Does Dig Deeper Work? Workout Reviews (Complete List)


Dig Deeper BODi Review – Does it Work?


I am pumped for DIG DEEPER! Shaun T is my favorite fitness trainer. I have been waiting many years for his first primary weight lifting program. Man, he is good! I have had amazing results with his programs leveraging his inspirational approach to clear mental obstacles to push past your limits, especially the Insanity series. I have met Shaun T many times in person with the first meet up way back in 2010. He is such a kind and humble individual. I have sweat live with him and was even honored to serve as part of his security detail at a local Minnesota event!


Shaun T and Mike September 2017


For those that don’t know Super Trainer Shaun T, he has helped millions of people get in the best shape of their lives with his transformational fitness programs and powerfully motivating style. He’s the creator of megahits INSANITY (original, Asylum, Max:30), FOCUS T25 (plus the T25 + B25 Super Blocks), Transform :20, CIZE, and LET’S GET UP!. His positive, results-driven workouts will help you become leaner, and stronger, physically and mentally.


Dig Deeper is an intense, all-out weightlifting program for all levels, designed to give you a total-body recomposition. A body recomposition program reshapes your body by torching fat while building muscle to reveal a leaner, more muscular body. Over 12 weeks, Shaun T takes you through three 4-week collections of workouts using a variety of proven lifting techniques that will leave you toned and sculpted. You will lift heavy, gradually bumping up your intensity, and target every muscle group with mind-muscle connection to help you reach your peak physical and mental strength. Workouts are 6 days a week, 30-50 minutes a day, with just 1 day of low-impact cardio (no jumping or high impact required!). There’s also a No Excuses collection of under-25-minute workouts, for when you’re short on time.


The workouts in these Collections implement the exact weightlifting methods that Shaun T used to redefine his physique and come back stronger than ever before to win bodybuilding competitions. Each Collection includes 5 lifting workouts, plus 1 optional low-impact cardio workout, per week. The workouts repeat each week, for a total of 4 weeks, before moving on to the next training style. You can choose to follow the recommended 12 week calendar or use the Collections independently, or even complement your schedule with a personalized Mixbook calendar to track progress and stay consistent.


  • Collection 1 – Dynamic Circuits: Fast-paced giant-circuit workouts with higher rep counts to enhance your muscular endurance and stamina.
  • Collection 2 – Sculpt & Define: Lift heavier with lower reps using supersets and time under tension to build muscles and definition.
  • Collection 3 – The Build: Slow and controlled heavy lifting using drop sets and pyramids to really increase strength and gain muscle.


There’s also an additional (optional) collection that can be swapped in when you’re short on time OR if you’re looking to add a 6th day of lifting to your weekends.

  • Collection 4 – No Excuses: Experience the same lifting techniques and intensity as the full-length workouts with these under-25-minute workouts that target specific muscle groups.



  • Program Length: 12 weeks  (3 Collections that are 4 weeks each)
  • Workouts per Week: 5-6 workouts
  • Workout Length: 40-50 minutes (except for steady state cardio which is 30 minutes, and the 4th “No Excuses” Collection which are under 25 minute workouts)
  • Equipment Needed: Variety of Dumbbells, Adjustable Bench
  • Audio: English, Spanish, and French dubbing
  • Subtitles: English, Spanish, and French


My goal with this detailed Shaun T DIG DEEPER BODi Review is to both try the program AND create perspective for you to make a decision on leveraging DIG DEEPER for your health and fitness goals. I will be doing the full workout calendar version. I am personally excited to do this program for lean mass gain with heavy lift bulking combined with time under tension technical variations for enhanced definition. Dig Deeper can be leveraged at home or gym. 


Again, given that I am a Science guy, I will leverage heart rate analysis for each workout to draw conclusions and comparisons including the data in my perspective. This approach is similar to my popular reviews for P90X3Insanity Max:30Hammer & Chisel22 Minute Hard CorpsBody BeastCountry HeatCore De ForceShaun WeekShift ShopLIIFT4Transform :20, 6 Weeks of THE WORK10 Rounds, 645, LIIFT MORE, Tough Mudder T-Minus 30, and Chop Wood Carry Water. I have a Polar OH1 Bluetooth enabled heart rate monitor (chest strap) synced to my iPhone using the free Polar Beat Mobile App and Polar Flow. Warmup and cooldown time is typically included in the heart rate analysis. Add additional time to stretch if needed.


Nutrition is CRITICAL for getting the results you want with your fitness program and the targets need to be aligned with the clean eating system (Nutrition + Portion Fix recommended, but you may need to bump calories for mass gain depending on goals). My current supplements include the BODi Performance Advanced Stack of ENERGIZE pre-workoutHYDRATE during workout, and RECOVER post-workout with Shakeology and Beachbar snacks. Be sure to let me know if you would like to join my private support team for daily motivation and accountability, the slight edge, for your success. Check out my TESTIMONIALS! Click JOIN TEAM RAGE with any questions. Let’s do this!


Be sure to use this new 15% off promo code savings when you use any of the links on this page only! >>> MIKENBODI15

Please contact me directly if you have any issues using the promo code, need links to different products, or, would like help selecting the products to maximize your results! >>>



I do want to point out first that the warmup/cooldown in these Dig Deeper workouts is minimal and I do recommend extra stretch before, after and between workouts to help with performance and recovery. Foam rolling is always a great option (e.g., LIIFT MORE or Chop Wood Carry Water foam rolling sessions). In addition, there are no pull-up/chin-up exercises in this program, which I believe are the ultimate exercise that should be practiced regardless of program. BODi often skips pull-ups to minimize the equipment required to do the program, but if you would like to add some pull-ups there are many good options on BODi. Reach out and I can give you the best options based on your goals!!



The Workouts

Beachbody on Demand (BODi) Sneak Peak

Dig Deeper Sample Workout


Collection 1 – Dynamic Circuits (Weeks 1-4)

Upper Body Circuit 1

Lower Body Circuit 1

Total Body Circuit

Upper Body Circuit 2

Lower Body Circuit 2

Steady State Cardio 1


Collection 2 – Sculpt & Define (Weeks 5-8)

Total Body

Chest & Back

The Legs

Shoulders, Glutes & Abs

Bis & Tris

Steady State Cardio 2


Collection 3 – The Build (Weeks 9-12)

The Chest

Back & Abs

The Arms

The Legs (Collection 3)

Shoulders & Abs

Steady State Cardio 3


Collection 4 – No Excuses (Optional)

No Excuses Chest & Back

No Excuses Legs

No Excuses Shoulders, Bis & Tris

No Excuses Glutes & Abs

No Excuses Total Body



The Data Analysis Summary

Dig Deeper is now one of my favorite weightlifting fitness programs for lean mass gain! I am not surprised since I have always been a fan of Shaun T’s workouts and motivational style. Most of the concepts in Collections 1-4 leverage the actual training Shaun T used for his award winning bodybuilding physique leading up to the launch of Dig Deeper. He even casts his own personal trainer Kristen in the Collection 1 and 2 routines to help build the mental framework to achieve proper form, safety and mechanics of the lifts to enhance mind-muscle connection. I added significant mass and leaned out with more definition in my core during the Dig Deeper program. I was able to balance lifting heavy in the traditional bodybuilding moves while focusing on lighter weight when working on “the details” of my physique. There is a lot of core work with either specific ab isolation movements or total body variations that require the core to be engaged. I also noted improvements in lifting endurance and strong control of the weight during time under tension exercises. As always, you can raise the challenge in the Dig Deeper workouts by increasing weight as long as you maintain proper form and safety. I am excited to press play on these workouts for years to come. DIG DEEPER!


PROS of Dig Deeper

  • The time under tension discipline is one of my favorites to break plateaus in progress for hypertrophy and mass gain in new ways. Shaun T incorporates time under tension with mind-muscle connection throughout the program. Collection 2 Sculpt and Define is especially effective.
  • Shaun T inspiration! Nothing else needs to be said. He is THE best in the fitness industry for motivation. Shaun T is on top of his game in DIG DEEPER!
  • There is excellent instruction on proper and safe form while highlighting specific muscles that are worked for each move to achieve results. Kristen brings some good perspective in Collections 1/2, although all cast members are absent from Collections 3/4.
  • The background music is back and I like it! I have been posting negative comments in my reviews for many previous BODi programs that do not have built-in music and require you to select a Spotify playlist from trainers. Playlists are not the same. I think the background music fits well in the Dig Deeper program and gives you the extra boost at key points of the workouts since it is timed with the reps.
  • The Build Collection 3 series is awesome as you exhaust one muscle at a time each workout. This very much reminds me of the Body Beast BULK workouts. I am a big fan of the DIG DEEPER burnout moments at the end of each routine to proceed to absolute failure. Dig Deeper is near the top of my list for best mass gain programs!
  • The No Excuses Collection 4 series is perfect when busy. There is a good selection of routines and they can be stacked as needed with the regular program or other schedules you are following.
  • Dig Deeper has many new movement variations to work all muscle groups.
  • My team and I saw amazing progress with this program for weights, reps, endurance, mental clarity and physique by the end of the Dig Deeper experience. Lean mass gain success with core definition!
  • Dig Deeper will hybrid well with many programs, although I will create a specific one as usual with Body Beast for max hypertrophy focus!


CONS of Dig Deeper

  • No pull-ups! Come on man. You all know me well enough by now after 18+ very detailed fitness program reviews over 15+ years that I will share a negative comment here for programs that do not leverage pull-ups. They are the ultimate upper body movement and a key part of my focus for back routines when building a more defined, thicker back. I fully understand many people do not have the equipment to do pull-ups and BODi doesn’t want to exclude anyone from a new program, but at least give the option to do pull-ups (e.g., one cast member demonstrating the move or a bonus routine that can be stacked).
  • There is very limited stretch, warmup and cooldown focus for the Dig Deeper workouts. That would be fine if there were optional bonus sessions included that will get you warmed up before and recovered after intense sessions. However, these do not exist in Dig Deeper so you are left on your own. There is also limited focus on flexibility and mobility discipline. The good news is there are many options on BODi including the Cold Start bonus from P90X3 for warmup/cooldown and the 645 program for flexibility/mobility work.
  • Collection 1 is just a pure onslaught to the total body, to put it nicely. The legs are hit especially hard several times per week, sometimes consecutive days, and there is limited recovery time to build muscle. With that said, Collection 1 is excellent for developing muscular strength endurance. I guess that is the strategy. Shaun T gets it right in Collections 2/3 with more rest for muscle groups to best promote muscle growth.
  • Collection 3/4 is just Shaun T and no cast members. I am not sure how I feel about this. Perhaps it is a cost and time saving measure by BODi, but it is nice to have cast members to point out key factors while a rep is being performed like muscles worked and proper form.
  • This program does not leverage EZ Curl bar or barbell, which is typical of most BODi workouts excluding Body Beast. I understand again this is to appeal to more people with limited equipment, but it would be good to have options for those that have EZ Curl/barbell options to work the muscles different and/or lift heavier. Barbells are standard for mass build exercise variations.
  • The steady state cardio workouts 1-3 are definitely not my favorite since they are more dance-like with limited intensity. I understand the purpose is to achieve steady state fat burn zones, but I would have preferred new, shorter Insanity-type routines. You could then just add hiking, biking, walking or other steady state “active exercise” between workouts based on your goals.


Overall, I HIGHLY recommend Dig Deeper!


Moving on to my final analysis, the table below demonstrates the VERY detailed results from comprehensive heart rate analysis for all 24 workouts for Dig Deeper including the No Excuses routines and sample workout (click to expand for easier reading). The data includes calories burned, average heart rate, max heart rate, time in each of 5 workout zones plus the percentage of time in max zones 4 and 5. Normalized calories are also shown (calories/workout time). The data is sorted by week for the program since there are 4 weeks of unique workouts. The subsequent graph also summarizes the workouts with regard to heart rate analysis (calories burned, average heart rate).


I feel really good about the data set and the regression analysis below indicates a very strong correlation to the data set for normalized calories and heart rates, which is a good sign (very close to perfect correlation R2 = 1). Although not shown in graphical format, max heart rates vs. average heart rates for all 24 Dig Deeper workouts actually provides a poor fit at y = 0.8607x + 52.558 (R2 = 0.5757). Although the exact reasons are unknown, the steady state cardio workouts appear to contribute as well as Collection 2 with the enhanced time under tension.


C1 = Collection 1 = Dynamic Circuits

C2 = Collection 2 = Sculpt & Define

C3 = Collection 3 = The Build

C4 = Collection 4 = No Excuses







You can see from the data set that Dig Deeper provides a range of intermediate level to hard workouts that challenge in different ways. (By the way, I know that you are not actually “burning” calories, ha, it is just a term like “expenditure”.) Based on my data I get an average calorie burn of 325 cals/workout over the 24 Dig Deeper workouts. Lifting workouts typically provide me less elevated rates during the workout and rather more “afterburn” for sustained calorie burn longer after the workout completes. This was also the case for Body Beast and LIIFT MORE from my previous analysis. The average % of workout in the upper zones 4/5 and average normalized calories are lower as well relative to higher intensity HIIT programs, as expected. There are a lot of breaks and lower impact movements in Dig Deeper that reduce the time in elevated heart rate zones.


Clearly by heart rate numbers alone the workouts that focus on lower body and total body movements were some of the most challenging for me in the Dig Deeper program. I noted for several of these workouts that I had sweat everywhere. Collection 3 Legs was B-R-U-T-A-L… challenging stuff from Shaun T! The data supports that Collection 1 routines provide the highest calorie burns and most time in the hardest elevated heart rate zones, which is not surprising given the goal in these splits is to generate muscular endurance. The data set for workouts in Collection 2 Sculpt & Define does not represent how tough the extra focus on time under tension is in these eccentric/concentric dumbbell lifts. Collection 2 had the lowest average for ave. heart rates at 124 bpm relative to the other Collections in the 130+ bpm range. I generally found Collection 3 to be the most difficult with greatest benefit for my hypertrophy goals similar to Body Beast BULK workouts. I will be doing these Dig Deeper routines for years to come!


Check out the comparison below to some key performance indicators relative to other top Beachbody programs P90X3, Insanity Max:30, Hammer & Chisel, 22 Minute Hard Corps, Body Beast, Country Heat, Core De Force, Shaun Week, Shift Shop, LIIFT4, Transform :20, 6 Weeks of The Work, 10 Rounds, 645, LIIFT MORE, Tough Mudder T-Minus 30 and Chop Wood Carry Water (click to expand for easier reading). Numbers shown are averages of all 16 Insanity Max:30 workouts, all 20 P90X3 workouts, all 19 Hammer and Chisel, all 13 22 Minute Hard Corps workouts, all 15 Body Beast workouts, all 11 Country Heat workouts, all 14 Core De Force, all 7 Shaun Week workouts, all 11 Shift Shop workouts, all 34 LIIFT4 workouts (excluding B4 LIIFT4), all 51 Transform :20 workouts, all 33 10 Rounds workouts, all 90 645 workouts, all 52 LIIFT MORE workouts, all 24 Tough Mudder T-Minus 30 workouts and all 24 Chop Wood Carry Water workouts relative to all 24 Dig Deeper workouts. Workout times generally average in the 30-35 minute range for most of the programs compared to 38-min for Dig Deeper.




The data comparing Dig Deeper to other Beachbody programs is not surprising considering it is primarily a weightlifting program with a very limited cardio component. The comparison results indicate the Dig Deeper heart rate data is fairly consistent with targeted BODi weight training schedules such as Body Beast, LIIFT4 and LIIFT MORE. The table also demonstrates average/max heart rates and caloric expenditure data similar to more functional, athletic-based routines including Tough Mudder, Shift Shop and Core De Force. Wouldn’t expect anything less from Shaun T! With that said, my Beachbody program comparison is a high level exercise and not always indicative of relative difficulty since these reviews have been performed over time. More specifically, the summary data in the table was generated over a time span of 11+ years when I had varied fitness levels and many other factors that may have contributed to the results. In addition, some programs have more lower impact workouts that may depress the average heart rate data sets including primal flow, stretch, recovery, foam rolling and mobility. And, there are many breaks built-in to certain programs for short bursts of energy and power. As such, I am not surprised Dig Deeper rates middle-of-the-pack in most metrics shown in the table given the hypertrophy focus and significant breaks to reload lifts with extended instructional guidance from Shaun T. 


So, Does Dig Deeper Work?


YES! As I always say, I am not going to lie, most if not all of these programs will work if you follow them, especially the nutrition guide and discipline. I know this from my personal experience as well as the experience of thousands on my Team across the World 15+ years as a Team Beachbody/BODi Coach/Partner. I can confirm Dig Deeper is a great program for muscular strength, endurance and lean mass again! Dig Deeper is ANOTHER tool in the toolbox for achieving your health and fitness goals. I hope you enjoy my Dig Deeper Review and be sure to reach out to me to get connected to the broad reach of TEAM RAGE and my personal coaching support !!



Favorite Workouts: Chest & Back (C2), Chest (C3), Arms (C3), Shoulders Bis Tris (C4)

Least Favorite Workouts: Steady State Cardio (C1-3), Glutes & Abs (C4)

Hardest Workouts (for me): Legs (C3), Total Body (C2), Total Body Circuit (C1)

Easiest Workouts (for me): Steady State Cardio (C1-3), Glutes & Abs (C4)




The Reviews


Dig Deeper Sample Workout


A-mazing! This Dig Deeper sample workout is a rocker and I am even more pumped to start this program soon! From my 15+ years of experience as a Beachbody/BODi Coach/Partner, I have learned the sample workouts are typically underwhelming as they try to strike a balance between instructional background on the program vs. leveraging a range of typical moves. Often, you leave these sample workouts uncertain and hoping the actual program brings more challenge and results. However, the Dig Deeper sample ranks as one of the best sample workouts I have ever done. Shaun T does a great job introducing the framework of the program and preparing mental mindset while actually giving us a killer workout session. I believe my heart rate analysis supports this conclusion and I am confident Dig Deeper will be a transformational program for us with the full length routines!

The sample was 40 minutes and my heart rate data is impressive given all of the expected breaks from instruction as he introduces the program and movements. All of the moves used weights except the burnouts at the end. The sample demonstrates the 3 modality splits of Dynamic Circuits (muscular endurance, higher reps), Sculpt and Define (supersets, time under tension), and The Build (heavy lifts for muscle growth, lower reps). The mind-muscle connection isolation is the key to body recomposition to get the most out of each repetition. This a fantastic total body workout and if you select your weights properly you will be challenged. The sample begins with a short warmup of chest openers and alternating knee raise. The first phase of the sample is Dynamic Circuits block, which includes 15 reps x 4 total body moves x 3 rounds each of sumo squat on the bench, seated lateral raise, mid-rows, and weighted full body crunch (30-sec). The next block is Sculpt and Define focused on antagonist muscle groups biceps-triceps consisting of 12 reps x 2 moves x 3 rounds each of M curl (up-in-out-down slow) and weighted tricep dips. The last block of The Build involves 2 total body moves x 3 rounds of incline chest press (6 reps each right-left-together) and hex press (12 reps). The workout finishes up with a series of burnout rounds before cooldown of bicycle abs followed by incline bench push-up for successive sets no breaks at 40-sec, 30-sec and 20-sec. Tough!

I used 15-50-lb dumbbells for this workout. I look forward to getting dialed in with challenging weights during the full-length program. My heart rate data shows 377 calories burned in 40-min with average and max heart rates of 138 bpm and 173 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 3. These numbers are awesome with the highest calorie burn for a sample workout despite all of the breaks from instructional content. I really liked the M Curl and incline press heavy isolation variations. Exciting stuff… are you ready to DIG DEEPER with us?!? Be sure to reach out today to get connected with my TEAM RAGE support and motivation!



Upper Body Circuit 1


Here we go!! DIG DEEPER represents the 18th Beachbody/BODi program that I have focused on for my detailed heart rate analysis reviews. These reviews are a tremendous amount of work and they certainly hold me accountable to the workouts, which I love. I appreciate you taking the time to check out these reviews and support TEAM RAGE, as always!

Week 1 of Collection 1 in Dig Deeper begins with Upper Body Circuit 1. What a great workout to kick off the program with the higher rep, fast-paced giant sets. Remember, focus on mind-muscle connection! There are 3 sets per movement in each giant set with typical progression from 20 reps to 16 reps followed by 12 reps. There are core moves to finish up each round. The first giant set involves incline chest press, underhand row, overheard tricep extension, knee raise, hammer curl, shoulder press, and seated switch kicks (45-sec). The second giant set includes incline pushups, J row, tricep dip, bicep curl leg extension, lateral raise, and iron cross abs.

I am pumped (literally) with the heart rate data for this workout. Solid numbers for a lifting routine with no added cardio component. Shaun T is a great motivator as usual! My heart rate analysis shows 362 calories burned in 46-min with average and max heart rates of 126 bpm and 165 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zones 2-3. This is fairly comparable to the sample workout. I used 15-50-lb dumbbells with proper (safe) form. The last sets for most of the large muscle press exercises I hit 40-50-lb DBs and 30s for the curl variations. I will be able to increase weight on a few moves next time including J row. Overall, I loved this routine. My upper body is shaking as I write this review post-workout. My favorite move is the lateral raise, Shaun T style. Very effective to build the “caps” or “boulders” in your shoulders. Overall, the first set of each giant set is slower to learn the moves and then Shaun T ramps intensity each round. No joke. The core finishers for each set are challenging and I liked the stability challenges for certain exercises. I am looking forward to seeing positive momentum in my weights and performance as Dig Deeper progresses. Let’s do this, join us!!



Lower Body Circuit 1


Day 2 of Dig Deeper is Dynamic Circuits Lower Body Circuit 1. I already have some soreness developing from Day 1 after working the muscles in new ways. This is a good sign. Similar to Upper Body Circuit 1, the lower body version leverages giant sets with a significant amount of volume in 20/16/12 rep increments to build the muscular endurance. I did try to go heavy in the later sets to approach burnout. The first giant set is sumo squat calf raise, bench step up, glute pull, goblet squat knee drive, and heel digs. The second giant set consists of revolving lunges, hanging squat, corner lunge knee drive, small range deadlift, and lunge wood chop heel lift. Although the core is engaged throughout, there are no specific core moves in this routine.

My heart rate analysis shows 430 calories burned in 45-min with average and max heart rates of 133 bpm and 173 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 3.  I used 20—40-lb dumbbells. The real-time heart rate data graph here is U-G-L-Y. Sorry about that, ha. There were numerous split-second drops of heart rate monitor connection. This happens occasionally (see sample workout above), but never this frequent in a single workout. I did order a new monitor in case this one is done, but I did associate the signal drops to specific moves where a single dumbbell is held with both hands raised to shoulders. This puts pressure on the monitor strapped to my upper forearm near elbow and likely disrupts adequate contact with my dynamic pulse. When I review the data it is apparent the time scale of signal drops is minimal so I am still confident in the data as representative for this workout. If anything, I would expect an even higher calorie burn!

With all that said, this is a great workout. The bench step ups remind me of Body Beast and Hammer & Chisel with Sagi Kalev. Always a tough move, especially since I have a taller bench! A few of the moves have the vibe of The Work with Amoila. There are some innovative new moves here as well from Shaun T. The glute pull, heel digs, and lunge wood chop variations are tough! The pace of this workout overall is challenging and ramps up cardio endurance as reflected by the relatively high calorie burn. Success!



Total Body Circuit


Dynamic Circuits Total Body Circuit is next up on the full recomposition schedule. I woke up today with really sore hamstrings. I am not surprised given the strong focus on the strings in Lower Body Circuit 1. However, I typically like to give muscle groups more of an opportunity to recover before going right back at them with weights. This is a high volume endurance phase in Collection 1 so this may be okay. Trust the process! You definitely will require more recovery days to stimulate mass growth during hypertrophy (Collection 3 – The Build). The Collection 1 schedule for Dig Deeper has a lot of total body weighted work in successive days so I am interested to see how Total Body goes today. The focus for this workout is to work on the details with perfect, controlled form and mind-muscle connection every rep.

Total Body leverages four blocks of 3 moves each consisting of upper, lower and core discipline each at 16 reps per set (or 45-sec for core work). Circuit 1 is decline push-ups, bench squat tap, and straight leg lift (core). Circuit 2 involves underhand bent-over row, reverse lunge, and oblique knee to elbow tap (core). Circuit 3 includes kneeling tricep kickback, step up sumo squat (tough!), and seated knee tuck (core). The 4th and final circuit is seated dual hammer curl, in-and-out pop squats using bench, and bent knee drive (core).

Heart rate analysis shows 451 calories burned in 46-min with average and max heart rates of 139 bpm and 178 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 3.  I used 20-50-lb dumbbells for this workout. After some initial connection issues, my heart rate monitor performed well today. I do believe it is nearing its useful life with consistent performance so I do have a new Polar OH arriving tomorrow. Anyway, 451 cals at 178 bpm max heart rate is significant for a workout like this that is primarily weight-based. I did see spikes in heart rate in the more dynamic exercises such as step up sumo squat and reverse lunge. The bodyweight pop squats were a cool new variation. Overall, great workout. I am not a big fan of hammering the legs like this two days in a row and I know we are back to upper body tomorrow. I am trusting the process. I mean, look at Shaun T! Just kidding, there is something to be said for continual total body volume challenges provided form is proper and safe. Make sure you are getting your clean recovery drink, stretch and rest between workouts for max results. Rest up for tomorrow!



Upper Body Circuit 2


Checking in with Day 4 of Dig Deeper and my hamstrings are STILL on fire from the past two days of workouts. I gave them a good stretch and felt much better heading into Upper Body Circuit 2. It is daunting to see Lower Body Circuit 2 on the schedule tomorrow, haha. My legs are looking forward to a break. This program is demanding. Love it! Upper Body Circuit 2 includes 3 rounds each for 2 giant sets of upper body and core movements at 12 reps per (45-sec core exercises). The first giant set involves chest fly to hex press, single-arm row, tricep pushup on bench to downward dog, twisting curl, front raise, and low plank knee drive on bench (core). The second giant set consists of twisting chest press, J row, underhand tricep kickback, W curl, upright row, and bicycle double tap (core).

My heart rate analysis shows 444 calories burned in 51-min with average and max heart rates of 132 bpm and 171 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 3.  I used 15-60-lb dumbbells. No issues with the heart rate monitor again today so I conclude for the moment that the challenge with HR monitoring during Lower Body Circuit 1 was the way I was holding the dumbbell during certain moves that disrupted contact with my pulse. My new monitor arrives today and I will see if that works any better with Lower Body Circuit 2 tomorrow. Upper Body Circuit 2 is a rocker! My calorie burn is much higher than Upper Circuit 1 (+82 cals) as well as my average heart rate and max heart rate (+6 bpm each). It felt more challenging and I pushed hard with the weights. The 60-lb DBs were for single-arm row. I should be able to increase next time with slow, controlled form. The 15-lb DBs matched the weight Shaun T was using for the underhand tricep kickback. It is a challenging move. I liked the chest variations in this workout, especially the twisting chest press. The tricep pushup to downward dog on the bench is a good move since your triceps are constantly under tension for the entire 45-sec round. My upper body is on fire. Success!



Lower Body Circuit 2


After some extra stretch and rest, my lower body is feeling strong today and I am ready for Lower Body Circuit 2. I did want to point out first that the warmup/cooldown in these Dig Deeper workouts is minimal and I do recommend extra stretch before, after and between workouts to help with performance and recovery. Foam rolling is always a great option (e.g., 645 or Chop Wood Carry Water foam rolling sessions). Lower Body Circuit 2 consists of 3 rounds each for 2 giant sets of lower body movements at 12 reps per set. Similar to Lower Body Circuit 1, there are no specific core moves, but you MUST keep your core engaged throughout for proper form and back safety. The first giant set involves Bulgarian split squat, corner lunge knee drive, glute goblet squat, hip thrust opener (add weight for more challenge), and 1&1/2 squat. The second giant set is passing loaded reverse lunge dumbbell pass, adductor squat side leg lift, wide sumo narrow squat pulse, good morning, and glute step up heel digs on bench (12 each side, last set is 24 each side!).

My heart rate analysis shows 433 calories burned in 45-min with average and max heart rates of 140 bpm and 172 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 3. I used 20-60-lb dumbbells. These heart rate numbers are fairly comparable to the workouts in Collection 1 and almost identical to Lower Body Circuit 1. This is a really strong lower body workout. May be one of my favorites of the week. My legs are feeling worked, but good overall. I think I have mostly worked through the soreness from the beginning of the week. Again, trust the process! Shaun T has fantastic instruction on the moves to stay safe, especially Bulgarian split squat on bench where you can really cause injury to knees and back if you overextend. The 1&1/2 squats and wide sumo narrow squat pulse variations are tough with so much time under tension. My favorite exercise is the adductor squat side lift. Wow, this is a new move I have never seen before that simulates some of the machines that work the inner and outer leg muscles plus glutes. I went with 25-lbs for this exercise and it was plenty for me. I also appreciate the good morning reps since I often do these to strengthen and protect my lower back given my history of disc herniation. Finally, Shaun T adds an extra 12 reps to each leg for the final step up heel dig sequence, which absolutely burned out my legs! Good stuff. Week 1 of Collection 1 weighted workouts is done. I am impressed with the Dig Deeper program! I will press play on Steady State Cardio 1 to finish up the week next. Keep up the good work friends. Keep pushing!!



Steady State Cardio 1


I have been excited all week to press play on Steady State Cardio 1 because, you know, Shaun T! Shaun T has arguably the most intense and enjoyable cardio routines in the industry dating back years ago to Insanity and the Insanity sequels. To be honest, I quickly previewed Steady State Cardio 1 yesterday and it did not look very challenging to me. Officially, steady state cardio workouts are low-impact with moderate intensity, designed to get your heart rate into zone 2 for an added fat-burn. You can do one of the DIG DEEPER steady state cardio workouts, a B25 cycle ride, or even go for a brisk walk as a 6th workout day or on any non-lower-body lifting day.

This cardio session is 25 minutes in length and involves numerous dynamic moves set to music for rhythm to achieve a steady pace of exercise throughout the workout. The variations include kicks, punches, squats, reaches, lateral power squats, shuffle, pulses, and many other variations. The core is engaged throughout. There are no breaks, but there is a short cooldown at the end. My heart rate analysis shows 185 calories burned in 25-min with average and max heart rates of 122 bpm and 144 bpm, respectively. As advertised, my heart rate ramped to Zone 2 about halfway through the workout where i spent a majority of the time with higher fat burn at 31%. This is higher relative to the Dig Deeper weighted workouts at ~20% fat burn with significant spikes up to higher zones. This workout was not too challenging for me and feels most like T25 cardio, perhaps even combined with his other classics like Hip Hop Abs. Proper core engagement in the context of mind-muscle connection is emphasized as well as proper breathing. There are no jumping or plyo movements so it is a great intermediate low impact challenge. My favorite sequence is the jab upper and lower body focus at around 8 minutes left in the session. I felt a good burn in the total body by the end. Steady State Cardio 1 is a perfect compliment to the more demanding lifting routines in Dig Deeper. I can see adding this throughout the week as sort of a bonus calorie burn, cooldown, recovery, and stretch stack. Plus, it is fun!



Steady State Cardio 2


Since I have the time and energy today while looking for extra calorie expenditure (Christmas Eve:), I decided to stack my previous review of Steady State Cardio 1 with the Collection 2 version. I waited for my heart rate to stabilize at normal levels first before beginning Steady State Cardio 2. As a reminder, steady state cardio workouts are low-impact with moderate intensity, designed to get your heart rate into zone 2 for an added fat-burn. You can do one of the DIG DEEPER steady state cardio workouts, a B25 cycle ride, or even go for a brisk walk as a 6th workout day or on any non-lower-body lifting day. 

Steady State Cardio 2 is about 5 minutes longer than Steady State Cardio 1 so I was interested to compare the workout profiles. Similar to Steady State Cardio 1, Steady State Cardio 2 consists of numerous dynamic moves set to music for rhythm to achieve a steady pace of exercise throughout the workout. The variations include more kicks, punches, squats, lunges, reaches, lateral moves, pulses, and many other variations. The core is engaged throughout and if you bounce with each move you get more cardio challenge vs. just stepping through the motions. There are no breaks, but there is a short cooldown at the end. 

My heart rate analysis shows 248 calories burned in 29-min with average and max heart rates of 131 bpm and 154 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zones 2-3. All of these numbers are higher than Cardio 1. I am not surprised since I felt like Cardio 2 was definitely more challenging. Compared to Steady State Cardio 1, my heart rate ramped to Zone 2 faster, and then proceeded to bounce between zones 2 and 3 the rest of the workout. As such, overall fat burn was 26%, which is a little lower than the Collection 1 Cardio 1 version. Cardio 2 felt like a mix of T25 again, Hip Hop Abs and Joel Freeman’s 10 Rounds with so many boxing movements! This was a fun experience. The squat-lunge-pulse sequences are a burner and the shoulder burnout at the end is very effective. Solid workout with new innovative stuff by Shaun T!



Total Body


After a strong Week 1 of Collection 1 in my Dig Deeper review, I made the executive decision to continue reviewing the rest of the workouts in the program (Collections 2-4) before circling back for the remaining weeks of Collection 1. Part of this decision is to give you all as much advance notice as possible on what to expect in later stages of the program. I do recommend following the program schedule as designed in the full 12-week recomposition plan for max results. I am confident 3 more weeks of Collection 1 will yield significant progress in results and performance before moving into Collection 2.

Collection 2 is Sculpt & Define where Shaun T slows down the pace of each rep, forcing your muscles to work harder and longer, without necessarily lifting heavier weight. Using time under tension activates more muscle fibers to do the work, which allows for muscle fiber recruitment. Put simply, more muscle fibers = more muscle growth. I have always been a fan of TEMPO-style workouts, especially the Body Beast Tempo deluxe. 

The first workout in Collection 2 is Total Body. The focus is to go slow down at typical 3-sec count against gravity and explode up while exhaling during the movement. This is most similar to the third and final set of Body Beast Tempo discipline at 3-sec down and 3-sec up. The first set of Body Beast tempo count is the hardest I have experienced at 6-sec down and 6-sec up! For tempo, you must keep the core engaged throughout this workout for safety given the extra time under tension. There are 4 blocks of movements in Total Body. Blocks 1-3 leverage 12 reps for each of 3 sets each. The fourth block uses moves from the first 3 blocks at 45-sec per set (3 sets) to approach burnout. The core exercises are mixed in at typically 45-60-sec range. Block 1 is incline chest press, row, and 90 degree abs hold (core). Block 2 consists of good morning, reverse quad focus lunge (ouch, last set double the reps!), and forearm plank (core). Block 3 involves hammer curl, overhead tricep extension, and weighted L hold (core). The final block reintroduces incline chest press, reverse lunge, and hammer curl. 

My heart rate analysis shows 476 calories burned in 52-min with average and max heart rates of 136 bpm and 178 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zones 2-3. I used 15-45-lb dumbbells. These are the highest heart rates I have achieved yet in Dig Deeper. This workout is relentless and the last block had me in zones 4-5! The negatives really amp up the intensity, particularly in later sets when going to burnout where there are very few breaks. It was a challenge to stay on pace with my weight changes using the Powerblocks, but I made it happen. I had sweat everywhere today, which is a good sign. The reverse quad focus lunge was the toughest exercise for me. My entire lower body was shaking by the end. I like how Shaun T takes the primary moves from the first 3 blocks and takes you to fatigue in block 4 to finish up. Awesome workout and I can’t wait for the rest of Collection 2 Sculpt & Define! I can’t say this enough…. I definitely recommend the Dig Deeper program. More info here to get started today to join us at TEAM RAGE!! (Message me to get added to our private support groups!) Rage. Become a Machine.



Chest & Back


I have been looking forward to this old school tempo chest and back routine with Shaun T! As he says at the beginning of the workout, you MUST select a challenging weight. Chest and back are antagonist muscle groups so the exercises are complementary for max results. The dynamic pace is fast and mind-muscle connection is key, which helps you respect your body in the process. Speaking of respecting your body, there is A LOT of coaching in this program from Shaun T and his trainer Kristen on how to best accomplish this. 

Similar to Total Body, the focus is slow down at typical 3-sec count against gravity and explode up while exhaling during the movement. You must keep the core engaged throughout this workout for safety given the extra time under tension. There are 5 blocks of movements. Blocks 1-4 leverage 12 reps for each of 3 sets each. Block 1 is chest press and dumbbell pullover. Block 2 involves chest fly and bent-over twisting row. Block 3 includes hex press and close grip row. Block 4 consists of incline fly and incline J row. The workout finishes up with weighted push-up row at 30-sec on and 20-sec off for 3 total sets of burnout. There are no specific core exercises in this workout, although the core is engaged throughout.

My heart rate analysis shows 330 calories burned in 45-min with average and max heart rates of 122 bpm and 167 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zones 1-2. I used 15-60-lb dumbbells. Although the pace picked up in blocks 3/4, this is the lowest calorie expenditure for me thus far in Dig Deeper, which is not surprising given the slow, controlled movements with tempo discipline. There are also longer breaks in this workout and more instruction than normal on how to best engage the specific muscles for each move while staying safe. With that said, this workout is tough and my chest/back muscles were fatigued by the end, especially after the weighted push-up row burnout. I really liked the standing incline fly variation where the negatives on the way down are brutal if you select the proper weight (keep your core engaged!). Incline J row is a new version of an old favorite from Collection 1. The slow count down really ramps the intensity. Overall, amazing workout and I am enjoying the Collection 2 time under tension focus!



The Legs


BRING ON leg day! Time under tension remains the focus in Collection 2 with tempo slow count. There are 4 blocks of movements. The antagonistic leg muscle quads and hamstrings are worked in each block. You have to maintain perfect form to protect your lower back in these exercises. Blocks 1-3 leverage 12 reps for each of 3 sets each. Block 1 involves narrow hanging squat and 1&1/2 deadlift. Block 2 is long stride isometric lunge and bench tap sumo squat. Block 3 consists of corner lunge squat and quad burner calf raise (bodyweight move). The final burnout block of 3 sets includes squat around the bench (heavy/medium/no dumbbell each 60-sec set). There are no specific core exercises in this workout, although the core is engaged throughout.

My heart rate analysis shows 282 calories burned in 40-min with average and max heart rates of 119 bpm and 156 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 2. I used 20-45-lb dumbbells. This is one of the shorter weighted workouts in the primary Dig Deeper schedule, which is reflected in the lower heart rate numbers and zones. Most workouts are in the 45-min range. Most of the movements in this workout are fairly standard variations of exercises you have seen in Collection 1 already. The big difference is the slow count tempo negatives, which are a game changer for intensity. The quad burner calf raise bodyweight move is no joke. My quads were on fire by the end. Speaking of calf raise, I would prefer to see some dumbbell weighted calf raise type work in this legs routine. We will see what the legs workouts bring in Collection 3 – The Build. For Block 4 burnout squats around the bench, I actually increased weight each set vs. the prescribed drop in weight to no weight last round. It amped up the challenge! Just another note to keep the form strict and proper, especially in the long stride isometric lunge where the toe should be behind your toe while focusing on squeezing quads each rep to protect the knee joint. I had trouble walking up the stairs from the home gym after Collection 2 Legs today so that is a good sign for my results!



Shoulders, Glutes & Abs


Wow. I have some serious delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) this morning in my chest now that I am 2-3 days removed from Sculpt & Define Total Body and Chest & Back. I am surprised, but not shocked given that Shaun T has some new variations that hit the chest at different angles in addition to the tempo slow-count time under tension negatives. Tempo routines almost always initiate soreness for me dating back to the Body Beast Deluxe Tempo workouts. Very effective! 

Next up is Shoulders, Glutes and Abs. To be honest, I am not too excited about hitting the glutes hard since I just finished up Legs yesterday. I do like the idea of stacking glutes with shoulders and abs in one workout though. These are smaller muscle groups and the specific exercises target the “details” to bring out the definition. Hammer & Chisel is another program that targets the glutes regularly. Trust the process! 

Interestingly enough, this workout does NOT leverage time under tension tempo discipline like the other Collection 2 weighted workouts. Instead, Shaun T introduces “triple 7’s” where you do unilateral movements of 7 reps one side (normal speed), 7 reps other side, and then both sides together for 7 reps! There are 4 blocks of movements 3 sets each that target the shoulders, glutes and abs each block. Blocks 1-3 leverage triple 7’s for shoulders, 12 reps for glutes and 60-sec for the core work. Block 1 is shoulder press (triple 7’s), heel dig on bench, and bench knee sprints (core). Block 2 involves lateral raise (triple 7’s), sumo deadlift sumo squat, and full body crunch (core). Block 3 consists of upright row (triple 7’s), reverse lunge leg kickback, and oblique knee drive. Block 4 burnout is a 10 and 2 shoulder raise pyramid super set at 7/6/5/4/3/2/1 reps each side without dropping the weight. The side not being raised is in the iso-hold raised position. Ouch, go light on the weights for this burnout!!

My heart rate analysis shows 348 calories burned in 48-min with average and max heart rates of 121 bpm and 168 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zones 1-2. I used 5-50-lb dumbbells. These numbers are generally lower than Collection 1 workouts and Total Body from Collection 2. It feels like Collection 2 really slows things down and focuses on the small details of each movement with a lot of instruction on form. The exercises are not any easier, perhaps even harder, but there is less “cardio endurance” as reflected in the lower sustained heart rates. Man, triple 7’s are tough, especially if you challenge yourself on the weight selected. My shoulders were worked very hard today. Love it. The shoulders are even further fatigued in some of the plank bench core variations each block. The reverse lunge kickback was a challenging movement and I spiked heart rates in the later sets (used 30-lb DBs). The 10 and 2 burnout pyramids are brutal. They remind me of AWOHL shoulder pyramids with Sagi. I started with 10-lb DBs for this burnout. I should have known better as Shaun T was using 7.5-lbs, I believe. I was able to get through the 7 and 6 sets before realizing isn’t wasn’t going to happen, haha. I dropped to 5-lbs each hand and started over. My shoulders were on FIRE by the end. This workout is fantastic. I am looking forward to Bis & Tris tomorrow!



Bis & Tris


I have been pumped to press play on Sculpt & Define Bis & Tris! I always enjoy working my arms! We are back to the time under tension discipline in this workout similar to many of the other Collection 2 weighted workouts (excluding Shoulders, Glutes & Abs). The focus is 3-sec down during the movement and explode up with muscle squeeze mind-muscle connection. For the last sets in each block Shaun T slows down the last reps to 5-sec down and explode up. Talk about arm burners!

There are 4 blocks of two movements (bis/tris) at 3 sets each, 12 reps per exercise. The last set of Blocks 1-3 include a single bonus 60-sec core exercise. Block 4 is a killer bis/tris burnout. Block 1 is M curl and tricep bench dip with leg extension (bodyweight) followed by Iron cross on back (core). Block 2 consists of reverse curl and tricep press followed by knee tuck on bench (core). Block 3 involves concentration curl and tricep pushup into downward dog followed by seated bicycles (core). Block 4 is a DIG DEEPER moment burnout with a 3-min set of 90-degree iso curl external rotation and tricep kickback. This block is 3 total minutes where you alternate 30-sec each move without any breaks or dropping the dumbbells!

My heart rate analysis shows 280 calories burned in 42-min with average and max heart rates of 117 bpm and 155 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 2. I used 15-30-lb dumbbells. I used 25-lb DBs for most curl moves. The heart rate numbers are lower again with the slow pace and rep count in Sculpt & Define. However, I expect the burn will continue throughout the day well after I am done with this routine. This is easily one of my favorite workouts in the Dig Deeper program. It is a rocker! The reverse curl negatives are a great addition to this workout. My forearms were on fire by the end. My favorite move may be the incline tricep pushup on bench to downward dog as you work the entire length of the tricep muscles. The 5-sec last set down count is brutal on this move as well as the others in the workout. The concentration curl is comparable to the dumbbell preacher-type curl using the bench in Body Beast Tempo Back/Bis. It is a tough move and ALL biceps. No cheating possible with the incline bench support. Block 4 is just insane with 3-min straight of biceps and triceps. I was able to use 15-lb DBs for all 3 sets (I believe Shaun T dropped last set to 12s, you don’t need much weight!). The burn is real in Sculpt & Define Bis & Tris. My arms are jacked up! My review of the Collection 1 and Collection 2 workouts is now complete. I am ready to hit Collection 3 this week – The Build. I anticipate Collection 3 will be total exhaustion of specific muscle groups; one at a time. If The Build is anything like Body Beast I will be very happy. Bring it! Rage. Become a Machine. Join TEAM RAGE here!!



Steady State Cardio 3


I decided to press play on Collection 3 Steady State Cardio 3 today. Any steady state cardio activity is allowed as needed throughout the Dig Deeper program. I really like these Steady State Cardio routines and do recommend them each week! As a reminder, steady state cardio workouts are low-impact with moderate intensity, designed to get your heart rate into zone 2 for an added fat-burn. You can do one of the DIG DEEPER steady state cardio workouts, a B25 cycle ride, or even go for a brisk walk as a 6th workout day or on any non-lower-body lifting day. 

Steady State Cardio 3 is longer than Steady State Cardio 2, which was longer than Steady State Cardio 1. The Collection 3 version is 32 minutes. Similar to Steady State Cardio 1 and 2, Steady State Cardio 3 consists of numerous dynamic moves set to music for rhythm to achieve a steady pace of exercise throughout the workout, intended to keep you in the fat burn zone 2. The variations include more kicks, punches, squats, lunges, reaches, lateral moves, pulses, and many other variations. Cardio 3 is pulse intense on the legs. The core is engaged throughout and if you bounce with each move you get more cardio challenge vs. just stepping through the motions. There are no breaks, but there is a short cooldown at the end. 

My heart rate analysis shows 271 calories burned in 32-min with average and max heart rates of 129 bpm and 160 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 2. All of these numbers are higher than Cardio 1 and 2. This is not surprising since Cardio 3 is longer. Otherwise I would say Cardio 3 is most comparable to Cardio 2. The fat burn % of cals is identical. As usual, the pulse sequences are the most challenging, especially beginning around the 14-min mark and then with about 6 minutes remaining. Shaun T tries to get to leg muscle burnout. He mentions during the workout trying to get a burn like walking up many steps to the top of a building. Success! Other than that, I admit I was somewhat uncoordinated on the tribal variations. I enjoyed this session today. To be honest, it was a bit dance party-ish for me at times, but I did have fun with the experience and it was super effective. That is just Shaun T’s personality. Similar to Cardio 2, some of the variations in this one also had the feel of a 10 Rounds boxing workout. Good stuff!



The Chest


I have been patiently waiting for Collection 3 given that “The Build” splits focus on controlled, heavy lifting using drop sets and pyramids to maximize strength and muscle gains. Each day isolates specific muscle groups: Chest, Back & Abs, Arms, Legs, and Shoulders & Abs. Day 1 of The Build targets chest. This is a 40-min workout just working the chest so I expect I will have nothing left in my chest by the end. (Side note: Kristen is not in this workout. It is all Shaun T, all the time!)

There are multiple blocks of single chest movements at typical 5 sets x 8 reps per set with minimal breaks between sets. Shaun T coaches on the pace for the eccentric and concentric movements for best results. Some of the sets use a progressive rep burnout sequence such as decline push-ups and hex press. There is a challenging final burnout stack at the end. Oh yeah, time to go heavy or go home! The blocks include incline chest fly, chest press, decline pushups (12/10/8/4/2 reps per set with 15-sec break between sets), incline chest press, chest fly, and hex press (12/10/8/4/2). The workout finishes up with a DIG DEEPER moment burnout of two moves back-to-back at 8 reps each of standing chest fly to incline tempo wide pushups for 3 sets (15-sec breaks between sets). Woah! There are no specific core exercises, but your core is engaged throughout the workout.

Here. We. Go. I have been waiting for a workout like this in Dig Deeper! The sequence stack and cadence of traditional bodybuilding moves is awesome. My heart rate analysis shows 341 calories burned in 40-min with average and max heart rates of 130 bpm and 164 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 2. These numbers are as I would expect with a heavy lifting routine, and, from my experience, I am confident there will be a sustained calorie burn throughout the day. I used 20-70-lb dumbbells. Shaun T is in full beast mode in this workout as he hits 80-lb dumbbells at the heaviest. I will need to work up to those as I had to drop from 70s on chest press to stay safe with proper form all 5 sets of 8 reps. Man did I work hard. My chest is completely done and it may take a couple of days to recover. The decline push-ups after heavy chest press is brutal. I was able to hit those reps, but it was tough. My favorite part of the workout is the burnout at the end with standing chest fly, which is a very effective move to engage more chest muscle fibers in a different way. The wide incline push-ups are slow count and I felt the burn. I would have liked to see a total burnout for the last set where you keep going to complete failure, perhaps at a faster pace. I will add that approach myself next time. I see this workout most similar to Body Beast and AWOHL. If you select challenging weights you WILL see amazing progress in your body recomposition provided your nutrition and supplements are dialed in. Reach out to me if you need help getting dialed in for max results! Rage. Become a Machine.



Back & Abs


Back & Abs is a “pull” day where you focus on both the pull AND extension. There are multiple sets of alternating back and core movements with minimal breaks between sets. There are 4 sets per weighted back move at 6/8/10/12 progressive reps followed by 45-sec core exercise each. The movements in this workout include mid-back row + seated crunches, twisting hip fly + bicycle toe touches, rear delt fly + Iron cross abs, and J row + bench flutter kicks. The final test is a burnout DIG DEEPER moment of 3 sets no breaks of closed grip row (6 reps) + iso lat plank on bench (30-sec).

My heart rate analysis shows 330 calories burned in 45-min with average and max heart rates of 121 bpm and 155 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 2. I used 20-60-lb dumbbells. The heart rate data, zones, and fat burn % are all mostly aligned with the Collection 2 workouts where there is a slower pace and heavier weights. The analysis is also consistent with Chest from Collection 3. First, and I mentioned this during the intro to this review, there are no pull-ups in this program. Personally, I will be stacking pull-ups and chin-ups as a burnout at the back end of this routine in the future. You don’t need to do this, but it is my personal preference. Back & Abs is another tough workout. You don’t need heavy weight as you focus on the detail and squeeze for each rep of each movement. The burnout with the closed grip row and lat activation is challenging, but I was wanting more. This is where the pull-ups would come in for me. The core work was killer in this workout, especially the bicycle toe touches. I needed a few short breaks on these reps similar to Shaun T when my hip flexors were fatigued. Speaking of Shaun T, dude was on fire with his motivation during this session to get as much effort as possible and more from your performance. Success!



The Arms


Time to bulk up the biceps and triceps with Collection 3 Arms. This is likely to be a fan favorite! The focus here is to isolate, contract, and focus these particular antagonistic muscles. There are no supersets in this workout besides the final DIG DEEPER burnout moment as Shaun T primarily focuses on one exercise at a time and even leverages some time under tension. This is the best part of Collection 3 The Build, from my perspective!

There are 4 sets of 12/10/8/6 progressive reps per single move for most exercises before moving on to the next exercise. Shaun T says to pick a weight that is challenging on your last FOUR reps per set. This is how you build! Two of the movements mixed in use the “21s” approach where you do successive reps of 7 one way, 7 another way, and 7 a third way. The movements include W curl, reverse curl, 21s hammer curl (7 lower/7 upper/7 full range), overhead tricep extension, tricep close grip press, and 21s tricep kickback (7palm up/7 palm down/7 palm in). The workout finishes up with 3 rounds of a DIG DEEPER moment burnout 12 reps each of reciprocating hammer curl, tricep dips on bench, reciprocating neutral curl, and tricep push-ups on bench for 3 total sets (last set is time under tension, ouch!). There are no core exercises, but you keep your core engaged throughout to maintain proper form and safety.

My heart rate analysis shows 312 calories burned in 39-min with average and max heart rates of 126 bpm and 159 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 2. I used 20-40-lb dumbbells. The heart rate data is again consistent with many of the Collection 2 and 3 workouts. I’m telling you, the last sets time under tension of tricep dips and incline push-ups at 5-sec count down each are brutal. The last set of tricep closed grip DB press is tough as well with the negatives. I liked the “21s” rounds. It is a really great way to burnout at all angles and shape the arms. Overall, I am having trouble lifting my arms post-workout after total arm fatigue by the end. It worked!



The Legs (Collection 3)

Split 3 The Build “Legs” is next in my Dig Deeper review. Shaun T says these are his favorite workout days as he gets to work the largest muscle group. To be honest, legs are my least favorite days, haha. I do understand the benefit from many perspectives including growth stimulation for the total body, not just legs, but my history of knee and back injuries requires me to be very careful with many traditional movements for legs. However, I have been impressed to this point on the leg-based workouts for Dig Deeper given the focus on proper form and safety. I am definitely seeing results and feeling STRONG!

This is one of the longer workouts in the entire program. There are some leg supersets in this routine and Shaun T says GO HEAVY… so, get ready! The workout alternates blocks of progressive supersets with single move burnouts. The progressive sets involve two movements back-to-back at 4 sets of 12/10/8/6 progressive reps. The burnout single move sets are 4 x 12 reps. Block 1 is side-to-side squat and reverse lunge. Block 2 involves heavy deadlift. Block 3 consists of Bulgarian split squat and sumo squat (3-count pace). Block 4 is walking lunges (4 long stride lunges with strongman walk back). Block 5 is a superset of side step up adductor squeeze and squat with calf raise. The workout finishes up with a DIG DEEPER burnout moment of 3 sets heavy weighted squat-lunge-squat-stand alternating sides at 45-sec using heavy/medium/no dumbbells per round. Like many of the workouts in the program, there are no core exercises, but you keep your core engaged throughout to maintain proper form and safety.

This is THE hardest workout of the entire Dig Deeper program. No joke. Collection 3 Legs is relentless. Many of the moves are dynamic so you maintain elevated heart rates. My heart rate analysis shows 552 calories burned in 51-min with average and max heart rates of 148 bpm and 177 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zones 3-4. I used 20-60-lb dumbbells. This far exceeds the next most challenging workout Total Body (Collection 2) in Dig Deeper according to the heart rate analysis; +76 cals and +12 bpm average heart rate with more time in the higher zones for a similar length workout. The numbers also destroyed the Legs-focused workout in Collection 2. Good stuff. The step up adductor squeeze is of course challenging along with the Bulgarian split squats. I challenged myself on the weights, which I think is reflected in the data. The walking lunges with Strongman is killer! Go heavy here and you also get a fantastic grip and shoulders workout. The final burnout DIG DEEPER moment is tough, as usual. I used weight in the last set even though Shaun T instructs no weight. I recommend adding weight, but keep your form perfect for that final burnout. I definitely need my recovery drink now. My last workout to review in the primary Collection 1-3 schedule is tomorrow followed by the No Excuses express-type bonuses. This program is insane!



Shoulders & Abs


Here we go… last workout of Collection 3 and the official Dig Deeper program! (I will review the shorter No Excuses optional workouts next.) I was pumped for this workout today to see how the routine compares to Body Beast and LIIFT MORE, for example. The sets and reps for Collection 3 are definitely tailored toward muscle hypertrophy similar to those programs. I do like that shoulders are stacked with abs in this routine. The workout consists of 3 blocks involving two shoulder movements plus a core exercise to finish up each block. For each block, there are 3 sets of 10 reps for shoulders and 45-sec for the core focus. Block 1 is shoulder press, upright row and seated DB oblique knee twist (core). Block 2 consists of lateral raise, front raise and seated in-and-out abs (core). Block 3 includes arnold press, rear delt raise and seated crunches (core). The workout finishes up with a burnout DIG DEEPER sequence of two shoulder moves that also challenge the core. The burnout is 3 sets of reverse-grip shoulder press (6 right/6 left/6 together) and steering wheel (30-sec) with little break between moves and sets.

My heart rate analysis shows 340 calories burned in 37-min with average and max heart rates of 135 bpm and 171 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 3. I used 12-50-lb dumbbells. No surprises with the heart rate data. Tough, tough session. My shoulders were completely exhausted by the end. I did end up tweaking my upper left back slightly on the last set of shoulder press (Block 1), but I was able to safely push through the rest of the workout. I used 50-lb DBs for shoulder press and that was enough for me. I like the seated DB oblique move, which is a solid variation of Russian twist. The lateral raise and front raise superset Block 2 is challenging. Shaun T has some great instruction here to get “stuck” so you actually work the proper muscle fibers of the outer shoulder vs. the top. This also allows you to go heavier. The DIG DEEPER burnout to finish up is insane. I gave it my all. I had to drop to 12-lbs last set on steering wheel after using 20- and 15-lbs in previous rounds. This workout felt like a good mix of Body Beast and LIIFT MORE. It was awesome to see arnold and underhand press variations. Very effective! As Shaun T says, “turn that struggle into strength!” As a reminder, you are allowed to add steady state conditioning same day on non-lower body days with a min of 20-min and max of 30-min depending on your goals. Rage on!



No Excuses Chest & Back


After completing my review of all 18 Collection 1, 2 and 3 workouts, it is time to check out the optional Collection 4 “No Excuses” routines. I am particularly excited for Collection 4 since I am often limited on time and prefer to leverage express/shorter workouts in order to stay on track such as LIIFT MORE Express or even Body Beast BULK variations. In other words, there are no excuses to skip activity to the best of your capabilities. Do something, really anything within your capabilities to keep moving forward with your health and fitness goals regardless of the length of workout or activity.

There are 5 blocks of moves working the antagonistic muscle groups of chest and back. The blocks alternate between 3 sets x 8/10/12 reps and 3 sets x 12 reps. The final block is the DIG DEEPER moment burnout. Block 1 is chest press and close grip row. Block 2 consists of incline push-ups on bench (3 sets x 12 reps). Block 3 involves row and hex press. Block 4 is rear delt fly (3 sets x 12 reps). Block 5 is a DIG DEEPER moment superset of 3 rounds at 30-sec each move per round standing squeeze press and rear hip fly pulse. Squeeze press has three variations to work the center, upper and lower chest depending on the angle the dumbbells are released from the body. There are no specific core exercises in this workout, but your core is engaged throughout.

My heart rate analysis shows 200 calories burned in 24-min with average and max heart rates of 128 bpm and 158 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zones 2-3. I used 15-60-lb dumbbells. I was thankful for this shorter express-type session today! The heart rate numbers are solid for this shorter workout. The average and max heart rates are comparable to most of the LIIFT MORE Express workouts including Chest and Back, but this Dig Deeper version spends slightly more time in the higher workout zones yielding a higher calorie expenditure for a similar length routine. Overall, very similar. I do like the specific movements Shaun T uses in Chest & Back No Excuses, although I prefer Body Beast and LIIFT MORE where one single muscle group is worked (e.g., Chest alone and not Chest & Back). Anyway, still loved this workout! Block 1 worked me hard as I used the heaviest dumbbells. The incline push-up sequence was not very challenging for me and I should have slowed down the rep count for enhanced time under tension. My lats were on fire with the rear delt burnout while the standing squeeze press was easily my favorite exercise of the entire workout. My chest was on FIRE by the end. Success!



No Excuses Legs


No Excuses Legs should be a strong challenge since it is just legs the entire workout. Shaun T mentions it is critical to “focus on relaxing” while you are working out. This is good advice. What he means is sometimes when you are pushing hard you tend to tense up your neck, shoulders, etc., which impacts the effectiveness and safety of the movement. Of course it is important to keep your core engaged as he reinforces just about every workout, especially to maintain proper form and protect your lower back. Quad activation (stretch/squeeze) is also key in the legs routines. There are 4 blocks of exercises at 3 sets x 12 reps each. The moves with a single leg movement involve 6 reps each side. Block 1 is Bulgarian split squat and sumo squat. Block 2 consists of iso long lunge. Block 3 involves heel digs on bench (deadlift alternate if you don’t want to get on floor) and hanging squat calf raise. Block 4 is DIG DEEPER moment with bench step-ups (no weight) at 3 sets x 6 reps each side and no breaks between sets immediately followed by 60-sec pulse squat for total burnout.

My heart rate analysis shows 184 calories burned in 23-min with average and max heart rates of 127 bpm and 153 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 2. I used 40-60-lb dumbbells. This workout is most similar to Dig Deeper Legs Collection 2 with similar average and max heart rates. The calorie burn is less since the No Excuses version is much shorter. Collection 3 Legs is still the most difficult workout in this program. No Excuses Legs is tough, but the moves are structured such that there is opportunity for active rest to stabilize lower heart rates. I liked the final burnout sets of bench step-up and pulse squat to finish up. You don’t need weight, but I do think you can ramp the challenge by adding weight provided your form is proper and safe. Dig Deeper!



No Excuses Shoulders, Bis & Tris


I was excited to see this Shoulders, Bis & Tris stack in the No Excuses Collection since I am always looking for express-type workouts when busy. This one works the smaller muscle groups, relatively speaking, compared to legs, for example. Attention to the detail for each movement is critical here. For example, press straight up-and-down for shoulder press and do not “clink” the dumbbells together at the top, which does nothing for you. Another example is to squeeze and power through your triceps for the close grip press to define the “horseshoe” in your tris (vs. working your chest). Block 1 is 3 sets x 12 reps shoulder press, hammer curl and close grip press. Block 2 involves 3 sets x 12 reps upright row, neutral curl, and overhead tricep extension. Block 3 is a DIG DEEPER moment of 3 sets x 30-sec each of alternating hammer front raise, reverse curl, and tricep push-up on bench.

My heart rate analysis shows 203 calories burned in 24-min with average and max heart rates of 131 bpm and 168 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 3. I used 20-40-lb dumbbells. I had solid numbers today. My heart rate started low and progressed throughout the workout with sustained higher numbers in the final burnouts. This is a fantastic workout! Block 2 is challenging, especially after going hard in Block 1 with shoulder press. The final DIG DEEPER block is insane if you select challenging weights. My shoulders and forearms were completely fatigued by the end. The tricep push-ups are tough, and I recommend slowing down the rep pace to increase time under tension. Another solid workout from Shaun T!



No Excuses Glutes & Abs


This is a quick glutes and abs stack. There are 4 blocks that include a glute exercise immediately followed by core movement. The weighted glute moves are 3 sets x 12 reps while the abs are 30-sec per set. Block 1 is dumbbell squat pulse and full body crunch. Block 2 includes weighted heel digs and alternating oblique knees. Block 3 involves sumo squat bench taps and iron cross. Block 4 is a DIG DEEPER moment burnout that works glutes and core at the same time consisting of 3 sets x 30-sec alternating forearm plank leg lift.

My heart rate analysis shows 159 calories burned in 21-min with average and max heart rates of 121 bpm and 152 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 2. I used 35-60-lb dumbbells. This is one of the easiest workouts in the Dig Deeper program, if not the easiest. Still a solid routine and my glutes and abs were worked well. The pace was slow and the moves are less dynamic in the sense your heart rate does not elevate much. Usually the DIG DEEPER burnout moment at the end ramps intensity to finish strong, but the forearm plank lift was not challenging at all. It is a great move though to work the details of the abs and glutes. And, is it just me, or does it feel like your hamstrings are going to snap when doing heel digs on the bench, haha. Make sure to really engage your glutes and core on this move, especially when weights are involved. Solid workout today, although I probably will not be mixing this one in much for my weekly schedules. One workout left in my DIG DEEPER review. Let’s do this!



No Excuses Total Body


Here we go! This is my last workout review of the full DIG DEEPER program! What a ride. This program is NO JOKE. I was pumped to finish up with No Excuses Total Body. Shaun T says, “squeeze the muscle before you use it.” Well said to maximize activation potential from mind-muscle connection. There is a large superset circuit in this routine to push your body to the limits in only 20-min! The main block is 12 reps each of incline chest press, dual J row, lateral raise, wide curl, and reverse lunge to squat. This circuit is repeated 3 times with no breaks within the circuit. There are then 2 sets x 30-sec of tricep push-ups followed by a final DIG DEEPER burnout of bench squat press pyramid (7/6/5/4/3/2/1 reps time under tension pacing, ouch)!

My heart rate analysis shows calories burned in 24-min with average and max heart rates of 147 bpm and 175 bpm, respectively, with most of the workout in Zone 4. I used 15-50-lb dumbbells. I spent 14 minutes of this short workout in elevated Zone 4! Insane. The average heart rate and percentage of time in the upper workout zones will ultimately be the highest in Dig Deeper for this workout and Collection 3 Legs, by far. These are two of the most challenging routines in the entire program, from my perspective. I am mostly excited that this No Excuses Total Body workout is challenging since it will be the perfect way to push hard for results in a short period of time when you are busy. This will be a go-to workout for me in the future. The reason it is tough is that there are the 3 sets of a giant superset circuit to start with no breaks hitting all muscle groups. Heart rate elevates quickly and Shaun T does not let up the rest of the session. I found the lateral raise and wide curl after incline chest/J row very challenging since I went heavy from the start on those moves. The final burnout sequence of pyramids is brutal if you go heavy while staying safe. The last 8-sec count squat down – 8-sec squat up – 8-sec press up – 8-sec press down is insane. Time under tension!

Well that concludes my review of all 24 Dig Deeper workouts including the sample and No Excuses optional routines. This program is now at the top of my list of best lifting programs with Body Beast. Of course P90X is near the top since it literally changed my life back in 2008-2009. I highly recommend DIG DEEPER! Contact me today to join us at TEAM RAGE with Dig Deeper and other fitness/nutrition programs!! We got this TOGETHER! Rage. Become a Machine.



14 thoughts on “Does Dig Deeper Work? Workout Reviews (Complete List)

  1. This is an incredible breakdown! I may have skipped it but do you have any tips on nutrition? I did join the DD Nation and calculated my calories – kinda blew me away what I am being asked to eat LOL but I also know in order to keep up with THIS program, I have to eat. I’m 5’3, 260. Thank you!!

    1. Hey Teri! Glad you are enjoying the program and my review. Thanks for checking it out. Dig Deeper is an amazing program!!

      Yes, I made some comments around the nutrition plans I recommend on BODi, but you will need to get dialed in based on your progress and goals. I’ll send an email to see how I can help. Keep up the good work!

  2. HI, I’m going to join Bodi. What workout would you suggest to add muscle: Lift More or Dig Deeper, or something else? I just moved and lost my regular gym where I would do traditional lifts like bench press, lat pulldowns, rows, squats, etc.

    I’ve done Insanity and Insanity Max 30 in the past, but that was to get more lean to help with running long distances. I’m looking to replace my strength training with one of these programs. Thanks

    1. Hey man! I appreciate that! You know, maybe. I started off with OG P90X and Insanity back in 2008 and beyond. Love this stuff! What program are you doing? Bring it – Dig Deeper!!

  3. Thanks for the review of the program. I am wondering if there’s an alternate if I don’t have access to a bench. Any thoughts? Thanks!

  4. Great review Mike. I really appreciated this breakdown. Quick question. I don’t have an adjustable bench. Could a yoga ball do the trick?

    1. Hey Tevin! I hope all is well and thanks for the post! You could use a yoga ball, and I have in the past, but it is not my recommendation to really hit the angles of muscles best and you have to be really careful with safety. I know programs like Body Beast (modifier) and P90X2 have used a stability ball for bench. I recommend investing in a bench to really get the most out of many of these lifting programs. With benches I like having flat, incline, decline and military settings. Hope this helps! Dig Deep!

  5. Great review!!! Question, if you wanted to continue with Dig Deeper after the 12 weeks would you start again with phase 1, or just continue to repeat phase 3?

    1. Hi Lisa! Thank you. And, good question. How were your results? What are your goals? Which collection did you enjoy most? There are several options to continue as you mentioned including a hybrid schedule with other program(s). I’ll send over some ideas. Congrats on graduating Dig Deeper!!

  6. Hey Mike. Love your reviews and I use the Polar straps so the screenshots are familiar.
    I’m almost thru the 12 weeks of Dig Deeper. I’m loving the program. Also loved other BoDi lifting programs including Chalean Extreme, Liift More and Body Beast.
    I’m looking to create a Hybrid calendar with Dig Deeper but only 4 days of lifting. Do you have any suggestions on how to build a hybrid calendar and not miss out on certain muscle groups?

    1. Hey Joe! Congrats on your progress with Dig Deeper and the other BODi lifting programs! I do have some ideas and will send you an email to discuss. Thanks and talk soon!

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