interval workout that targets your shoulders and arms while helping you burn fat all over.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Shoulder Arms LIIFT Intervals Review Shoulder Arms LIIFT Intervals Review


Shoulder/Arms LIIFT Intervals was a rocker! Loved this one, my favorite so far out of all of the LIIFT4 workouts I have done thus far!! I was sweating like crazy and used 15-40 pounds during the workout, this one was FAST-PACED. The HIIT part had my heart rate ramped and the core work was a perfect ending. In general, the “Intervals” workout involves one weighted lift immediately followed by one 30-sec interval non-stop. First block was shoulder press 10 reps and catchers HIIT 30 seconds, short 20-sec rest and repeat for 3 total sets. Next block was bicep curls into squat jumps, same format. Last block was tricep kickback and high plank wide mountain HIIT, similar format again for timing and number of sets. Core component at the end was 2 exercises at 30 seconds each for 3 sets for prayer crunch and bent windshield wipers. I burned 188 calories in 21 minutes with average and max heart rates of 133 and 174 bpm, respectively. Workout zones were primarily 2 and 3. Another great workout and I am excited for the full-length LIIFT workouts!



Full Body HIIT (B4 LIIFT4)

The B4 LIIFT4 workouts are shorter versions of LIIFT4 routines at 20 minutes range each to be used as prep or transition work into the official program. Given that they are only 20 minutes I expect to be able to use these when super busy and limited time to workout for years to come. Next up is Full Body HIIT!

Described as,

“Work your entire body in this all-out cardio meltdown designed to burn massive amounts of calories and increase muscle definition in around 20 minutes.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Full Body HIIT Review Full Body HIIT Review


The last of the 4, B4 LIIFT4 workouts I have to review was Full Body HIIT using only body weight! No weights or bands. Even without the weights, this was a rocker of a routine with super fast transitions between moves. There are 2 exercises each set with the first move for 60 seconds followed by 20 sec break and a second move for 45 seconds. Repeat this circuit for 3 sets. The first block includes sumo jump and twisted mountain high plank. 30 second break before the second and last block, 2 exercises each set with the first move for 45 seconds followed by 10 sec break and a second move for 30 seconds – squat jacks and triple bear. The workout completes with the usual core component, this time consisting of rope climb and bicycle twist. Man, the plyo sumo squat sequence and triple bears were both brutal! Good stuff, I had a good burn and heart rate elevation with 165 calories in 20 minutes and 127/165 bpm for average/max heart rate, respectively. Workout was primarily in zone 2. This was a GREAT HIIT workout and I know the actual program workouts will be longer around 30+ minutes so I am really excited for LIIFT4! Read on for my detailed LIIFT4 Review for heart rate analysis and perspective!!



LIIFT4 Private Support Group



Chest Triceps – LIIFT 50/50 (Week 1)

Described as,

“This calorie-incinerating combo workout starts with heavy lifting and then shifts to high-intensity cardio to help build your chest and triceps while burning fat all over.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Chest Triceps LIIFT 50/50 Review Chest Triceps LIIFT 50/50 Review


And here we go, reviews for the official full-length LIIFT4 program, with Chest/Triceps – LIIFT 50/50 representing the first of 32+ unique workouts (incl. recovery workouts)! Similar to the other “50/50” workouts reviewed, we begin the workout (following warmup) by doing the LIFT component blocks before moving on to HIIT then core. The LIFT segment involves 3 blocks of supersets. Each superset includes 2 moves performed for 3 sets with minimal 30 sec rest in between sets and 60 sec break between blocks. As always, weight selection is key and you want to be challenged by the 8th rep and use slow, controlled motion for time under tension results. This involves block 1 (flat chest press then skullcrusher on the floor, similar to sneak peek chest work), block 2 (chest fly, triceps press) and block 3 (rotating press on ground, tricep pushups). Next up is the HIIT components with 3 exercises successively at 60, 45, 30 seconds for soccer run, mountain climbers, and catchers (burpee to squat type), respectively. As the time shortens, the HIIT move gets harder! I appreciate the core component for these workouts, and it is so important to work the core for best performance in workouts and life in general. The core work consists of two moves for 3 sets including rope climb and bent knee windshield wipers successively for 30 seconds each (15 sec break between sets). Modifiers available for all moves, as always.

Wow, absolutely loved this first workout. Very fast pace in terms of rest between sets (60 sec max break entire workout in theory). The chest and triceps work was killer and I was hitting 15 – 50 pound dumbbells range depending on move. Total calorie burn was 310 calories in 40 minutes with average and max heart rates of 125 and 170 bpm, respectively, mostly residing in workout zones 1 and 2. The resistance work and intervals also tend to give more “afterburn” for hours after the workout ends. To further breakdown results, I found I burned 134 calories in approx. 20 minutes for the initial LIFT section followed by 110 calories in approx. 11 minutes for HIIT and 55 calories in 5 minutes for core (burn also influenced by the previous LIFT/HIIT, of course). I do think it would be nice to have some incline work, but that will be tough without a bench or elevated surface on the LIIFT4 production set. I may add some incline work burnouts at the end of chest workouts after I see how the program goes with my reviews. The HIIT work was killer by the time we got to the intervals and the mountain climbers had my lower half on fire. Core was all good as well. Loved the workout and looking forward to tomorrow. Energize pre-, hydrate during, recover post-workout with recharge last night. Chocolate Shakeology with creatine and Power Greens boost with Beachbars snacks. Dialed in!



Back Biceps – Circuit (Week 1)

Described as,

“Multiple rounds of back-to-back exercises and minimal rest target your back and biceps while keeping your heart rate high to torch calories and increase definition.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Back Biceps Circuit Review Back Biceps Circuit Review


My arms were on fire today with Back/Biceps – Circuit and I like how the program promotes more of a tempo count for moves to get the best results with proper form! I used 15-35 lb dumbbells and marked where I will increase next time on my weight progression tracker, but it went well. I know there will be a lot of “afterburn” from this workout given the resistance focus. On curls I was hitting 30-lb dumbbells max, but used 20-25 most reps with slow controlled form. 273 calories in 35 minutes with average and max heart rates of 124 and 163 bpm, respectively, and workout mostly in Zone 2. Deconstructing the results I found that I burned 230 calories in the 30 minute lifting circuits and 32 calories in approx. 4 minutes of core work. Awesome.

The actual workout leverages the “circuit” approach mentioned earlier in this review combining lifts circuit style training without any HIIT. 4 exercises performed back-to-back (quad set) with no rest between those exercises repeated to give 3 total blocks. Short breaks between sets and blocks. This consists of block 1 (wide row, bicep curl, regular row, hammer curl), block 2 (dumbbell pullover on ground, top curl, reverse fly, bottom curl) and block 3 burnout with 2 exercises 30 sec each with 15 sec break between for 3 sets (back extension, regular full extension bicep curls). Core moves are alternating leg twist and planks. Good stuff, VERY effective workout! For back I would like to see some pull-ups, but those are not in this program (it is designed so you don’t need much equipment). Starting next week I may add some pull-ups on my own to the back workout at the end as burnout. Tomorrow is rest day, so I will do the foam rolling recovery workout!



LIIFT4 Roll and Recover

Described as,

“Massage your tired muscles with a foam roller to help reduce soreness and enhance circulation and mobility in this relaxing recovery session.”

Heart rate analysis data …


LIIFT4 Roll and Recover Review LIIFT4 Roll and Recover Review


I was super excited about the prospect of a foam rolling routine for LIIFT4. I am a big fan of foam rolling for recovery due to my hard work (soreness) from workouts. P90X2 Recovery/Mobility is the only other one I do regularly (it is longer than this one though with stretch incorporated too). I have multiple foam rollers including different sizes and hardness. My favorite (most painful) is my Rumble Roller!  So here is the thing… YOUR needs for recovery by foam rolling is highly dependent on you and how your body feels. So, this routine will be different for each person, but breathing will be critical for everyone. The idea is to foam roll your entire body using the progression shown in LIIFT4 Roll and Recover, including IT band and hip flexors, but take your time and spend more time where needed. I know for me when I find a “knot” or sore spot I will hold myself on the roller to enhance the myofascial release and recovery. Yeah it can hurt! You do not want to use the foam roller like a pizza roller. Slow down and pause on knots and sore spots to release tension and recovery. There is some light stretch at the very end of Roll and Recover. Now, I did track heart rate for completeness, but of course the numbers are low here. I may have even expended more calories trying to keep my cats from licking my face while foam rolling! 25 calories in 10 minutes Zone 0-1 with average and max heart rates of 89 and 99 bpm, respectively. I will be using this one often I think, at least once per week, and my total time foam rolling will depend on my needs based on current level of soreness. Try it out, hurts so good!




LIIFT4 Private Support Group



Shoulders – LIIFT Intervals (Week 1)

Described as,

“Your shoulders are the primary targets of this heart-pounding interval session, which alternates between classic weightlifting and high-intensity cardio to help you get lean and shredded in record time.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Shoulders LIIFT Intervals Review Shoulders LIIFT Intervals Review


Got my LIIFT4 Shoulders LIIFT intervals done this morning and… it. was. awesome! I really loved this workout and the fast pace combined with dynamic resistance, HIIT and core circuits is amazing. This workout consists of quick warmup (as usual, get more warmup if needed such as LIIFT4 Stretch). Warmup is followed by two superset lifting exercises back-to-back with 30 second HIIT move. Very limited breaks between sets. Use as heavy weights as possible while being safe to challenge your workout. That is key. The supersets include 10 reps of multiple interval blocks for lifts and 30 sec HIIT, 3 sets each block. First block is shoulder overhead press, upright row and single leg plyo jump (15 sec each side). Second block is front raise, side lateral raise and no jump burpee HIIT. Block 3 is shoulder Y-raise, shoulder fly (wow, hard, light weight only!) and alternating plyo lunges. Core work is flutter kicks and reaching sit-ups, back-to-back 30 seconds each for 3 sets with 15 sec break in between. Yup, rocker!

This program is definitely my new favorite program next to Body Beast and I can see myself making some tweaks to the schedule in a hybrid at some point, but honestly it is very well done as is and fits my busy lifestyle perfectly for workouts, schedule and nutrition plan (hello, rewards!). We will see what the remainder of the program brings! I was using mostly 15-40s for this workout (40s on shoulder press). Sweat was flowing for sure and heart rate ramped. 275 calories in 31 minutes with average and max heart rates of 133 and 165 bpm, respectively. Most of the workout was in Zone 3! Good stuff. I had my ENERGIZE pre-, HYDRATE during, RECOVER post-workout and RECHARGE last night. I had my Chocolate Shakeology with creatine and Power Greens boost plus Beachbars today. Tomorrow will be LIIFT4 Legs, and I am sure it will be a TOUGH (my legs are already sore)!



Legs – LIIFT 50/50 (Week 1)

Described as,

“This calorie-incinerating combo workout starts with heavy lifting and then shifts to high-intensity cardio to help strengthen your legs while burning fat all over.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Legs LIIFT 50/50 Review Legs LIIFT 50/50 Review


Woah, pressed play on LIIFT4 Legs LIIFT 50/50. Dude! This one is insane if you select challenging weights working those large muscle groups, reminds me of what I like/dislike about Body Beast BULK/Build Legs and Beast Cardio. Another fast paced workout that had my heart rate up and sweat plentiful. I feel too that I have been having a killer afterburn post workouts all week when I do these LIIFT4 routines and I am leaner in the mirror already (the extra HIIT each week helps!) Today I used 20-60 pounds during Legs. Could have used more on some moves, but pace is quick so we need to manage weights appropriately to stay safe. Core work at the end was awesome. Calorie burn was the highest for the week at 322 calories for 40 minutes with average and max heart rates of 127 and 164 bpm, respectively, mostly in workout zones 1-3. Further analysis shows I burned 155 calories during the 20 minute lifting section at the beginning followed by 107 calories during 12 min of HIIT and 46 calories for 6 min core.

So what does Legs 50/50 involve? The usual, short warmup followed by the LIFTing, then HIITing, then Core. Great recipe it seems based on my results already with the LIIFT4 program. Lifting blocks include the similar 50/50 format as others already in this program consisting of 3 sets each of 3 blocks with block 1 (front load squat, deadlifts), block 2 (goblet sumo, reverse alternating lunge) and block 3 (weighted bridge with heavy weight, calf raise). HIIT sequence involves 3 exercises 60/45/30 seconds each successively with difficulty increasing with the shorter time – high knee run, triple bears (ouch!) and squat jacks! Core work is 30 seconds on for each of two moves for 3 sets with 15 seconds break between sets for prayer crunch and plank leg lifts (good ending!). INTENSE workout, love it. Can’t wait for Week 2 — #Liift4Life !!



LIIFT4 Stretch

Described as,

“What you do between workouts is as important as what you do during them. Help optimize your recovery with stretches that target each muscle group to boost blood flow, increase mobility, and ease soreness.”

Heart rate analysis data …


LIIFT4 Stretch ReviewLIIFT4 Stretch Review


The second recovery-type workout in LIIFT4 that can be done each week on off days (or warmup/cooldown on workout days) is Stretch. This one is very basic and only 10 minutes, but hits all of the major stretch recovery needs for total body recovery. The short workout is great for busy team members. Stretch starts off with some active dynamic movements followed by static stretch and even downward dog. The figure-four stretch for glutes is my favorite and much needed after the Leg and Interval workouts! Again for completeness, I monitored heart rate for this routine and, as expected, minimal calorie burn and lower heart rates. 27 calories in 9 minutes with 89 and 112 bpm for average and max heart rates, respectively, zones 0-1. Another great one to incorporate each week for your LIIFT4 goals!


Chest Triceps Circuit (Week 2)

Described as,

“Multiple rounds of back-to-back exercises and minimal rest target your chest and triceps while keeping your heart rate high to torch calories and increase definition.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Chest Triceps Circuit Review Chest Triceps Circuit Review



I was excited to press play on LIIFT4 Chest/Triceps – Circuit Week 2 since the Circuit workouts in this program are loaded with resistance work plus core movements at the end. So, I was pumped to push my chest and triceps to the limits of failure. And that I did! The workout consists of the usual short warmup followed by 3 blocks. The first two blocks involve four weighted moves each repeated 3 sets each with short break in between sets including block 1 (decline press, skullcrusher, chest press, triceps press) and block 2 (chest fly, single side crusher, rotating chest press, tricep kickback). Block 3 is a burnout set of push-ups with two variations… wide push-up and then military tricep push-up performed for 30 seconds each back-to-back, then repeat for 3 sets total. Ouch! (yeah, I failed, in a good way). Finally, the workout finishes up with core movements including weighted flutter kick (I used 20-lb dumbbell) and bent knee windshield wipers for 30 seconds each, back-to-back, repeated for 3 sets (short 15 sec break in between). This workout was a rocker for sure! I really enjoyed it. For the decline press on the floor I ended up using my decline setting on my weight bench to help protect my lower back more due to a history of back challenges. The single side crusher tricep move is insane at that point in the workout and you really have to focus on proper form and safety. Speaking of proper form, several cast members have poor form on the tricep kickback, but it is nice to see Joel try to correct them throughout this program just like he would do for us if he was in our workout space with us. I had to go to my knees second and third sets for burnout push-ups. I went pretty heavy on the first 2 blocks with dumbbells in the 15-50-pound range (this is heavy for me in this workout given the limited breaks and supersets), so my chest was super fatigued. That is good though, fail forward! 291 calories down in 40 minutes with average and max heart rates of 122 and 158 bpm, respectively. Workout was primarily in zones 1-3 depending on exercises. Further analysis shows I burned 181 calories in the first 26 minutes of weighted circuit blocks, 60 calories in 6 minutes for the burnout push-ups sequence and 40 calories in 6 minutes for core focus. I call it a success! Love this program so far. Bring on Week 2, Day 2!


Back Biceps LIIFT 50/50 (Week 2)

Described as,

“This calorie-incinerating combo workout starts with heavy lifting and then shifts to high-intensity cardio to help build your back and biceps while burning fat all over.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Back Biceps LIIFT 50:50 Review Back Biceps LIIFT 50:50 Review


These workouts with blocks of Lifts followed by HIIT (then core) are amazing. I feel LIIFT4 is doing a great job of combining resistance and HIIT + core in one workout schedule, much like many of the hybrids I have created over the years (usually with Body Beast). Now, and I will cover this in my final summary at the top when my review is complete, but it would be good to get some more Yoga or Pilates in the schedule (there IS a downward dog move in the stretch recover workout). Anyway, loving this program, click any of the blue boxes in this post to join my private Team with LIIFT4 today! 

Getting back to Back/Biceps LIIFT 50/50, the format is the usual 50/50 format where you do your lifts at the beginning of the workout followed by the HIIT, then core. The lifts segment includes 3 blocks of 2 moves each repeated for 3 total sets including block 1 (regular row, reverse fly), block 2 (hammer curl, wide row) and block 3 biceps burnout (full curl, wide curl). HIIT focus was challenging with two of the 3 moves being plyo work involving single leg plyo jumps (60 sec with 30 sec each side), twisted mountain climbers (45 sec) and 180 squat jumps (30 sec). 15 seconds break between moves and repeated for 3 total sets! Core includes two exercises at 30 sec each back-to-back with 15 sec break between (3 sets total) – exercises are side reaches and high plank shoulder taps. So, my arms were on fire with this workout and the HIIT work had my heart rate elevated. I used from 15-50-pound dumbbells. I was pushing pretty hard, but perhaps I can push even harder, which would ramp heart rate even more. In this workout I burned some of the highest calories per minute of any of the LIIFT4 workouts I have completed thus far with 327 calories in 36 minutes with average and max heart rates of 134 and 173 bpm, respectively. Workout zone was primarily in Zone 2. Further analysis shows 143 calories in 18 minutes for the lifting blocks, 117 calories in 11 min for the HIIT sequence and 51 calories in approx. 5 min for core work. After the workout ended I did add some burnout pull-ups since I feel strongly that I/we should do some pull-ups if possible on back days, pull-ups are the ultimate back exercise! Rest day is tomorrow and then back to my detailed LIIFT4 Review with heart rate analysis! #Liift4Life


LIIFT4 Private Support Group



Shoulders LIIFT Intervals (Week 2)

Described as,

“Your shoulders are the primary targets of this heart-pounding interval session, which alternates between classic weightlifting and high-intensity cardio to help get you lean and shredded in record time.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Shoulder LIIFT Intervals Week 2 Review Shoulder LIIFT Intervals Week 2 Review


Of course I was/am well aware LIIFT4 includes 32 UNIQUE workouts available for streaming only on BOD, which is partly the reason why the workouts are not available on DVD (also how they are able to produce so many variations to the workouts!). However, I was surprised to see that the Week 2 Shoulders workout has the EXACT SAME name as the Week 1 Shoulders workout – Shoulders LIIFT Intervals. Also, the weight progression tracker worksheet shows the same moves for Week 2 and Week 1. As such, I quickly replayed Week 1 before Week 2 to see the differences. The good news… the workouts ARE different (Joel and cast are wearing different clothes) and although similar exercises are used for both workouts, the way they are incorporated into the overall workout is different. This is good since I am a big fan of the Week 1 Shoulders LIIFT Intervals!

A quick glance at my heart rate analysis for all of the Week 1 and Week 2 LIIFT4 workouts thus far, it is clear that Week 2 Shoulders LIIFT Intervals is one of the most challenging for me! I ended up burning 303 calories in 32 minutes with average and max heart rates of 137 and 174 bpm, respectively. Workout zones were primarily zones 2-4 and you can see my heart rate was bouncing near 175 for many sections of the workout (hello, HIIT moves!). Further analysis demonstrates 235 calories expended in 24 minutes of the LIIFT blocks and 54 cals burned in 6 minutes of core. This workout starts with the typical (quick) warmup followed by 3 blocks consisting of two weighted exercises superset at 10 reps each followed by a HIIT move (30 sec), repeated 3 total sets. This involves block 1 (side lateral raise, shoulder press, soccer run), block 2 (front raise, shoulder fly, catchers) and block 3 (Y-raise, upright dumbbell row, squat jumps). After the 3 LIIFT blocks we finish up with 3 sets of core movements 30 sec each back-to-back (15 sec break between sets) including alternating leg twist and rope climb. Oh, and there is a BONUS set of 30 seconds at the end for alternating leg twist! Killer workout. My legs are already sore this week and we have Legs on the schedule to finish up Week 2 tomorrow. Should be fun-ish!


Legs HIIT (Week 2)

Described as,

“Strengthen and sculpt your legs with this all-out cardio meltdown designed to burn massive amounts of calories and increase muscle definition in around 30 minutes—no weights required.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Legs HIIT Review Legs HIIT Review


Well that was an intense workout! By the way, see if you can locate the part in the workout where the video zooms to a pic of Joel and his cat:) Anyway, loved it, reminded me a lot of Insanity Max:30 and in spirit of that program I did not “max out” today, but man this workout pushed me hard. The heart rate analysis shows that my heart rate was ramping in an upward trend throughout the workout and came close to 180 bpm range several times. I was sweating like crazy and feeling this one, but at the same time I feel my cardio endurance with HIIT has improved already in 2 weeks of LIIFT4. Quick side note, end of Legs – HIIT on BOD there is a few minute segment on what to expect for Week 3, and it sounds like challenge will continue to increase. Let’s do this!

Legs – HIIT consists of a block of 4 exercises in a row, HIIT-style, at 60, 45, 30 and 15 seconds, with intensity increasing with the lower interval times. The moves in the block include high knee run, triple bears (actually getting easier!), catchers jump and alternating lunge jumps. The alternating lunge jumps are just brutal with good form at the end of the block, even at 15 seconds! Then, these same 4 exercises are repeated for 2 more blocks with short rest between blocks, but blocks 2 and 3 basically perform the 4 moves at 30 seconds each with no breaks in between. So, blocks 2 and 3 are 2 minutes long each with NO BREAKS. That is exactly how my heart rate kept ramping throughout this workout with little opportunity to bring it back down. Pretty challenging stuff. After the 3 blocks of HIIT for Legs, core is done with 2 moves 30 sec. each back-to-back with 15 sec. break between including bent windshield wiper and floor-to-ceiling leg lift (my favorite move for lower abs/core). There is an extended 5 minute stretch at the end of the workout. So, in 28 minutes of Legs – HIIT I burned 264 calories with average and max heart rates of 139 and 178 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 3. Further analysis shows I burned 130 calories in block 1 in 14 minutes, 35 calories block 2 in 2 min, 35 calories block 3 in 2 min, 45 calories core in 6 min and 20 cals in the stretch. Great workout, love this program. Bring it on Week 3 – #Liift4Life !

Chest Triceps LIIFT 50/50 (Week 3)

Described as,

“This calorie-incinerating combo workout starts with heavy lifting and then shifts to high-intensity cardio to help build your chest and triceps while burning fat all over.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Chest Triceps LIIFT 50:50 Week 3 Review Chest Triceps LIIFT 50:50 Week 3 Review


Week 3 version of Chest/Triceps for LIIFT4 is DONE! This is a great workout, and similar to the previous Chest/Triceps LIIFT 50/50 in Week 1, but the moves are combined in different ways along with changes to the HIIT and core components. Pretty strong calorie burn considering most of the lifting portion of the workout was a lower heart rate, as usual, even though I pushed hard with the weights in the 20-50-pound dumbbells range. 281 calories in 37 minutes with average and max heart rates of 123 and 166 bpm, respectively, and mostly in workout zone 1 (again, driven by longer lift blocks). Further analysis demonstrates I burned 114 calories in 19 min of lifts, 111 calories (almost the same!) in 11 min of HIIT focus and 45 cals in 5 min of core work. The workout consists of the usual short total body warmup followed by 3 lifting blocks. Each lifting block consists of 2 moves performed back-to-back for 3 sets with short rest between sets. Moves included block 1 (chest press, chest fly), block 2 (rotating chest press, triceps kickback) and block 3 (skullcrusher, tricep pushups at 10 reps). I used my bench for the chest work, which allows me to safely lift more weight while protecting my lower back (I have a history of back injuries). The HIIT sequence involved 3 moves done in a row and repeated for 3 total sets. The exercises include 180 degree squat jumps (60 sec, ouch!), soccer run (45 sec) and plyo lunge (30 sec, also ouch!). Core work at the end was awesome with dumbbell extension move where I used 20-lb dumbbell followed immediately by side reach, repeated 3 times with short 15-sec rest between sets. I really like this workout and I am especially interested to see how many different ways Joel can combine these similar movements given the program is 8 weeks. Bring it! #Liift4Life


Back Biceps Circuit (Week 3)

Described as,

“Multiple rounds of back-to-back exercises and minimal rest target your back and biceps while keeping your heart rate high to torch calories and increase definition.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Back Biceps Circuit Week 3 Review Back Biceps Circuit Week 3 Review


What a great workout! My arms were on fire by the end of the lift circuits and the core work left me fatigued by the end. Good stuff. This Week 3 workout is the second time on the schedule for a Back/Biceps – Circuit routine. As such, the same lifting moves are leveraged relative to Week 1, however, they are incorporated in a different way, which tests your muscles differently (e.g., pre-fatigue before some moves certainly changes the intensity and way the muscles are challenged/respond!) Similar to other circuit workouts for LIIFT4, there are 4 exercises done as a superset (typically 10 reps) before a short break. Repeat for 3 total sets. There are 2 blocks of 4 different exercises with block 1 (dumbbell pullover, top curl, reverse fly, bottom curl) and block 2 (wide row, wide curl, traditional row, hammer curl). The 2 circuit blocks are followed by a burnout circuit of 2 more moves performed back-to-back for 30 seconds each with short break between sets (15 sec) including back extension and full curl. Finally, the workout finishes up with 2 core movements done back-to-back for 30 sec each followed by 15 sec break (3 total sets) involving dumbbell crunch (used 20-lb dumbbell) and bicycle twist. There is an extended stretch segment at the end as well, much needed!

For this workout I used 15-60 pound dumbbells and pushed hard!! Heart rate analysis data indicates I burned 280 calories in 37 minutes with average and max heart rates of 123 and 164 bpm, respectively. Most of the workout was in Zone 2. Further analysis shows I burned 224 calories in the 29 minutes of lifting circuits and 40 calories in 5 min for core focus. The core dumbbell crunch core move was awesome and the 20-lb dumbbell was a good challenge. Also, I ended up subbing in pull-ups for the “back extension” in the burnout block sets. This is because I generally feel pull-ups, the ULTIMATE back exercise, are missing from this program, but I understand since the goal is to limit equipment requirements. The back extension move is still a good, low impact movement. Finally, for the dumbbell pullover I used my bench, which allowed me to lift heavier and safer. By the way, I am impressed and excited about my transformation with this program when looking in the mirror in only 2.5 weeks. I am becoming a MACHINE! (Rage. Become a Machine.)


LIIFT4 Private Support Group


Shoulders LIIFT Intervals (Week 3)

Described as,

“Your shoulders are the primary targets of this heart-pounding interval session, which alternates between classic weightlifting and high-intensity cardio to help you get lean and shredded in record time.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Shoulders LIIFT Intervals Week 3 ReviewShoulders LIIFT Intervals Week 3 Review


The sequence of moves on the Week 3 Shoulders HIIT Intervals was a challenge for sure! There are similar moves to the other 2 weeks of Shoulders HIIT Intervals (see above), but also some new variations and progression. The format was the same as other HIIT Interval workouts for LIIFT4 with 3 superset blocks of 3 moves each, two lifting (10 reps target) and one HIIT (30 sec each set). 3 sets for each block and minimal rest between sets to keep the heart rate elevated. Exercises included block 1 (front raise, upright row, single leg plyo jump), block 2 (lateral raise, shoulder press, speed skaters), and block 3 (shoulder fly, swimmers, squat jacks). Block 2 was KILLER. My heart rate was elevated no doubt, partly because I was pushing as hard as I could with the weights on large muscle group focus shoulder presses as well as the speed skaters HIIT! This made it much harder having heavy shoulder press in block 2. The shoulder fly and swimmers sequence was tough and only needed 10-lbs range to be challenged. Swimmers are arguably the toughest move I have found thus far in LIIFT4! Reminds me of some of the Sagi Six-Way work from Body Beast and other shoulder variations from A Week of Hard Labor (AWHOL) shoulders! Core work at the end involved dumbbell side crunch (used 15-lb dumbbells to keep my back safe) and full Windshield Wipers back-to-back for 30 sec each with 15 sec break between for 3 total sets! I used 8-40 pound dumbbells range for this workout and that was plenty given the dynamic sets and minimal breaks. I burned 277 calories in 31 minutes with average and max heart rates of 133 and 170 bpm, respectively, and workout zone primarily in Zone 3. Further analysis shows 224 calories in 24 min of LIIFT moves and 42 cals in 5.5 min of core focus. Yup, this one worked me and I had the sweat to prove it!


Legs LIIFT 50/50 (Week 3)

Described as,

“This calorie-incinerating combo workout starts with heavy lifting and then shifts to high-intensity cardio to help strengthen your legs while burning fat all over.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Legs LIIFT 50/50 Week 3 ReviewLegs LIIFT 50/50 Week 3 Review


The Legs workouts in LIIFT4 are brutal. Legs LIIFT 50/50 is no joke. After the usual warmup there are 3 blocks of legs-focused resistance moves, each consisting of 2 exercises performed back-to-back for 10 reps each followed by short break and repeat for 3 total sets before moving on to the next block. This includes block 1 (goblet sumo squat, bridge), block 2 (front loaded squat, calf raise) and block 3 (alternating side lunge, deadlift). The 3 lift blocks were followed by 3 HIIT blocks involving 3 exercises each, done in a row before a short break and repeat for 3 total sets. HIIT moves were soccer run (60 sec), catchers (45 sec) and lunge jumps (30 sec). Final core work was side-to-side plank with 30 secs iso-hold each side followed by short break and repeat for 3 sets. This was insane at the end of the workout and immediately following the HIIT focus, sweat was POURING off me (good sign!). Besides the planks at the end, catchers (burpee-type variation) were very challenging in the middle of the workout for 45 seconds each set! Overall, impressive heart rate results for me with 329 calories in 38 minutes with average and max heart rates of 131 and 170 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zones 2 and 3. Further analysis indicates 150 cals in 20 min for the lifting, 115 cals in 10 min for HIIT and 40 cals in 5 min core work. I used 20-60 pound dumbbells in this workout and that was plenty! 3 weeks down of LIIFT4, 5 to go… Bring it!



Chest Triceps Circuit (Week 4)

Described as,

“Multiple rounds of back-to-back exercises and minimal rest target your chest and triceps while keeping your heart rate high to torch calories and increase definition.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Chest Triceps Circuit Week 4 ReviewChest Triceps Circuit Week 4 Review


The heart rate analysis data on this workout is certainly misleading, although not surprising given the workout consisted of all lifting plus core, no HIIT component. The pace is dynamic and I tried to balance lifting heavy with keeping up with the timing of the circuits. I used 15-50 pound dumbbells throughout and used my bench for some of the chest and triceps movements. I burned 251 calories in 37 minutes with average and max heart rates of 116 and 145 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zones 1 and 2 (again, mostly due to resistance and core focus, lower heart rates vs. HIIT). Further analysis demonstrates 205 cals in 30 min for lifting and 35 cals in 3 min for core. Besides the usual warmup, the circuit workout included block 1 (chest press, tricep press, chest fly. tricep kickbacks), block 2 (decline press, skullcrusher, rotating press, single side crusher) and block 3 burnout (wide pushups, tricep pushup). Core included reaching situps and bicycle twist. Seriously, the pushup burnouts are insane, had to go to knees for the tricep pushup (military) each of the 3 sets in the block, although I was able to push through the wide pushups. The single side crusher is still cruel even in Week 4. Otherwise, I felt I pushed hard on the weights and 250 range is a decent burn for resistance (again, my conditioning is pretty good so it takes a lot to get my heart rate ramped significantly). Great start to Week 4 and looking forward to Back Biceps tomorrow!!


Back Biceps LIIFT 50/50 (Week 4)

Described as,

“This calorie-incinerating combo workout starts with heavy lifting and then shifts to high-intensity cardio to help build your back and biceps while burning fat all over.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Back Biceps LIIFT 50:50 Week 4 ReviewBack Biceps LIIFT 50:50 Week 4 Review


Heart rate analysis shows 311 calories in 37 minutes Back Biceps LIIFT 50/50 with average and max heart rates 130 and 175 bpm, respectively. Further analysis indicates 130 calories in 19 min of lifts, 120 cals in 10 min of HIIT and 45 cals in 6 min of core work. Workout zones primarily zones 2-3, but a significant amount of the workout was in higher zone 4 (~ 5 minutes during HIIT). I have been trying to push for increases on the weights each week for these resistance moves and it is working. I am seeing increases and certainly experiencing fatigue/failure during certain movements in sets. This is a great sign and the calorie burn/max heart rates were consistent with the more challenging workouts for me thus far in LIIFT4. Good stuff! This workout leverages many of the similar moves from Back Biceps LIIFT 50/50 from previous weeks, in a different order with select new moves for HIIT and core. Per usual, lifting exercises are performed first in 3 blocks (2 moves each back-to-back, 3 sets each block) followed by HIIT (3 moves at 60, 45 and 30 sec performed as superset repeated 3 times) and finally core (2 moves 30 sec each back-to-back, 3 sets with short 15 sec break between sets). Lifting blocks include block 1 (wide row, wide curl), block 2 (reverse fly, full curl) and block 3 (traditional full row, hammer curl). HIIT moves involved square squat jump (60 sec), wide mountain plank (45 sec) and plyo lunge (30 sec) while core includes plank dumbbell tap and side reaches. Awesome stuff. So, the 60 sec of square squat jumps is tough each block of HIIT (most of the cast was modifying by third set and this is where my heart rate spiked most). The core work at the end in plank and reaches (shoulders off ground) ad my shoulders ON FIRE. I was able to use 15-60 pound dumbbells throughout for the lifting section and that represent 5-10 increase in weights over last time I performed these moves, keeping in mind the order and supersets change each week. Still, excellent progress and I am even more pumped with my LIIFT4 results. Not going to lie, I added some burnout pull-ups after I finished this workout since I feel they would be a great addition to the existing schedule. Looking forward to rest day tomorrow before completing Week 4!! #Liift4Life


Shoulders LIIFT Intervals (Week 4)

Described as,

“Your shoulders are the primary targets of this heart-pounding interval session, which alternates between classic weightlifting and high-intensity cardio to help you get lean and shredded in record time.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Shoulders LIIFT Intervals Week 4 Review Shoulders LIIFT Intervals Week 4 Review


Fourth time pressing play on a LIIFT4 Shoulders LIIFT Intervals routine and still a good challenge. Joel finds ways to vary the movement order and brings new challenges. I would prefer to see some different shoulder exercises throughout the program vs. the same ones in different order and supersets, but still a great challenge to build shoulder muscles. Week 4 I burned 288 calories in 31 minutes with average and max heart rates of 135 and 171 bpm, respectively, and most of the workout in Zones 2-4. Further analysis shows 240 cals in 25.5 min of LIIFT blocks and 40 cals in 5.5 min of core focus. As usual, there were 3 main blocks of work with 3 moves each including two resistance at 10 reps per set and one 30-sec HIIT. The block is then repeated for a total of 3 sets before moving on to the next block. This included block 1 (lateral raise, front raise, speed skaters), block 2 (shoulder press, shoulder fly, squat jumps) and block 3 (upright row, swimmers, soccer sprints). Core work was scissor kicks and reaching sit-ups for 30-sec each back-to-back, short 15-sec break and then repeated for 3 total sets. My shoulders were on fire in this workout. Heart rate was maximized in the second block with shoulder press, fly and squat jumps. It was tough, I was able to increase weights on average 5 pounds for most moves today. I used 15-40 pound dumbbells. Overall, challenging workout and can’t wait to get past Legs HIIT tomorrow to get 2 days of much needed rest. So far the program is going great, I hope you are enjoying my detailed LIIFT4 Review and check out the program yourself (click any of the blue boxes to join my private support team)!!


Legs HIIT (Week 4)

Described as,

“Strengthen and sculpt your legs with this all-out cardio meltdown designed to burn massive amounts of calories and increase muscle definition in around 30 minutes—no weights required.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Legs HIIT Week 4 Review Legs HIIT Week 4 Review


I am officially half way done with the LIIFT4 program and getting excellent results, building muscle and leaning out! Great program. However, I was not looking forward to hitting Legs HIIT today after a long week. Loaded up on Energize and pressed play before I could talk myself out of it at 5AM… went well and exercise endorphins were high after the workout! Similar to the other Legs HIIT routines there were no weights used. The workout included four exercises performed as a superset for three blocks (minimum rest between blocks) and then two blocks burnout series with the same moves without breaks (ended up being 2 minutes without break each burnout block since it involves 4 moves x 30 sec each). The moves include soccer run/sprint (60 sec), triple bear (45 sec), sumo jumps (30 sec) and plyo lunge (15 sec). The workout ended with core focus with prayer crunch and high plank alternating leg lift. Heart rate analysis shows 244 calories burned in 27 minutes with average and max heart rates of 134 and 172 bpm, respectively. Workout zone was primarily 2-3. Further analysis indicates 120 cals in 14 min of HIIT, 60 cals in 5 min for burnout series, 45 cals in 5.5 min of core and 15 cals in 2 min of stretch. The sumo jumps were the toughest for me in this workout and then my legs had trouble with the plyo lunge by the end of the burnout series, although I did not take breaks. Great challenge and I am excited for the 2 days rest before heading into Week 5 LIIFT4!! #Liift4Life


Chest Triceps LIIFT 50/50 (Week 5)

Described as,

“This calorie-incinerating combo workout starts with heavy lifting and then shifts to high-intensity cardio to help build your chest and triceps while burning fat all over.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Chest Triceps LIIFT 50:50 Week 5 ReviewChest Triceps LIIFT 50:50 Week 5 Review


This one started slow and ramped up quickly as the dynamic heart rate analysis demonstrates my heart rate rose steadily throughout the workout, especially during the HIIT blocks! Data indicates 288 calories with average and max heart rates of 124 and 170 bpm, respectively. Workout zones were primarily 1-2. Further analysis shows 120 calories in 20.5 min for lifting, 112 cals in 10.5 min for HIIT and 45 cals in 5 min for core focus. I used from 15-50 pound dumbbells in this workout. I was able to increase by 5-lbs max for several moves. A very good sign this program is working! The lifting blocks included block 1 (chest fly, tricep press), block 2 (rotating chest press, skullcrusher) and block 3 (chest press, tricep kickback). HIIT sequence involved a superset of 3 moves at 60/45/30 seconds including single leg plyo jump (30 sec each side), 2×2 mountain climbers and high knee sprints. Core work was dumbbell toe reach (used 20-lb) and windshield wipers. Phew. That is a lot on the screen and it felt like a lot during the workout! For me, a few of the exercises that are normally no issue were a bit challenging with this sequence of blocks in Chest Triceps LIIFT 50/50. Namely, skullcrusher was tough in the lifting block only because my tris were already spent from 3 sets of chest fly/tricep press and then the superset with rotating chest press (hits tris as well). Also, the 2×2 mountain climbers in the HIIT section was brutal and my heart rate was maxed. I was pushing hard and sweat was flowing. Finally, I had to be careful with the dumbbell toe reach for core given my lower back injury history, but it was still a great move (I bent my knees vs. straight leg). GREAT workout overall and I am actually excited for Week 5 Back and Biceps Circuit tomorrow (and, no HIIT, yeah!)


Back Biceps Circuit (Week 5)

Described as,

“Multiple rounds of back-to-back exercises and minimal rest target your back and biceps while keeping your heart rate high to torch calories and increase definition.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Back Biceps Circuit Week 5 Review Back Biceps Circuit Week 5 Review


Back Biceps Circuit Week 5 surprised me (seems to be a trend for Week 5, generally). I was not expecting my heart rate to elevate as much without the HIIT component, however, it happened given the challenging combination of lifting heavy with back and biceps along with fast pacing (4 moves per superset per set per block). Heart rate analysis showed 313 calories burned in 35 minutes with average and max heart rates of 134 and 168 bpm, respectively. Workout zone was primarily 2-3. Further analysis indicates 250 cals in 27 mins for lifting blocks (including burnout) and 40 cals in 5 min of core focus. The resistance work included 3 blocks with 4 moves for each of 3 sets in blocks 1/2 and 2 moves performed for 30-sec each for 3 sets in block 2. This involved block 1 (traditional row, bottom curl, reverse fly, top curl), block 2 (dumbbell pullover, hammer curl, wide row, wide curl) and block 3 (back extension, full curl). Core work included straight leg bicycle twist and low plank shift for 30 seconds each back-to-back for 3 total sets. I ended up using 15-60 pound dumbbells in this workout and actually subbed wide front pull-ups for the back extension move (since I am a fan of pull-ups, which are missing from this program, and I see less value in the back extension move). Overall my numbers were a bit down on weights used. I feel this is because the traditional row is placed in the first block and leads to burnout by lifting heavy. The rest of the workout I was really focused on proper form and pushing the weights best I could safely. A few sets I would go to failure and then pick up a lighter weight to complete the 10 reps as designed. This was a tough workout and loved adding in the pull-ups. That is a challenging way to superset with full curl burnout. Good stuff! Rest day tomorrow and will then finish up Week 5 with Shoulders and Legs. We are making a difference, keep going! Contact me to today to chat more about LIIFT4 and health/fitness/home-based business  – !


Shoulders LIIFT Intervals (Week 5)

Described as,

“Your shoulders are the primary targets of this heart-pounding interval session, which alternates between classic weightlifting and high-intensity cardio to help you get lean and shredded in record time.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Shoulders LIIFT Intervals Week 5 ReviewShoulders LIIFT Intervals Week 5 Review


So this is the 5th time I have pressed play on a LIIFT4 Shoulders LIIFT Intervals workout and yet again Joel was able to vary the exercises to achieve a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT shoulders workout even though the actual moves are the same. Really good stuff. With the shoulder press series in the first block I was able to increase my max weights for the day with 45-lb dumbbells on shoulder press last set. This is a nice increase over last week. I also saw increases in other exercises as well. As usual, LIIFT intervals consisted of 3 blocks of 3 moves with each block involving a superset of 2 resistance moves at 10 reps each plus one 30-sec HIIT exercise. Each block is repeated for 3 sets before moving on to the next block. This included block 1 (upright row, shoulder press, single leg plyo jump), block 2 (front raise, lateral raise, 180 degree squat jump) and block 3 (shoulder fly, Y raise, twisted mountain climber). Core work at the end was dumbbell driver (used 20-lb dumbbell) and prayer crunch. Dumbbell driver was a killer new move similar to a Russian-twist ab exercise, but crunch mode. Heart rate ramped in this workout as each block progressed and shoulder press at higher weights was a max for me. The shoulder fly and Y raise at the end was tough since my shoulders were completely fatigued. Heart rate analysis indicates 316 calories in 29 minutes with average and max heart rates of 148 and 175 bpm, respectively. 175 bpm is one of the highest I have achieved in 25+ LIIFT4 workouts to this point! Workout zone was primarily zone 4, which appears to be the most time spent in this elevated zone for LIIFT4 to date, which is another indicator I pushed hard in this challenging workout! Further analysis demonstrates 250 cals in 22.5 min for LIIFTs and 55 cals in 5.5 min for core focus. Success! Leg day tomorrow (ouch) and then on to rest before Week 6 of my LIIFT4 Review!!


Legs LIIFT 50/50 (Week 5)

Described as,

“This calorie-incinerating combo workout starts with heavy lifting and then shifts to high-intensity cardio to help strengthen your legs while burning fat all over.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Legs LIIFT 50:50 Week 5 ReviewLegs LIIFT 50:50 Week 5 Review


Week 5 done. Wow. Without a doubt, for me, Week 5 represented a much higher intensity and results. I found the superset combinations and new moves challenging. Legs LIIFT 50/50 was one of the most challenging workouts for this round. Calorie burn was one of the highest yet with 346 calories in 39 minutes with average and max heart rates of 133 and 167 bpm, respectively. Workout zone was primarily zones 2-3. Further analysis shows 180 cals in 21 min for lifting, 115 cals in 10.5 min for HIIT and 45 cal in 5 min for core focus! I used 15-60 pound dumbbells. The workout includes block 1 (front load squat, calf raise), block 2 (goblet squat, alternating reverse lunge), block 3 (deadlift, alternating side lunge), HIIT (fast feet burpee at 60 sec/sumo jump at 45 sec/triple bear at 30 sec), and core work (dumbbell extension at 20-lbs, floor to ceiling leg lift). Okay, so my legs were ON FIRE and pre-fatigued by the HIIT section. As such, the 3 sets of HIIT were tough, especially sumo jumps each round! I also found the dumbbell extension core work with 20-lb weight difficult and sweat was everywhere by the end. I dislike leg workouts given my history of knee and back injuries, but this was awesome. Success! Two days of rest and on to week 6 followed by weeks 7/8 SHRED IT to finish up my first round of LIIFT4! #Liift4Life


Chest Triceps Circuit (Week 6)

Described as,

“Multiple rounds of back-to-back exercises and minimal rest target your chest and triceps while keeping your heart rate high to torch calories and increase definition.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Chest Triceps Circuit Week 6 ReviewChest Triceps Circuit Week 6 Review


Heart rate analysis indicates 248 calories in 38 minutes of Week 6 Chest Triceps Circuit with average and max heart rates of 115 and 154 bpm, respectively. Workout zone was mostly zone 1. Further analysis shows 206 calories in 31 min for lifting and 34 cals in 5.5 min of core focus. I was actually surprised my calorie burn was as high as it was since I didn’t feel heart rate was ramped, which is typical for many of these weighted, non-HIIT LIIFT4 workouts. Exercises included 3 sets each of block 1 (rotating press, skullcrusher, chest fly, single side crusher), block 2 (chest press, triceps press, decline press, triceps kickback) and block 3 burnout (wide pushup 30-sec, tricep pushup 30-sec). Core work involved side reaches and dumbbell flutter kick (20-lb dumbbell). I used 15-50 pound dumbbells during this workout and used my decline bench setting for decline dumbbell press. The workout started relatively slowly with block 1, although I pushed hard on the weights. Single side crusher was a challenge as usual and kept weights in the 15-20-lb range. Block 2 was brutal. I increased weights throughout and had a hard time keeping up with the pacing. Made it happen, hit all reps and raised my weights relative to the last chest triceps workout. The burnout series was insane after block 2. I was able to hit most of the reps for the 30-sec segment of wide pushups (3 sets), but definitely needed to go to my knees for the triceps pushups most sets. Challenging workout and I am looking forward to seeing what changes accompany Week 7 as we head into the “shred” workouts vs. “build”. #Liift4Life #KeepMoving


Back Biceps LIIFT 50/50 (Week 6)

Described as,

“This calorie-incinerating combo workout starts with heavy lifting and then shifts to high-intensity cardio to help build your back and biceps while burning fat all over.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Back Biceps LIIFT 50:50 Week 6 ReviewBack Biceps LIIFT 50:50 Week 6 Review



The Back Biceps LIIFT 50/50 workouts are some of my favorite from the LIIFT4 program! I was excited to press play on this one today, although it is early in the week on Tuesday so it can be a challenge first thing in the morning. I loaded up on my Energize pre-workout and made it happen! The workout consisted of the usual 3 blocks of resistance moves, two moves each set repeated for a total of 3 sets each block before moving to the next. Moves were block 1 (traditional row, hammer curl), block 2 (reverse fly, full curl) and block 3 (dumbbell pullover, wide curl). The HIIT section involved three moves performed back-to-back-to-back, short break and then repeated for 3 total sets including catchers jump (60 sec), wide mountain climbers (45 sec) and 180 degree squat jumps (30 sec). Core focus at the end involved dumbbell toe crunch (20-lb dumbbell) and straight leg bicycle twist. Heart rate analysis demonstrates 281 calories in 37 minutes with average and max heart rates of 124 and 168 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in zones 1-2. Further analysis shows 110 cals in 19 min of lifting blocks, 110 cals in 10.5 min for HIIT and 50 cals in 5.5 min for core work. I used 15-60 pound dumbbells throughout. This is representative of many of the LIIFT 50/50 routines where most cals are burned in the shorter HIIT sections. Good stuff. I found wide mountain climbers during HIIT especially challenging and pushed hard. Both core moves were tough at the end. I sweat a lot in this workout, which is a good sign! Rest tomorrow then on to Shoulders Intervals Week 6!!


Shoulders LIIFT Intervals (Week 6)

Described as,

“Your shoulders are the primary targets of this heart-pounding interval session, which alternates between classic weightlifting and high-intensity cardio to help you get lean and shredded in record time.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Shoulders LIIFT Intervals Week 6 Review Shoulders LIIFT Intervals Week 6 Review


Increased weights while hitting all of the reps in the Shoulders LIIFT Intervals workout this week. Really good progress. Got up extra early, had my Energize and the rest is history. I would be in trouble without the Energize to get going early in my workouts! Heart rate analysis showed 288 calories in 30 minutes with average and max heart rates of 138 and 169 bpm, respectively. Workout zone was mostly  Zone 3. Further analysis indicates 230 cals in 23.5 min LIIFT and 47 cals in 5.5 min of core work. Exercises include the usual combo of 2 resistance moves at 10 reps each followed by HIIT for 30-sec, all done in a superset before short rest and repeat for 3 total sets. The movements included block 1 (shoulder press, upright row, high knee run), block 2 (front raise, lateral side raise, speed skaters) and block 3 (Y raise, swimmers, 180 degree squat jumps). Core focus involved dumbbell extension (20-lb dumbbell) and scissor kicks. Overall, I pushed hard. I was using 45-Pound dumbbells for shoulder press first block and almost burned out early, but made it happen. Made the rest of the workout a challenge. Good stuff. Legs tomorrow then week 6 is done and I get 2 days rest before week 7 shred it. Very happy with this program looking in the mirror this morning. It works. Besides Energize, had my Hydrate during the workout, Recover post-workout and Recharge last night. Chocolate Shakeology with Creatine and Power Greens Boost plus Beachbars for the da!!


Legs HIIT (Week 6)

Described as,

“Strengthen and sculpt your legs with this all-out cardio meltdown designed to burn massive amounts of calories and increase muscle definition in around 30 minutes—no weights required.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Legs HIIT Week 6 Review Legs HIIT Week 6 Review


Happy Friday friends. We made it! Man, my legs have been sore all week from doing my archaeology fieldwork so I was not looking forward to Legs HIIT today! It is just cruel to put legs at the end of the week in LIIFT4! (In my hybrid I may adjust on the schedule to Day 2 of the week between Chest/Tris and Back/Bis like most programs, we will see.) Anyway, warmed up and knocked it out today to finish up Week 6 LIIFT4! Similar to the other LIIFT4 Legs HIIT workouts, this workout involved four HIIT moves performed in a large superset, repeated for three total sets. This included single leg plyo lunge (60 sec), triple bears (45 sec), soccer sprint (30 sec) and squat jumps (15 sec). After the three sets, the same moves were performed in a superset at 30 seconds each without break, repeated for two sets. Finally, core focus was side plank isometric hold both sides (30 sec each) repeated for three sets. Wow. This workout was a challenge, but I made it through without having to modify. The single leg lunge plyo was so tough as the longest move at 60 sec and the burnout sequence of all 4 moves was insane at 30 sec each. Of course the side plank iso holds at the end for core work was brutal. I am a big fan of the core work every workout. Smart. Heart rate analysis demonstrates 228 calories in 26 minutes with average and max heart rates of 131 and 165 bpm, respectively. Workout zones were mostly 2-3. Further analysis shows 105 cals in 13.5 min for the initial 3 blocks of HIIT, 60 cals in 5.5 min for the HIIT burnout sets and 50 cals in 5 min for core. I also watched the preview for week 7 “shred it” and it looks like intensity ramps even more with extra burnouts and a full body HIIT routine, similar to one we saw in the B4 LIIFT4 workouts. I am looking forward to the rest next 2 days! See you Monday for Week 7!!


Chest Back Circuit (Week 7)

Described as,

“Multiple rounds of back-to-back exercises and minimal rest target your chest and back while keeping your heart rate high to torch calories and increase definition.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Chest Back Circuit Week 7 ReviewChest Back Circuit Week 7 Review


I was able to press play on LIIFT4 Chest Back Circuit Week 7 this morning. Wow, wow, wow. This is my favorite workout so far for the program now! I absolutely destroyed this one and liked the combo of chest and back in one workout vs. chest/triceps and back/biceps Weeks 1-6. The workout involved block 1 (chest press, chest fly, traditional dumbbell row, reverse fly), block 2 (rotating chest press right into decline press, dumbbell pullover, wide row) and block 3 burnout (regular pushups, back extension, wide pushups). Core focus was dumbbell straight leg reach and straight leg windshield wipers. As usual, the resistance moves targeted 10 reps each, burnout sets were 30 seconds each move and core was 30 secs per move. Short breaks in between sets, 3 sets each block and core. Killer workout. I used 15-60 pound dumbbells throughout. As usual, I subbed pull-ups in for the back extension move (I love this addition to LIIFT4, to be honest). Heart rate analysis shows 352 calories in 39 minutes with average and max heart rates of 134 and 174 bpm, respectively. Workout zones were mostly 2-3. Further analysis indicates 290 calories (!) in 32 mins of resistance circuits and 40 cals in 5 min for core. I pushed hard and hit the 60 pound dumbbells all reps last set of block one superset with chest press. I loved the second block combo of rotating chest press right into decline press. 20 reps in a row was tough and I was able to hit all reps with 40 pound dumbbells last set! As mentioned, the burnout block had one extra burnout move for 3 total moves for 3 sets. Insane. I actually hit all reps for pushups and pull-ups. Core work was solid to finish up. Lots of calories expended and major pump. I was excited to be able to lift heavy with the limited breaks in the workout. Definite progress! Had my Energize pre-, Hydrate during and Recover post-workout with Recharge last night. Chocolate Shakeology now with Creatine and Power Greens boost. Beachbars ready for the day (kids love them too)! Looking forward to my next “shred it” workout tomorrow. Bring it today my friends, we got this!! Rage. Become a Machine.


Legs LIIFT 50/50 (Week 7)

Described as,

“This calorie-incinerating combo workout starts with heavy lifting and then shifts to high-intensity cardio to help strengthen your legs while burning fat all over.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Legs LIIFT 50:50 Week 7 ReviewLegs LIIFT 50:50 Week 7 Review


I pressed play on LIIFT4 Legs LIIFT 50/50 Week 7 shred it this morning and it turns out I was nervous for this one for a reason. Dude! Definitely the hardest workout for me in LIIFT4 and I think tougher than both Body Beast Legs workouts if you push it. Killer workout and I am glad it is done for the week. I increased weights on moves and used 15-60 pound dumbbells throughout. Consisted of the usual lifting followed by HIIT then core. Very effective and highest calorie burn thus far, by far. Heart rate analysis demonstrates 394 calories in almost 40 minutes with average and max heart rates of 141 and 175 bpm, respectively. Workout zones fairly high in the 3-4 range mostly. Further analysis shows 270 cals in 26 min for lifting blocks, 65 cals in 6 min for HIIT blocks and 45 cals in 5.5 min for core focus (sweat was flowing by this time!). The lifting blocks included triple sets (3 moves in a row repeated for 3 total sets at 10 reps each). This involved block 1 (front load squat, deadlifts, calf raise), block 2 (alternating side lunge, weighted pulse squat, weighted bridge) and block 3 (goblet squat, reverse alternating lunge at 30 secs each leg). HIIT work included 3 moves at 30 seconds each performed in a row, 15-sec break and then repeat the entire sequence for a total of 3 sets. The exercises were twisted mountain climber, soccer sprint and squat jumps. Core focus consisted of prayer crunch and bicycle twist. The pulse squat move with weight was challenging and the squat jumps for the 3 HIIT blocks were tough by that time of the set and workout in general. Good stuff, legs are shaky now, which is a good sign. Enjoy this one today for those doing LIIFT4! Looking forward to the rest day tomorrow! #Liift4Life


Shoulders Arms Circuit (Week 7)

Described as,

“Multiple rounds of back-to-back exercises and minimal rest target your shoulders and arms while keeping your heart rate high to torch calories and increase definition.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Shoulders Arms Circuit Week 7 ReviewShoulders Arms Circuit Week 7 Review


I can’t believe Week 7 LIIFT4 is almost done. Pressed play on Shoulders Arms Circuit this morning! I really liked the change-up combining shoulders and arms in this one. Reminds me of some of the old school P90X without the filler. Joel is serious in this one and I pushed hard. There were 3 blocks of 4 resistance moves (3 sets each block) followed by a burnout block of 3 moves this time at 30 seconds each move for 3 sets as well. This included block 1 (front raise, wide curl, lateral raise, triceps kickback), block 2 (shoulder press, hammer curl, upright row, skullcrusher), block 3 (swimmers, full curl, tricep pushups) and core work (dumbbell driver, dumbbell flutter kicks). The heavier shoulder press superset was in block 2 so my shoulders were somewhat fatigued by then, but I still managed 40 pound dumbbells. The burnout block with shoulders, biceps and triceps was challenging. I was able to hit all reps on the tricep push-ups each set. Progress! I used a 20-pound dumbbell for the core work at the end and my shoulders were on fire along with my core. Heart rate analysis confirms 315 calories in a little over 34 minutes with average and max heart rates of 135 and 170 bpm, respectively. Workout zone was mostly 3. Further analysis indicates 255 cals in 27 min for the shoulders/arms work and 48 cals in 5.5 min for core focus. This was a GREAT workout, I am loving the shred it week. One more workout then rest before final Week 8 LIIFT4!


Full Body HIIT (Week 7)

Described as,

“Work your entire body with an all-out cardio meltdown designed to burn massive amounts of calories and increase muscle definition in around 30 minutes—no weights required.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Full Body HIIT Week 7 ReviewFull Body HIIT Week 7 Review


I can confidently say that Week 7 “Shred It” for LIIFT4 definitely ramped intensity and challenge over Weeks 1-6 “Build It”. I assume Week 8 will continue that trend. Full Body HIIT was relentless. Seriously, relentless. Even though there were some short breaks, it felt like there were no breaks. Heart rate ramped up at the beginning and pretty much stayed elevated throughout. Data shows 320 calories in 32 minutes with average and max heart rates of 142 and 174 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 4. Further analysis indicates 190 cals in 19 min for the HIIT blocks, 50 cals in 3.5. min for the burnout HIIT sequence and 62 cals in 7.5 min for core. The layout for this workout is different alternating between upper and lower body challenges. There are 3 blocks including block 1 (60 sec single leg plyo lunge jump at 30 sec each side, 45 sec pushup knee tuck), block 2 (45 sec squat jacks, 30 sec triple bears) and block 3 (30 sec double plyo tricep and wide push-ups, 15 sec square squat). Each block was 3 sets and there were progressively shorter breaks between sets as the time for moves decreased per above. So, block 1 had 20 sec breaks, block 2 had 15 sec breaks and block 3 had 10 sec breaks. After the 3 blocks there was a burnout superset of all moves above without breaks at 30 seconds each. It was killer. The core section had 3 moves for the first time vs. 2 moves previously including scissor kicks, reaching sit-up and straight leg bicycle twist at 30 sec each in a superset, repeated for 3 total sets. The burnout sequence was brutal and the plyo tricep/wide pushups were insane. I had to go to my knees last set in the block for that exercise and during part of the burnout. I also felt the pushup knee tuck was a challenge, similar to a combo of some moves in Insanity with Shaun T! Triple bears were difficult in the sequence since my legs were fatigued by that point. Well done, Joel! I was spent after this workout and need the 2 days of rest before finishing up the program week 8 next week. 8 weeks went fast! Today I had my Energize pre-, Hydrate during, Recover post-workout with Recharge last night. Chocolate Shakeology now with creatine and Power Greens boost. Beachbars out for the day, my fave healthy snack. #Liift4Life


Chest Back Circuit (Week 8)

Described as,

“Multiple rounds of back-to-back exercises and minimal rest target your chest and back while keeping your heart rate high to torch calories and increase definition.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Chest Back Circuit Week 8 ReviewChest Back Circuit Week 8 Review


And the final week of LIIFT4 – Week 8 – begins!! What a ride. This program is amazing and almost completely aligned with my fitness interests and goals. I have created a slight tweak of the schedule adding in some additional mass gain focus. Message me for info on the hybrid if interested, however, LIIFT4 will be perfect as designed for so many team members!! Chest Back Circuit was awesome. I like the sequence of moves in this one as I was able to lift heavy throughout with personal bests on all moves. Used 15-60 pound dumbbells and it felt good. I subbed in pull-ups for the back extension exercise, as usual. I was able to hit all reps in the burnouts with standard and wide pushups with pull-ups. Success! Hit 60 pound dumbbells chest press, which is excellent for me since it was second block. I tell you, my strength has increased a lot during LIIFT4. Check out my Facebook timeline for video of the rotating chest press into decline press superset! Heart rate analysis indicates 357 cals in 37 minutes with average and max heart rates of 139 and 175 bpm, respectively. Workout zone was mostly 3. Further analysis shows 200 cals in 22 min for lifting blocks, 90 cals in 8 min for burnout sets and 51 cals in 5.5 min for core focus. The workout consisted of block 1 (rotating chest press into decline press, dumbbell pullover, wide row), block 2 (flat chest press, chest fly, regular row, reverse fly) and burnout block 3 (regular pushups 30 sec, back extension 30 sec, wide pushups 30 sec). I subbed in wide front pull-ups for the back extension as mentioned. Core work involved dumbbell prayer crunch (20-lb dumbbell, awesome!) and floor to ceiling leg lifts. Overall, GREAT workout and start to Week 8 LIIFT4! #Liift4Life


Legs LIIFT 50/50 (Week 8)

Described as,

“This calorie-incinerating combo workout starts with heavy lifting and then shifts to high-intensity cardio to help strengthen your legs while burning fat all over.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Legs LIIFT 50:50 Week 8 ReviewLegs LIIFT 50:50 Week 8 Review


My legs are on fire now, I was not looking forward to Legs LIIFT 50/50 this morning for Week 8, but got it done! I feel great for doing it and that was a tough one for me. These “shred it” leg workouts are challenging no doubt. I used 15-60 pound dumbbells today depending on move and kept up with pacing and form. Heart rate ramped up and I was struggling with sumo squat jumps in the HIIT blocks near the end. Core work at the end was just right. Heart rate analysis on this one demonstrates 380 cals burned in almost 41 minutes with average and max heart rates of 136 and 169 bpm, respectively. Most of the workout was in Zone 3, which is a strong result from working the larger leg muscle groups plus HIIT exercise. Further analysis shows 240 cals in 26.5 min of lifts, 75 cals in 7 min of HIIT and 52 cals in 6.5 min of core focus. The sequence was mixed up yet again similar to the ENTIRE program. Moves included block 1 (alternating side lunge, pulse squat, bridge), block 2 (front loaded squats, deadlifts, calf raise), block 3 (goblet sumo squat, single leg reverse lunge both sides), HIIT (30 seconds each set for each move sumo jumps, triple bears, full catchers burpee jump), and Core (flutter kicks, high plank alternating leg lifts). My hip flexors were fatigued by the end and the core work almost exhausted them to completion. Success! Rest day tomorrow and 2 more days of this round of LIIFT4. #Liift4Life


Shoulders Arms Circuit (Week 8)

Described as,

“Multiple rounds of back-to-back exercises and minimal rest target your shoulders and arms while keeping your heart rate high to torch calories and increase definition.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Shoulders Arms Circuit Week 8 ReviewShoulders Arms Circuit Week 8 Review


Week 8 Shoulders and Arms Circuit was as challenging as expected! Heart rate analysis demonstrates 301 calories in 35 minutes with average and max heart rates of 131 and 168 bpm, respectively, and most of the workout in Zone 2. Further analysis shows 167 cals in 19.5 minutes of resistance blocks, 81 cals in 8 min for the burnout series and 42 cals in 5.5 min for core work. I was a bit sore heading into this workout after doing my birthday celebration workout yesterday – 42 burpee wide front unassisted pull-ups! Made it happen though!! The workout consisted of block 1 (shoulder press, hammer curl, upright row, skullcrusher), block 2 (front raise, wide curl, lateral raise, tricep kickbacks), block 3 burnout (swimmers, full curl, tricep pushups all for 30-seconds in a superset for 3 total sets!), and core focus (side reach, dumbbell extension). I used 15-40-lb dumbbells for this routine today and it was plenty. Block 1 was the most difficult for me today and I pushed hard on the weights. Swimmers were a challenge and didn’t need much weight and I was able to hit all reps for the tricep pushups each set of the burnout blocks. And then there was one… Full Body HIIT Week 8 tomorrow to finish up my first round of LIIFT4!! #Liift4Life


Full Body HIIT (Week 8)

Described as,

“Work your entire body with an all-out cardio meltdown designed to burn massive amounts of calories and increase muscle definition in around 30 minutes—no weights required.”

Heart rate analysis data …


Full Body HIIT Week 8 ReviewFull Body HIIT Week 8 Review


Last one, best one. Well, Full Body HIIT Week 8 was awesome and near the top of my favorite workouts for LIIFT4, at least. The workout was mostly similar to Week 7 Full Body HIIT and it was a challenge after a demanding week and 2 months of LIIFT4. I tried my best to finish strong! Heart rate analysis indicates 300 calories in 32 minutes with average and max heart rates of 137 and 175 bpm, respectively, and most of the workout in Zone 3. Further analysis shows 172 cals in 18 min for HIIT blocks, 50 cals in 4 min for the burnout sequence and 58 cals in 7.5 min for core. The routine alternates lower and upper body challenges and is a rocker. Joel actually did this workout with the crew and it was a fun finish to the LIIFT4 program (this round, at least, I will continue!) Exercises included 3 sets each of block 1 (soccer run 60 sec, twisted mountain pushup 45 sec), block 2 (sumo jumps 45 sec, double plyo pushups 30 sec), block 3 (plyo lunge jump 30 sec at 15 sec each side, pushup double knee tuck 15 sec), burnout set (all moves above at 30 sec each, no breaks between!), and core work (prayer crunch, straight leg windshield wipers, rocking plank). Brutal if you push hard. The core reps at the end were certainly sweaty by that point! I found the sumo jumps in block 2 very challenging after the leg focus this week and the rocking planks were tough. The plyo pushups were just cruel! Hit all of the reps, but almost went to my knees given the fatigue. Overall I definitely believe weeks 7 and 8 upped the intensity for LIIFT4 and that is reflected in my heart rate analysis (see graphs and charts of summary results near the top of this review). Amazing program, 2 days rest and then on to my LIIFT4 hybrid with extra mass gain focus built around the LIIFT4 framework! #Liift4Life







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