645 Review – Does it Work?
The 645 program is 6 days a week, 45 minutes a day designed for total peak performance. Inspired by the workouts Amoila Cesar created for pro athletes, 645 is built around powerful dumbbells-focused resistance training with an emphasis on fundamental moves done right. You’ll also do cardio that will boost your endurance and get you sweating, and mobility work that will improve range of motion and your body’s ability to recover. Follow his cues, perfect your form, and bring the intensity for dramatic, noticeable results in 13 weeks (78 total, unique workouts).
Each week of 6 workouts features 4 full-body strength workouts, 1 mobility workout, and 1 cardio workout, all with a 10-minute active warm-up that will prepare your body for the work to come. The 13 weeks are broken into 4 stages: The first three are 4 weeks each, while week 13 is a Performance Week where you’ll reach your peak. In each stage, the moves, intensity, and volume change weekly and end with a Deload Week where your intensity stays the same, but with less volume. This is to help with recovery and start the new stage fresh and ready. Amoila’s goal is to put you on a straight path to finishing each stage, and the entire program, without crawling across the finish line. This approach is awesome since many of the workout programs out there do not have proper warm-up and recovery, which are key for overall performance, results and safety!
Lower Body Strength (Monday)
Get those lower gains with this full-body workout that focuses on your lower half.
Total Body Power (Tuesday)
Burn fat with powerful moves that target major muscle groups.
Mobility & Stability (Wednesday)
Calm your mind and enhance your recovery and performance with breathing, stretching, and mobility drills.
Upper Body Strength (Thursday)
A full-body workout with an emphasis on the chest, back, arms, and shoulders.
Total Body Tempo (Friday)
Follow Amoila’s pace and tempo to optimize the muscle-building power of every rep.
Cardio 45 (Saturday)
Build multidirectional speed and agility while you get your heart pumping and calories burning.
11 Bonus Workouts
These workouts can be combined with your regular workouts to target specific muscle groups or trouble areas. Additional equipment including a foam roller, a mat, a pull-up bar, and a Beachbody Control Track may be required for bonus workouts.
In addition, there are shorter workouts called 630 available via the Nutrition + monthly membership (Portion Fix, 2B Mindset and much more!). These six 30-minute workouts feature similar moves, and follow the same format, pace, and intensity, as 645. Each workout starts with an active warm-up that will get your body ready for the work to come. 630 can be done by itself, or added to your 645 commitment. There are a total of 6 additional workouts (4 Total-body Strength, 1 Mobility, and 1 Cardio)!

My goal with this detailed 645 Review is to both try the program AND create perspective for you to make a decision on leveraging 645 for your health and fitness goals. I am personally excited to do this program since it incorporates total peak performance focus while taking care of your body with proper mobility and stretch throughout. It can be leveraged at home or gym.
Again, given that I am a Science guy, I will leverage heart rate analysis for each workout to draw conclusions and comparisons including the data in my perspective. This approach is similar to my popular reviews for P90X3, Insanity Max:30, Hammer & Chisel, 22 Minute Hard Corps, Body Beast, Country Heat, Core De Force, Shaun Week, Shift Shop, LIIFT4, Transform :20, 6 Weeks of THE WORK, and 10 Rounds. I have a Polar H7 Bluetooth enabled heart rate monitor (chest strap) synced to my iPhone using the free Polar Beat Mobile App and Polar Flow. Warmup and cooldown time is typically included in the heart rate analysis. Add additional time to stretch if needed.
Amoila has a great message in the first week of this program about how Week 1 and early stages of 645 will produce lower calorie burns; however, the program DOES ramp intensity each stage plus calorie burn during the workout is only one part of a successful transformation with mobility outside the workout critical for progress. Agreed 100%. This program definitely helps with mobility! I am really enjoyed this program and look forward to many of you that are committing to taking on 645 with TEAM RAGE (click the CONTACT button to get started with us today)!
Nutrition is CRITICAL for getting the results you want with your fitness program and the targets need to be aligned with the clean eating system (Nutrition + Portion Fix recommended, but you may need to bump calories for mass gain depending on goals). My current supplements include the BODi Performance Advanced Stack of ENERGIZE pre-workout, HYDRATE during workout, and RECOVER post-workout with Shakeology and Beachbar snacks. Be sure to let me know if you would like to join my private support team for daily motivation and accountability, the slight edge, for your success. Check out my TESTIMONIALS! Click JOIN TEAM RAGE with any questions. Let’s do this!
Be sure to use this new 15% off promo code savings when you use any of the links on this page only! >>> MIKENBODI15
Please contact me directly if you have any issues using the promo code, need links to different products, or, would like help selecting the products to maximize your results! >>> MikeNowakFitness@gmail.com
- Special Offer: GET BODi ACCESS to EVERY Beachbody program ever created HERE!
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I hope you enjoy my 645 Review!!

The Workouts
Beachbody on Demand (BOD) Sneak Peek
645 Bonus Workouts
Strength Express
Mobility and Recovery
Week 1
645 Lower Body Strength Week 1
645 Mobility and Stability Week 1
645 Upper Body Strength Week 1
Week 2
645 Lower Body Strength Week 2
645 Mobility and Stability Week 2
645 Upper Body Strength Week 2
Week 3
645 Lower Body Strength Week 3
645 Mobility and Stability Week 3
645 Upper Body Strength Week 3
Week 4
645 Lower Body Strength Week 4
645 Mobility and Stability Week 4
645 Upper Body Strength Week 4
Week 5
645 Lower Body Strength Week 5
645 Mobility and Stability Week 5
645 Upper Body Strength Week 5
Week 6
645 Lower Body Strength Week 6
645 Mobility and Stability Week 6
645 Upper Body Strength Week 6
Week 7
645 Lower Body Strength Week 7
645 Mobility and Stability Week 7
645 Upper Body Strength Week 7
Week 8
645 Lower Body Strength Week 8
645 Mobility and Stability Week 8
645 Upper Body Strength Week 8
Week 9
645 Lower Body Strength Week 9
645 Mobility and Stability Week 9
645 Upper Body Strength Week 9
Week 10
645 Lower Body Strength Week 10
645 Mobility and Stability Week 10
645 Upper Body Strength Week 10
Week 11
645 Lower Body Strength Week 11
645 Mobility and Stability Week 11
645 Upper Body Strength Week 11
Week 12
645 Lower Body Strength Week 12
645 Mobility and Stability Week 12
645 Upper Body Strength Week 12
Week 13 – Performance Week
645 Lower Body Strength Week 13
645 Mobility and Stability Week 13
645 Upper Body Strength Week 13
The Data Analysis Summary
This is by far the most ambitious Beachbody workout review I have ever published. There are 90 unique workouts in the 645 program over 13 weeks at 45-min per day, 6 days a week. Talk about commitment! This translated to 62 hours (3,724.10 min) and 21,021 cals burned for my complete 645 round! I will get to my data summary shortly, however, overall 645 is the most well-balanced program I have completed along with the original P90X! The daily mobility and stability work enhances performance and allows you to really bring it safely with max results during the weighted workouts! Below I will share my pros/cons for 645 in addition to summary graphs and charts for the program heart rate analysis (and relative to other leading Beachbody programs!)
PROS of 645
- The mobility and stability work. The really unique and exceptional part of 645 is the MAJOR focus on getting your body to move the way it was designed. We often lose this function over time based on posture, poor mechanics, age and many other factors. 645 does a great job with warmup/cooldown and mobility/stability movements built into the workouts. In addition, there is one full day per week dedicated to enhanced mobility and stability via stretch and dynamic activation. The benefits I observed with this approach include better performance in my workouts and less soreness over time as the program hits the more challenging advanced stages. The workouts are slightly longer at 45-min, but there are far too many programs that promote short workout times for busy schedules (e.g., 20-25-min) that do not have sufficient warmups. This leads to injury and less than optimal results, from my perspective. 645 is the best overall, balanced program I have completed since the original P90X with Tony Horton. 645 definitely helped address some of my historical knee and back challenges.
- The Beachbody Power Loops. I really like the new wide fabric Power Loops. They are much better than the rubber-based resistance bands that have a tendency to break and roll up on your body during complex movements. As such, the Loops are more comfortable and allow for new range-of-motion variations. I especially like the donkey kicks, fire hydrants, and dynamic loop exercises. These specific loops should never have to be replaced. I used the heavy (black) version for most moves.
- The corrective bonus workouts. These bonuses are fantastic and I will be stacking them for years including hips, shoulders and ankles. The ankles bonus is cool and I haven’t seen any others like it. The ankles are often overlooked but so important for overall safety and performance! The lower and upper body foam rolling workouts are also nice additions to the 645 program.
- Amoila’s instruction is informative and useful in this program. He reviews a lot of the exercise science related to the specific 645 movements with practical translation explaining how developing these muscles improves performance in everyday life challenges.
- There are some really challenging new compound movements in 645 including next level stuff even compared to his killer program, 6 Weeks of The Work. I have enjoyed the evolution of these Beachbody programs over the years from basic bodybuilding work to more functional, dynamic variations. Don’t get me wrong. I am a big fan of traditional workouts, although I do believe a strong mix of functional fitness helps generate better results overall. Further, I love the incorporation of EMOM (every minute on the minute). EMOM is very effective while helping to ramp heart rates!
- The DELOAD weeks are excellent to help recovery during transition to the next accumulation and intensification weeks. Although there is more stretch and dynamic activation during DELOAD workouts you still maintain and enhance your muscle gains by lifting heavier for 2 sets instead of 3 sets. I like this approach and I had phenomenal results. Of course the proper nutrition, supplementation, hydration and rest are key to max results!

CONS of 645
- The cast and music. Similar to The Work, Amoila has selected another cast that includes a few annoying personalities. That’s cool, I can deal with this by just muting the workout and blasting my own music. However, then I miss out on important cues and instruction. I did survive all 13 weeks without muting so it can’t be THAT bad! Ha. The music or lack thereof in 645 is confusing. Some workouts have some background music while most do not. I understand the transition years ago to trainer-recommended Spotify playlists for BOD workouts, but I personally prefer the music built into the program. The music in the Body Beast workouts and many other programs still inspires me!
- Stage 1 is easy. Like, really easy and basic. Amoila tries to warn everyone 645 begins slow as you develop the framework and foundation for the program. With that said, I think he may lose some more experienced and advanced people that feel it is just a really easy program. This is unfortunate since 645 has a lot to offer ALL fitness levels and goals. Also, since there is more warmup/cooldown, mobility work, and deload weeks each stage the overall calorie burns are lower for this program (see my data summary below). As such, people may think 645 is not challenging or beneficial, especially those that focus simply on calorie expenditure. This program is not easy overall and there is much more to achieving your goals than calories burned. What happens outside the program is critical (i.e., nutrition and rest)!
- There is a very noticeable absence of isolated chest and biceps work in 645. There are a few dedicated moves to these muscle groups in some of the workouts, but they are few and far between. And, there are no pull-ups in the primary 645 schedule. Fortunately, Amoila saves the day with awesome, short EMOM-based bonus workouts involving chest, arms, legs and core that can be stacked on the 645 schedule. The Pull-Up Challenge is my favorite and crushes the back and chest in a short period of time. With all of that said, I followed up my 645 round with a week of Body Beast BULK workouts and found I actually improved my numbers in all of these areas after graduating from 645. In other words, this program is deceptive in how it actually works your entire body. Similar to Amoila’s The Work and The Prep, 645 is indeed heavy on shoulder work while the cardio is less challenging compared to Shaun T’s programs, for reference. I will need to build back some cardio HIIT endurance, I think, even though the Cardio 45 sessions were solid.
Overall, I DEFINITELY recommend 645!
Moving on to my final analysis, the table below demonstrates the VERY detailed results from comprehensive heart rate analysis for all primary 78 workouts for 645 including the sample workout and 11 bonus workouts (click to expand for easier reading). The data includes calories burned, average heart rate, max heart rate, time in each of 5 workout zones plus the percentage of time in max zones 4 and 5. Normalized calories are also shown (calories/workout time). The data is sorted by week for the program since there are 13 weeks of unique workouts. I added the sample and bonus workouts at the end of the table. The subsequent graph also summarizes the workouts with regard to heart rate analysis (calories burned, average heart rate).

I feel really good about the data set and the regression analysis below indicates a very strong correlation to the data set for normalized calories and heart rates, which is a good sign (very close to perfect correlation R2 = 1). Although not shown in graphical format, max heart rates vs. average heart rates for all 645 workouts provide a less ideal fit, but is directional with y = 1.42009x – 6.0014 (R2 = 0.77883).

You can see from the data set that 645 provides a range of intermediate level workouts that challenge in different ways. (By the way, I know that you are not actually “burning” calories, ha, it is just a term.) Based on my data I get an average calorie burn of 234 cals/workout over the 90 645 workouts. Again, as mentioned, there is a big focus on recovery, mobility, stability, stretch and dynamic activation in 645, which lowers overall heart rate analysis and calorie expenditure. However, the lifting workouts typically provide more “afterburn” for sustained calorie burn longer after the workout completes.
Clearly by heart rate numbers alone Weeks 6, 9-11 and 13 were the most challenging for me in the 645 program with normalized calories approaching the averages for some of the hardest Beachbody programs such as The Work. Week 13 “performance week” is definitely the most challenging. Amoila promotes Week 13 as similar to The Crucible from The Work. Although Week 13 is not as difficult as The Crucible (which is insane), the workouts are much faster paced and at a more advanced level similar to dynamic movements from The Work. I did find that my mobility and stability improved dramatically by the end of this program (e.g., balance and range-of-motion).
Check out the comparison below to some key performance indicators relative to other top Beachbody programs P90X3, Insanity Max:30, Hammer & Chisel, 22 Minute Hard Corps, Body Beast, Country Heat, Core De Force, Shaun Week, Shift Shop, LIIFT4, Transform :20, 6 Weeks of The Work, and 10 Rounds (click to expand for easier reading). Numbers shown are averages of all 16 Insanity Max:30 workouts, all 20 P90X3 workouts, all 19 Hammer and Chisel, all 13 22 Minute Hard Corps workouts, all 15 Body Beast workouts, 11 Country Heat workouts, all 14 Core De Force, all 7 Shaun Week workouts, all 11 Shift Shop workouts, all 34 LIIFT4 workouts (excluding B4 LIIFT4), all 51 Transform :20 workouts, all 33 10 Rounds workouts relative to all 90 645 workouts. Workout times generally average in the 30-35 minute range for most of the programs compared to 45-min for 645.

The data comparing 645 to other Beachbody programs is very interesting, and perhaps not surprising considering the mobility and warmup/cooldown focus. The comparison results indicate the 645 heart rate data comes in at the bottom of my Beachbody program comparison, but it is not the easiest based on these criteria alone. Keep in mind almost 1/3 of each workout is the warmup/cooldown on average. Further, one full workout per week is strictly mobility and stability while one week per stage is a DELOAD week of extra recovery. Further, I focus my reviews on the most challenging Beachbody programs so there are MANY beginner/intermediate programs that would fill in below 645 in the table. The average heart rate, normalized calorie burn, and percentage of workout in the upper zones are some of the lowest on average in comparison.
To be transparent my fitness level is currently very high coming off my 6 Weeks of THE WORK hybrids so my heart rates will be lower than when my fitness is not as dialed in. I also have been very active in hiking this Summer. I was not in my best shape when I started Max:30, for example, so those numbers will always seem relatively high for me. 645 is clearly more of a technical and fun approach to raising your fitness level and mobility while getting in some functional lifts. The table below demonstrates how 645 progresses from Stages 1 through 4 where Stage 1 is the easiest as evidenced by the average % workout in advanced zones and calorie burns. Stage 4 performance (Week 13) clearly provides a STRONG finish to 645!!

So, Does 645 Work?
YES! As I always say, I am not going to lie, most if not all of these programs will work if you follow them, especially the nutrition guide and discipline. I know this from my personal experience as well as the experience of thousands on my Team across the World 12+ years as a Team Beachbody Coach. 645 is ANOTHER tool in the toolbox for achieving your health and fitness goals. I am a huge fan of the mobility and stability approach in this program as mentioned in the “Pros” above, but I still gravitate toward Body Beast for my primary mass gain goals at the present time. As such, I will be creating a 645 Body Beast hybrid to provide more opportunities in your fitness journey. I hope you enjoy my 645 Review !!
Favorite Workouts: Pull-Up Challenge, Total Body Power, EMOM weighted bonuses
Least Favorite Workouts: Lower Body Strength
Hardest Workouts (for me): Weeks 6, 9-11 and 13 (mostly Lower Body Strength, Total Body Power, Upper Body Strength)
Easiest Workouts (for me): Cardio 45, Total Body Tempo, Mobility and Stability
The Reviews
645 Sample Workout

I have heard mixed reviews on the 645 sample workout based on people trying the sample when it released. Some say it is too easy and others think it is really challenging. Honestly, I loved it. It will be as hard as you make it so give the program a try! The sample workout includes the 10-min activation warmup, total body dumbbell circuits (4 rounds), cardio HIIT focus, and cooldown. I used 20-40 dumbbells for the weighted work and my heart rate elevated quite a bit (I confirmed the data with manual pulse check). You can see the progressive ramp in my intensity during the dumbbell movements recorded between 11-33 min in my heart rate curve (maxed on circuit 4 at 180 bpm). The cardio portion that followed was easy, but even that can be kicked up intensity by double-timing the moves and I expect the actual program to be even more challenging. The best part is that this program forces you to properly prepare your body for results with 10-15 min of warmup/cooldown. This hasn’t been done well since the original P90X. As I get older this is becoming more important and I appreciate the guidance vs. winging it, as required by some of the shorter Beachbody programs that leave out the primary warmup. This is the most important part! The new bands look awesome for 645 and I look forward to getting those. My heart rate analysis is solid especially considering the long warmup, effectively only having about 30 min actual workout (still ave. 132 bpm and Zone 3). The average heart rate per workout time is mostly on par with some of The Prep and The Work. I am super pumped for this program! It doesn’t appear pull-ups are in the base schedule but are included in the bonus content so I will be adding those as burnouts throughout the program as needed. Let’s do this!!
645 Lower Body Strength Week 1

Pressed play on Day 1 of 645 with Lower Body Strength Week 1! Awesome stuff. I used the heavy resistance loop and 20-40-lb dumbbells. The workout begins with 8-15 min dynamic warmup/stretch. I was surprised at the amount of upper body that was included in the stretch, however, I later realized this lower body workout also targets the shoulders and back a lot. After the warmup there is a sequence of banded squats (4x EMOM, every minute on the minute) followed by two circuits of movements with each circuit repeated 3x (15 reps/30 sec timing). Circuit 1 involves low plank reach, deadlift and dumbbell pullover while Circuit 2 is see saw lunge, savage arm row and inline dumbbell chop. You can see from my heart rate analysis that the second circuit pushed me the hardest and I was sweating quite a bit by the end where peak heart rate was achieved. Heaviest I went today was 40-lb dumbbells and there may be room to increase next week. In 45 min I burned 308 cals mostly Zone 1 overall with average and max heart rates of 118 and 166 bpm, respectively. I hit Zones 3-4 last circuit. Not bad at all considering the first half of the workout was low key activating the muscles. Do not be deceived by the lower overall calorie expenditure in these workouts. Week 1 will be slower in general as the framework of the program is introduced with much instruction from Amoila. Looking forward to Day 2, bring it!
645 Total Body Power Week 1

Total Body Power Week 1 was a great workout and hit the total body, as advertised. I especially felt it in the chest, shoulders and legs. The seven exercises in this workout help you build two key elements of a fit, athletic body: dynamic stability and explosive power. After the usual 10-min warmup activation, the movements include 2 circuits of 3 sets each for circuit 1 (tall kneel press, spiderman plank, dumbbell chest press) and circuit 2 (1/4 get up, lateral bound, bridge press). There is a dumbbell swing burnout at the end. The sets were mostly 15 reps/30 sec framework. The plank and lateral bounds were 30 sec sets and the dumbbell swing burnout at the end was a rocker at 15 reps x 4 rounds plus a bonus round of 15! I was worked hard by the end and the bonus round of dumbbell swing achieved my max heart rate. I used 20-40-lb dumbbells for this workout burning 309 cals mostly Zone 2 with ave. and max heart rates of 118 and 173 bpm, respectively. Success. I am enjoying this program already. Click the CONTACT button below to message me to join TEAM RAGE with 645 and other Beachbody programs. BRING IT!
645 Mobility and Stability Week 1

I was looking forward to Week 1 Mobility & Stability after pushing hard on days 1 and 2. To be honest, I was unsure why we have a full 45-min mobility workout in the middle of the week when we already have 10-15 min activation mobility work and cooldown most days/workouts for 645. I have to say though after completing this workout that it was amazing and it will clearly be an integral part of the overall program for getting the best results with range of motion focus. The goal is to calm your mind, increase joint stability, and enhance your recovery with breathing, stretching, and mobility drills. I enjoyed this one and wouldn’t do some of this work without it formally in the program (although I should). Given my history with lower back and knee challenges, my body is thanking me for the extra stretch and mobility work mid-week. The actual work includes a superset of 7 movements repeated for several sets ranging from 30-60 sec per side. The new 645 Beachbody resistance bands are used for the dynamic work. The “homework” (moves) involve QL rock, downward dog and rotation, scorpion, prone scap retraction, hip swivel, side lunge knee hug, reverse lunge rock, and activation (4 min breath work at the end to help calm/center, much like Unstress Meditation sessions on BOD). Good stuff. The scorpion move was my favorite (lots of back self-adjustment!) and the balance work was solid. As expected, the calorie expenditure was low but the results will be evident. This weekly workout will most certainly enhance results for 645!
645 Upper Body Strength Week 1

Upper Body Strength Week 1 was a solid workout, although not the most challenging thus far in the 645 program. It begins with an upper body activation warmup followed by two circuits (3 sets each) with a EMOM burnout cycle in the middle of the workout between circuits (every minute on the minute for 4 sets). The theme continues for Week 1 with 7 exercises in this workout for 15 reps and/or 30 sec. Circuit 1 includes high hang pull, RKC plank and bent over row. The EMOM focus this workout is bicep curls (do not put down the weight between the 4 sets of 15 reps). Circuit 2 is DB hip thrust, reverse fly and clamshell. I did push hard on the weights 10-50-lbs to maintain proper safety and form. The EMOM cycle was tough if you select a challenging weight and don’t drop the weight between EMOM sets. I used 20-lb DBs and had to drop to 15s after 3 sets. Tough! As I mentioned, this version of Upper Body Strength was not as challenging as some of the other 645 workouts in Week 1 and I believe this is reflected in the heart rate analysis data with 258 cals and ave./max heart rates of 110/157bpm mostly Zone 1-2. Amoila has a great message in the first week of this program about how Week 1 and early stages of 645 will produce lower calorie burns; however, the program will ramp intensity each stage plus calorie burn during the workout is only one part of a successful transformation with mobility outside the workout critical for progress. Agreed 100%. This program definitely helps with mobility! I am enjoying this program and looking forward to many of you that are committing to taking on 645 with TEAM RAGE (click the CONTACT button to get started with us today)!
645 Total Body Tempo Week 1

Tempo workouts are my favorite. Total Body Tempo Week 1 focuses on the eccentric (lowering) phase of most exercises to enhance a key muscle growth stimulus: time under tension. As usual in Week 1, after the warmup activation there are 7 exercises with 15 reps and/or 30 sec timing. There are multiple circuits consisting of 2 superset moves repeated 3 times each followed by the Farmer’s March burnout at the end. Supersets include Set 1 (iso scaption raises and W-Y prone), Set 2 (beast core and low plank pike) and Set 3 (half kneel press and deadbug). This covers a range of primal moves and correctional exercises primarily targeting the shoulders and core. I used 10-60-lb dumbbells. The extra low weight was required for the iso scaption raises while I loaded up the 60s for the Farmer’s march balance move to finish up Total Body Tempo. The low plank pike was actually one of the most challenging moves. Success! Calorie expenditure was again lower at 225 cals Zones 1-2 mostly with ave. and max heart rates of 104 and 152 bpm, respectively. This is not surprising given the activation and core focus of the overall workout, although you can see in my real time heart rate data where heart rate spiked during the shoulder press sequence at the end.
645 Cardio 45 Week 1

Week 1 of 645 finishes up with Cardio 45! This circuit-training session uses 45-second work intervals and minimal rest to keep your results coming. There are 7 HIIT-based exercises stacked consecutively at 45 sec each repeated 3 sets and then a bonus set at the end (only 30 sec per move). The dynamic warmup is 8-12 min followed by low/high knees, pulse squat calf raise, skater hop, alternating knee tuck, crossover, dynamic chop, and forward/reverse jumping jacks. I personally double-timed many of the moves and added jumps similar to comparable moves found in The Work (e.g, crossover move). My heart rate analysis indicates 313 cals over 45 min with average and max heart rates of 119 and 151 bpm, respectively, mostly in Zone 2. 313 cals is the highest of Week 1, which is not surprising given the cardio focus. For reference, cardio workouts of length 45-50 min in The Work burned between 400-500 cals during my detailed review. The 10-min activation warmup makes much of the difference in lower rates for 645 since very low rates are achieved during warmup. With that said, nothing is extreme like Max:30 for cardio from my perspective. However, Max:30 can be dangerous without the proper warmup, balance and mobility work that 645 does SO well. Definitely pumped to see how tough the advanced stages become for Cardio 45 in the 645 program!
Week 1 is now complete!! Overall, as expected, the first week of 645 was slower paced given it is Stage 1 as you learn the moves and ramp up intensity. The program is NOT EASY though if you select the appropriate weights and follow perfect form. The workouts are challenging at times and will only get more difficult. As a disclaimer I have also been very active this Summer putting in miles of biking and hiking, sometimes daily, for local medallion hunts so I am in great shape at the moment. As such, my heart rates will be lower on average. I REALLY like the focus on mobility and balance along with strength in 645. My knees and back are feeling great! The strength work is excellent although I haven’t had to push so hard that I have gone to failure yet. Failure can be good especially when targeting mass gain (e.g., Body Beast). I am excited to see how the program evolves each week. Results will be phenomenal. BRING ON Week 2!

645 Lower Body Strength Week 2

Week 2 of my 645 Beachbody Review begins with Lower Body Strength. Relative to Week 1, Week 2 ramps up the load (weight) in what Amoila refers to as the accumulation stage. This in turn raises the intensity of the workout. The focus is similar as last week (mostly 15 reps and/or 35-sec timing plus EMOM), but all-new exercises provide a fresh challenge for your lower body. The workout consists of a 8-min dynamic warmup to start followed by EMOM (every minute on the minute) counter balance squat. This is a tough EMOM movement as you perform a dumbbell chest press extension while engaged in a squat (light weight, 15-lb dumbbells for me). The rest of the workout includes two circuits of 3 moves each repeated 3 times each. Circuit 1 is low plank taps (35-sec), deadlift and deadbug variation (17.5 sec each side). Circuit 2 is split squat, stability row and DB plank ab drag (35-sec). The workout finishes up with stretch. I used 15-35-lb dumbbells in this one and had a strong sweat going by the end. I burned 277 cals in this one mostly Zones 1-3 and ave./max heart rates of 114/168 bpm. The max heart rate was achieved last set of the second circuit as I was pushing hard on the weighted moves. Good start to the week and I am looking forward to Total Body Power tomorrow. Keep pushing my friends!!
645 Total Body Power Week 2

Total Body Power Week 2 was a great workout today! Overall, it did the job and I pushed hard with the exercise endorphins kicking in by the end! The mobility and core work was excellent. I used 20-40-lb dumbbells on the loaded movements going to failure on the last set of dumbbell push press and alternating dumbbell press. Success. I then dropped the weight to finish off the last set of each. My heart rate analysis demonstrates similar numbers to the Week 1 version of this workout with 311 cals mostly Zone 2 with ave./max heart rates of 119/163 bpm. The workout begins with the 8 min dynamic warmup followed by 2 power circuits of 3 moves each, repeated 3 sets each. Circuit 1 includes dumbbell push press, plank downward dog and alternating DB press. Circuit 2 consists of DB swing high pull, side plank and SL hip march. The discipline this week is 15 reps and/or 35-sec, up 5-sec from Week 1. Good stuff. The mobility and stability session will be much needed tomorrow. Be sure to click the CONTACT button below to reach out to me about joining TEAM RAGE with private Team support for 645 and other programs. Let’s do this, make a difference today!
645 Mobility and Stability Week 2

Week 2 Mobility and Stability is fantastic. I like that this workout lands in the middle of the week, which helps with recovery and preparation for the balance of the workouts. There is a great message from Amoila in this workout with regard to stretching. He says what you think needs to be stretched does not always need to be stretched and may be a symptom of hip tightness or mobility. 645 is all about enhancing mobilization! The Week 2 version of Mobility and Stability targets hips and hamstrings consisting of 3 rounds of 7 superset movements including supine alternating knee hug, hamstring extension, hip swivel with rock/lean, adductor rock with shoulder thread reach, curtsy lunge (no weight!), side-to-side lunge slide shift and the World’s greatest stretch. Most moves are 1-min. There are then two rounds of activation phase each side WITH the Power Bands including abduction lateral raise, hinge rear lift and alternating single leg deadlift, all 15-sec per side. The Power Bands are very effective! The session finishes up with several minutes of breathing focus to center. No surprises on my heart rate analysis. I am ready to bring it tomorrow!
645 Pull Up Challenge

I decided to start mixing in the 645 bonus workouts as time permits, especially on the Mobility and Stability days with scaled back intensity. For those that know me well, I am a BIG fan of pull-ups (the ultimate fitness move)! As such, the first 645 bonus I selected was the Pull Up Challenge. I was also interested in this workout since the base workouts for 645 do not require pull-ups so I was considering stacking this bonus each week to maintain my pull-up progress. This workout is less than 10 minutes, but it is a rocker! The goal is to achieve 50 wide front pull-ups with proper form as fast as possible, preferably unassisted (use the max assist as needed). The twist in the challenge though is that once you need a break in pull-ups you MUST complete 10 reps of push-ups with perfect form before hopping back on the pull-up bar when ready. Killer! I was not sure how I would do in this workout. Here are my numbers (all unassisted reps)…
In 4 minutes I hit 50 pull-ups and 70 push-ups:
25 pull-ups, 10 push-ups
7 pull-ups, 10 push-ups
5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups
5 pull-ups, 10-push-ups
4 pull-ups, 10 push-ups
2 pull-ups, 10 push-ups
2 pull-ups, 10 push-ups
I kept going. In 6 min 15 sec I hit cumulative 61 pull-ups and 100 push-ups:
5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups
3 pull-ups, 10 push-ups
3 pull-ups, 10 push-ups
I still kept going. In 8 min I hit 70 pull-ups and 120 push-ups:
5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups
4 pull-ups, 10 push-ups
I absolutely LOVED this workout and I will stack it with 645 weekly and future days well beyond this round of 645. Awesome stuff, it pushed me hard. My heart rate analysis was impressive with 84 cals burned in 8 min 28 sec with average and max heart rates of 143 and 160 bpm, respectively, mostly residing in Zone 3. I like the addition of the push-ups to this routine, which kept my heart rate elevated throughout. My chest and back were on fire by the end. I can’t wait to see how I perform in this workout next time as my endurance builds throughout the 645 program!
645 Upper Body Strength Week 2

I was excited to press play on Upper Body Strength Week 2 for my 645 Review. I enjoy the upper body work! This version mostly focused on the shoulders and back using the standard discipline for Week 2 of 15 reps and/or 35-sec. There are two circuits of 3 moves repeated 3 sets each. The two circuits are separated by EMOM lateral raise in the middle of the workout. Circuit 1 includes upright row, shoulder taps and reverse lunge row. The EMOM dumbbell lateral raise is repeated for 4 sets of 15 reps with each set beginning on the minute without putting down the weight. This was challenging and I only used 10-lb dumbbells (will use 12.5 or 15-lbs next time as I was able to hit all reps)! Circuit 2 involves see saw row, single dumbbell pullover deadbug position and plank walkout. I used 10-40-lb dumbbells in this workout. My heart rate analysis demonstrates the highest calorie burn yet for me in 645 during the first two weeks with 350 cals and ave/max heart rates of 124/157 bpm mostly in Zone 2. The average heart rate and total calories expended were higher than Week 1 Upper Body Strength (+ ~100 cals). Progress!!
645 Total Body Tempo Week 2

Here we go, last weighted workout in the Week 2 schedule for 645! Total Body Tempo targets primal movements and shoulder stabilization. There is some chest work as well. Again, another workout that hits the shoulders fairly hard. Most of Amoila’s programs are shoulder heavy including The Work and The Prep. I am already seeing some growth in my shoulders after only 2 weeks of 645! The workout begins with the typical 8-min dynamic warm-up followed by 3 blocks of 2-3 moves repeated 3 times each, 15 reps per movement and/or 35-sec. Block 1 is tempo squeeze press and shoulder T-raise. Block 2 includes eccentric push-ups and beast tabletop underswitch. Block 3 is repeated 4 times and consists of half kneel torque shoulder press, hollow hold isometric contraction and offset dumbbell carry (17.5-sec each side). I used 15-40-lb dumbbells this workout. Heart rate ramps up throughout the workout as shown in the dynamic heart rate curve with max achieved near the end of the workout with the dumbbell carry exercise. The heart rate data is similar to Week 1 Total Body Tempo with the primary difference being a few more calories burned Week 2. I like tempo workouts in general as they have proven to help break plateaus for progress and performance. The 645 Total Body Tempo workouts do not disappoint!
645 EMOM Core

Next up in my 645 Review is the bonus workout EMOM Core, which can be added any day of the week for extra ab/core focus. The EMOM discipline is very effective as you begin each move every minute on the minute (EMOM). So, if your first move takes 30 sec you then have 30-sec to rest before move 2. As such, this workout is fast-paced and challenging with total workout time around 12 minutes! I will be stacking this one on some days as needed. There are four exercises repeated as a superset repeated three times each including ab curl (15 reps), Russian twist (30 total reps), low plank reach (30 total reps) and Spiderman jump switch (30 total reps). I expended 68 cals in 12-min with average and max heart rates of 109 and 146 bpm, respectively, mostly in Zones 1-2. My core was worked by the end and this felt like a short cardio focus! Shoulders and legs also got a workout. Good stuff!
645 EMOM Back Biceps

EMOM Back/Biceps. Let’s go! The first two weeks of 645 is fairly light on bicep-specific movements, although your arms are generally worked with most moves each day. For this reason I am targeting EMOM Back/Biceps as a bonus workout to stack each week to get some extra work for biceps. The EMOM focus is very effective in a short period of time. Of course this can also be used for a standalone workout with limited time available! There are 4 EMOM superset exercises repeated 3 times each putting in work for 8 reps per move including deadlift row, hammer curls, plank dumbbell row and loaded curls (one side iso). Since there are only 8 reps per move you can go heavier in this workout. I used 20-45-lb dumbbells this first time and will look to safely ramp weight each week. My heart rate was impressive for only 12-min with 109 cals and ave./max heart rates of 133/162 bpm mostly in Zone 3. A lot of sweat by the end! The normalized calories expenditure was approx. 9 cals/min, which is one of the highest found in 645 thus far!
645 Cardio 15

Bonus workout Cardio 15 is definitely a workout I will press play on from 645 when I am busy and need to get in a great cardio session. My go-to on BOD used to be Transform :20 10- and 15-min cardio. 645 Cardio 15 is only 15-min time frame range, as expected, and ramps heart rate throughout the 3 sets of 5 cardio moves (30-sec on, 30-sec off) including jump lunges, T-planks, walkout shoulder tap, pulse jump squat and side kick through. There is a fair amount of shoulder stabilization and core work here yet heart rate progressively elevates during the routine. Excellent workout with 145 cals in 15-16-min with average and max heart rates of 135 and 171 bpm, respectively, in Zones 3-4 (normalized cals/min around 9). I pushed hard near the end and fully expect I could ramp results even more by increasing intensity (double-time moves) at the start. Success!!
645 Cardio 45 Week 2

Last workout of Week 2 645, Cardio 45! This is a STRONG way to finish up a demanding week of workouts and get ready for Week 3. Amoila and crew are amped up in this one. Cardio 45 begins with the usual approx. 10-min dynamic workout to ready mobility for performance including Power Band activation exercises. The main workout consists of 7 HIIT-based exercises stacked consecutively at 45 sec each repeated 3 sets and then a bonus set at the end (only 30 sec per move). The movements involve light jump rope, icky shuffle, inchworm, depth drop (squat), windshield wiper core, pogo jump power jump sink and sprint forward backpedal shuffle combo. So here is the deal from my perspective, this cardio workout can be challenging but it is a bit slower than I would like even compared to the Week 1 version. With that said, I fully understand that Amoila ramps us up slowly in this workout and the 645 program in general since we are only in Week 2 here. The average and max heart rates are comparable to Week 1, although the overall calorie burn is less, consistent with my initial thoughts after completing Week 2 Cardio 45. This is still an excellent workout and it never hurts to engage the core in total body focus for cardio. Moving forward I will pick up the pace in any cardio movements. I can’t wait to see how Cardio 45 evolves up until the final performance week in Stage 4 – Week 13. BRING IT!
Man, I am LOVING 645 after two weeks of the program and several of the bonus workouts. The intensity ramped in Week 2 and I expect that trend to continue. The EMOM (every minute on the minute) discipline is killer. You can seriously get a fantastic workout in only 10-15 min with the EMOM bonus workouts targeting specific areas of need. I will definitely be stacking these bonuses and pressing play as standalone workouts on days I only have 10-12 min or so. No excuses, we all have 10-12 min. Overall I feel amazing after 2 weeks of 645. The major focus every day on mobility and stability is REALLY helping me. These are areas I don’t usually focus on unless the workout takes me in that direction. Especially as I am more active and getting older I NEED this mobility work. It also helps me push extra hard for results in the workouts since I am properly warmed up and mobile. Similar to The Work, 645 has a lot of focus on the shoulders (hence no bonus shoulder workout, I assume). Arms work is more limited although biceps/triceps are engaged in most moves. I was hoping for more bicep work and I may stack in the EMOM bonus Back/Biceps as needed. We will see what Weeks 3-13 bring. I can’t wait for all of you to join me in 645!!!!! So many have messaged me and are ready to go. Join us and I do recommend the new fabric power loops (awesome) for safety, no slip, no break (never have to replace) and enhanced resistance! Click below or the CONTACT button to get connected with me for daily personal and TEAM RAGE support. Let’s do this!!

645 Lower Body Strength Week 3

Checking in with 645 Stage 1 Week 3 Lower Body Strength! Week 3 continues to increase accumulation load with focus of 10 reps and/or 40-sec. After the dynamic warmup activation (includes Power Band) the workout begins with EMOM banded goblet squat for 10 reps x 4 sets. I used the heavy Power Band and up to 60-lb dumbbell this week. There are then two blocks of 3 moves repeated 3 rounds. Circuit 1 is low plank reach, deadlift and dumbbell pullover. Circuit 2 is see saw lunge, single hand row and inline chop. I used 20-60-lb dumbbells in this workout and will look to ramp up even more next week. The heart rate analysis demonstrates lower numbers relative to Lower Body Strength Weeks 1/2 as the load is increased and reps drop. The movements are less cardio-based this week. This is not entirely surprising with dumbbell-based workouts and I will monitor evolution of heart rate for Weeks 4-13 to observe future trends. Great start to Week 3 and I look forward to tomorrow! Be sure to click the CONTACT button below to get started with 645 and TEAM RAGE private support today. Let’s do this!! Rage. Become a Machine.
645 Total Body Power Week 3

The Total Body Power workouts are some of my favorite thus far in the 645 program. The Week 3 focus is 10 reps and/or 40-sec duration with moderate to light dumbbells. The workout begins with a 13-min dynamic warmup followed by 2 power circuits of 3 moves each, repeated 3 sets each. Circuit 1 includes tall kneel press, Spiderman plank reach and dumbbell press. Circuit 2 consists of dumbbell lateral bound jumps, Turkish getup and DB hip thrust with Power Loop. The workout ends with 4 sets of burnout dumbbell (hip thrust) swing. I used 20-50-lb dumbbells and the heavy Power Loop where required in this workout. For the burnout DB swings at the end I used 30-45-lbs and my heart rate maxed on the last set! The analysis demonstrates lower numbers overall vs. Weeks 1/2 Total Body Power with 257 cals mostly Zone 1 with ave./max heart rates of 110/164 bpm. Numbers are lower but I was challenged a lot at the end with the burnout dumbbell swings and my entire body was worked in this workout!
645 Mobility and Stability Week 3

Week 3 Mobility and Stability was much needed this week. I built up some serious soreness in Week 3 as I ramped load intensity, especially in my lower body! This session is all about back/hip mobility with stabilization and stretching. There are 7 stretch and mobility exercises superset in Week 3 repeated for 3 rounds including open book (1-min each side), scorpion (1-min total), Y stretch on ground (1-min), 90-90 rotate hug (1-min each side), standing quad stretch (30-sec each), plank spider walk reach rotation (1-min total), and plank downward dog to walk squat up pop back (1-min). The last round of mobility stretch is 30-sec per movement before moving on to 2 rounds of activation and stabilization (single leg squat, single leg deadlift and lateral step glute activation with Power Loop). The workout finishes up with 30-sec of breathing focus to center. My heart rate data was similar in Week 3 compared to Weeks 1 and 2, as expected. Overall it was a great routine and I am ready for the next 645 weighted workout!!
645 Upper Body Foam Rolling

I decided to press play on the bonus 645 Upper Body Foam Rolling before Upper Body Strength Week 3 version. This short bonus helps reduce tension and increase blood flow throughout the upper body with this quick recovery session. This is a great way to get ready for a strong workout and is recommended before upper body days. I used my Rumble Roller (hurts so good!) today and it was amazing as the knobs can get deep into the muscle. Amoila suggests a ball for those without a foam roller. The session involves foam rolling the upper/lower lats, chest muscles and traps with 30-60-sec hold each focus area. The goal is to find the tight spots and let the foam roller or ball help break up and release the tension. There is additional stretching at the end for traps and neck. Overall this is a solid recovery workout, although very short. The foam rolling moves should be held longer as required to get the full effect than the 30-60-sec. This is probably needed for many people and will extend the total workout time. The heart rate data was unremarkable, as expected. I am now ready to bring it for Upper Body Strength!
645 Upper Body Strength Week 3

Upper Body Strength Week 3 begins with the dynamic warmup and activation followed by 2 blocks of 3 superset movements (repeated 3 sets each with a bonus set in Block 3) separated by a block of EMOM. The focus is consistent with the Week 3 reps and timing of 10 reps and/or 40-sec sets. Block 1 includes high hang pull, RKC plank and bent over row. Block 2 EMOM is biceps curl while Block 3 consists of bridge press, reverse fly and clamshell (with light Power Loop). A lot of these moves are familiar by now and the goal is to add load in the progressive accumulation stage. Weight check guidance is given by Amoila for light (less than 70% of 1 rep max), moderate (70-81% of 1 rep max) and heavy (greater than 82% of 1 rep max). I used 10-50-lb dumbbells today. Heart rate analysis demonstrates 234 cals with ave./max heart rates of 106/145 bpm mostly in Zones 1/2. The data is similar to Week 1 but much lower compared to Week 2 where there were more dynamic movements that kept my body in motion. There is some isometric focus in Week 3. Overall, Week 3 is going fast and I am working through some soreness. I am impressed with the 645 program and excited to see my final results after 13 weeks!! I am already seeing some mass gain and lean definition with a SIGNIFICANT improvement in mobility and stability. Success!
645 Corrective Shoulders

The 645 program really works the upper body and especially shoulders. As such, the bonus Corrective Shoulders is highly recommended weekly for maintenance. This is a short routine with the foam roller and Amoila makes it clear if you are in pain you must stop and check-in with a doc. The Rumble Roller with knobs works really well or a lacrosse ball/“peanut” double-ball to really help get into those muscles to loosen up the knots. This helps work out the imbalances by lengthening followed by activation to recover. The movements in this bonus include foam roll lats/chest/T-spine (mid-back), lat/chest stretch with the foam roller upright, T-spine extension on foam roller, and finishing up with prone T-raise and scaption raises, 15 reps each. The movements are otherwise 30-sec per side with up to 90-sec per side as needed. This is an excellent workout to help re-train reconditioned muscles!
645 Corrective Hips

I was looking forward to the Corrective Hips bonus workout with foam roller and Power Loop. My hips have been tight. The focus here is on correcting the anterior pelvic tilt by addressing the hip flexors, quads and TFL. The session includes foam rolling quads/TFL (multiple positions)/lats/hip flexors followed by anterior tilt stretch, posterior tilt stretch, lat/chest stretch with foam roller upright, protract spine flex, bridge with Power Loop hold, and eccentric squat hold with arm press (foam roller between back and wall, 15 reps total). The movements are 30-sec per side with up to 90-sec per side as needed. My quads had some serious knots and this corrective bonus helped with myofascial release. I did think it was odd to foam roll the lats for hips focus, but Amoila makes a good point that the lats are connected to the hips and any mal-alignment can cause issues in our “pulley system” of muscles. This work helps re-set the tissue tension. Another highly recommended bonus!
645 Corrective Ankles

If I was excited about Corrective Hips, I was even more excited about Corrective Ankles. This is a MUCH needed session for the Beachbody library. There really isn’t anything else like it out there at the moment and the bonus did not disappoint. Corrective Ankles is particularly valuable for those noticing their heals are rising and/or excessive forward lean in the trunk during 645 movements or other workouts. The movements in this bonus are 30-sec per side with up to 90-sec per side as needed, or 15 reps. The session involves foam rolling the soleus/calf/quads (ouch!) followed by multiple ankle/quad stretches with wall assist (so good!). The workout finishes up with activation 15 reps each using the Power Loop (leg cross scoop, bridge), bird dog/cobra, Power Loop rock shift, and alternating single leg squat. I am a BIG fan of Corrective Ankles and the leg cross scoop Power Loop ankle movement is brilliant!!
645 Total Body Tempo Week 3

The last workout of Week 3 with weights is Total Body Tempo! I always enjoy the Tempo workouts since I have had great experience with them in the past breaking plateaus with muscle growth. Tempo discipline also requires PERFECT form to maintain progress and safety so results are inevitable if done correctly. This particular version of Total Body Tempo has a lot of isometric holds with core/shoulder stabilization focus. The exercises target 10 reps and/or 40-sec to align with the Week 3 parameters. The timing of reps in the eccentric motion ranged from 1-3 seconds. The workout begins with the typical dynamic warmup followed by 3 blocks of 2-3 movements. Block 1 includes alternating dumbbell iso Y shoulder raise (light weight!) followed by W to Y arm extension prone position. Block 2 does not involve weights consisting of beast tabletop callout and low plank to pike up. Finally, Block 3 is tempo kneel single arm shoulder press (10 reps each side), alternating deadbug dumbbell pullover and heavy dumbbell Farmer’s carry. I used 10-60-lb dumbbells in this workout. The heart rate analysis is interesting and perhaps not surprising with significantly lower rates, zone and calories relative to Weeks 1 and 2 Total Body Tempo due to more iso work. With that said, the last block was a rocker which is reflected in my in situ heart rate curve. Week 3 will finish up tomorrow with Cardio 45!!
645 EMOM Chest Triceps

I was pumped to try the 645 bonus EMOM Chest Triceps. 4 moves every minute on the minute (EMOM) including floor press, chest fly, diamond pushups and tricep kickbacks. The block is repeated 3 times and every move is 15 reps. I used 20-50-lb dumbbells for this workout and will look to ramp weights next time (e.g., 60-lb DBs floor press). As the workout progresses it does get harder, as expected, which is reflected in my dynamic heart rate analysis. The diamond pushups are a definite burnout move if you are pushing hard on the weights! I burned 81 cals in only 12-ish minutes with average and max heart rates of 115 and 142 bpm, respectively, mostly in Zones 1-2. This is an awesome workout to stack on upper body weight days. Amoila moves fast to allow for the EMOM discipline so you need to make sure you maintain proper form. Can’t wait to press play on EMOM Chest Triceps next week!
645 EMOM Glute Legs

Up next is 645 Bonus EMOM Glute Legs! As always, these bonus workouts can be stacked during the regular 645 work week as needed to get in extra work for the target muscles. This one goes fast!! Be sure to maintain strict form here, especially for deadlift to protect the lower back. There are 4 exercises 8 reps each EMOM consisting of alternating lunges, deadlifts with neutral spine, jump squats and DB hip thrust. This circuit is repeated for 3 rounds. I used 20-50-lb dumbbells in this workout. The plyo focus with the jumps was great for burnout (e.g., double-time the jumps). The heart rate data is impressive at 107 cals in 12 minutes with ave./max heart rates of 132/161 bpm mostly in Zones 2-3. This clearly demonstrates the fast pace and cardio focus of EMOM Glute Legs as my heart rate was elevated throughout!
645 Lower Body Foam Rolling

The Lower Body Foam Rolling bonus workout was good. Like most routines with foam rollers you really need to take extra time as needed. For most, it will be needed (yes, including me!) to work through some of the knots. The session includes foam rolling quads, adductor complex each side, TFLs (lateral pocket muscle), IT bands, glutes, hamstrings, calves, soleus muscles, outside calves, and foot arches. Several of the moves actually work the arms, back and shoulders isometrically as you elevate your body on the foam roller to put more pressure on the muscle(s) being worked. The moves are 30- to 60-secs each mostly with the option to extend to 90-sec as required. Good stuff, Lower Body Foam Rolling will be added on a daily/weekly basis!
645 Cardio 45 Week 3

Here we go my friends! Last workout of Week 3 with Cardio 45. Timing in Week 3 is 15 reps and/or 45-sec. The workout involves the typical dynamic warmup for Cardio 45 of 10-min with activation work using the Power Loop. There is a lot of agility work in this version of Cardio 45. The cardio workout consists of 7 movements including low-high knees, pulse squat calf raise, canoca, knee tuck-alt, cross over shuffle (22.5 sec each way), dynamic chop and ball control. There are 3 rounds and then a bonus round where the reps/timing are cut in half to finish up the workout. I had a calorie expenditure of 321 cals in 45 min with average and max heart rates of 119 and 147 bpm, respectively, mostly in Zones 1-2. These numbers are fairly similar to Weeks 1 and 2. In general, Stage 1 Cardio 45 workouts are challenging but not overly intense for me at this point. I am not surprised since 645 is considered an intermediate program and I am in excellent shape from staying active this Summer. I am interested to see how much the intensity ramps in Stages 2-4. I hear it will get much more intense as we proceed through the Stages of 645!!

645 Lower Body Strength Week 4

Week 4 of my 645 Beachbody Review begins with Lower Body Strength. I am feeling good heading into the last week of Stage 1 after taking advantage of the bonus workouts for corrective movements and recovery. Just some residual soreness from Weeks 1-3. The Week 4 focus is 10 reps and/or 35-sec timing as a built-in deload/recovery/prep week for the ramped intensity coming soon in Stage 2. Efficient movement is medicine! This is an opportunity to re-assess your body and progress. Deload week has less volume at the same intensity but only 2 sets per block vs. 3 sets. As a result there is more warmup and activation in Week 4. After the dynamic warmup and activation with Power Loop (16-min), Lower Body Strength Week 4 version has some familiar exercises and consists of 3 blocks of 3 moves, each repeated for 2 sets this week with the exception of Block 1 EMOM discipline. Block 1 is EMOM counter balance squat at 4 sets x 10 reps. Block 2 involves plank reach, deadlift and deadbug variation while Block 3 includes split squat, stability row and DB drag. I used 20-45-lb dumbbells. My heart rate analysis today demonstrates 189 cals in 45 min with ave./max heart rates of 99/152 bpm, mostly in Zone 1. These numbers are much lower relative to Weeks 1-3 due to the deload/recovery emphasis.
Week / Calories / Average HR (bpm) / Max HR (bpm) / Workout Zone
Wk 1: 308 / 118 / 166 / 1
Wk 2: 277 / 114 / 168 / 1
Wk 3: 248 / 108 / 155 / 1
Wk 4: 189 / 99 / 152 / 1
Great workout and I will definitely be ready to bring it in Stage 2!
645 Total Body Power Week 4

The deload recovery week to end Stage 1 continues with Total Body Power Week 4. Similar to Lower Body Strength Week 4 the focus is extra warmup/activation followed by 3 blocks of moves using the 10 reps and/or 35-sec timing. Blocks 1 and 2 are only repeated twice while Block 3 is 4 rounds total of cardio. As mentioned, Week 4 is lower reps/volume to reduce wear-and-tear on the body while still ramping progress with muscle build heading into Stage 2. Block 1 consists of DB push press, plank downward dog and alternating press. Block 2 includes single swing high pull, side plank and SL hip march. Block 3 is 4 rounds of lateral bound at 35-sec each. I used 30-50-lb dumbbells. This version of Total Body Power worked the chest and shoulders very well along with the legs. The isometric exercises were very challenging! Compared to Weeks 1-3, as expected, Week 4 Total Body Power burned less calories with the deload focus and mobility with 229 cals at 106/157 bpm ave./max heart rates, respectively, mostly Zone 1. Work continues!!
645 Mobility and Stability Week 4

Mobility and Stability Week 4 is similar to the Week 2 version. There are 3 rounds of 7 superset movements including supine alternating knee hug, hamstring extension, hip swivel with rock/lean, adductor rock with shoulder thread reach, curtsy lunge, side-to-side lunge slide shift and the World’s greatest stretch. Most moves are 1-min (30-sec each round 3). There are then two rounds of activation phase 10 reps each side including RDL and single leg squats (5 reps each second round). I noticed there were shoulder taps scheduled at the end of the workout as shown on the 645 blackboard in the video so Amoila must have run out of time! The heart rate data is mostly irrelevant for these recovery sessions, but the numbers are comparable to Week 2. I did feel I was able to go deeper into these same moves, which is a sign the extra mobility focus in 645 is working. Great session and I am ready to add back the weights for Upper Body Strength Week 4!
645 Upper Body Strength Week 4

The last week of Upper Body Strength in Stage 1 is another great workout! Again, in Week 4 we are focused on recovery while still making gains in strength. This is achieved by incorporating more mobility and recovery work while reducing the strength sets with weights down from 3 rounds per move to 2 rounds. This approach seems to be working well for me. The Week 4 exercises are similar to Week 2 Upper Body Strength and there are 10 reps and/or 35-sec timing. There are two circuits of 3 moves repeated 2 sets each. The two circuits are separated by EMOM lateral raise in the middle of the workout. Circuit 1 includes upright row, shoulder taps and reverse lunge row. The EMOM dumbbell lateral raise is repeated for 4 sets of 10 reps in Week 4 without putting down the weight. I increased weight for this EMOM to 15-lbs from 10-lbs Week 2 (Wk 2 is 4 sets x 15 reps). I will push to safely increase weight again next time I do EMOM lateral raise. Progress! Circuit 2 involves see saw row, single dumbbell pullover deadbug position and plank walkout. I used 15-50-lb dumbbells in this workout. My heart rate analysis demonstrates a much lower response in Week 4 vs. Week 2, as expected, although max heart rate approached Week 2 last sets of DB see saw row and deadbug DB pullover. I burned 215 cals with ave/max heart rates of 104/146 bpm mostly in Zone 1. There are two more workouts in Week 4 and then we are on to Stage 2 of my 645 Beachbody Review!
645 Total Body Tempo Week 4

Total Body Tempo Week 4 was awesome and definitely one of my favorite workouts of 645 in Stage 1! The exercises in the session were similar to the Week 2 version, like most of the Week 4 “deload” workouts. Of course the difference is the extended mobility and activation work while reducing the sets from 3 rounds to 2 rounds each block. The dynamic warmup was approx. 16 minutes followed by 3 blocks of 2-3 moves repeated 2 times each, 10 reps per movement and/or 35-sec. Block 1 is tempo squeeze press and shoulder T-raise. Block 2 includes eccentric push-ups and beast tabletop underswitch. Block 3 consists of half kneel torque shoulder press, hollow hold isometric contraction and offset dumbbell carry. I used 15-40-lb dumbbells this workout. The offset dumbbell carry is TOUGH and really works core stabilization! The heart rate analysis is comparable with my Week 2 performance, although at slightly less overall calories burned in 45 minutes. It felt good to get in the added chest and shoulder work. They were on fire with the eccentric movements. Success!
645 Cardio 45 Week 4

Cardio 45 is the last workout of Week 4 AND STAGE 1. Let’s go! I am feeling strong and ready for the intensity of the next Stage. Cardio 45 Week 4 begins with the usual approx. 13-min dynamic workout for mobility and performance including Power Band activation exercises. The main workout consists of 7 HIIT-based exercises stacked consecutively at 45 sec each repeated 3 sets and then a bonus set at the end (only 15-30 sec per move). The exercises are mostly similar to Week 2 with new variations for the last two moves of each round. The movements involve light jump rope, icky shuffle, inchworm, depth drop (squat), windshield wiper core, alternating hinge toe taps, and low squat foot walk. I burned 310 calories in 45 min with ave./max heart rates of 118/153 bpm, respectively, mostly in Zone 1. These numbers are higher than Week 2 as I ended up pushing hard and double-timing moves from the start. I also incorporated the weighted BOD Rope handles used in the #mbf program to raise the intensity! Stage 1 is complete. BRING ON STAGE 2 of my 645 Review!!

645 Lower Body Strength Week 5

You ask and you shall receive! Amoila definitely brought it with Stage 2 Week 5 Lower Body Strength! The goal in Stage 2 is to intensify relative to Stage 1 with more complexity including unilateral strength and balance. The target in Week 5 is 15 reps and/or 40-sec duration. The workout begins with a dynamic warmup of approx. 10 minutes including body weight squats, walkouts, side lunges, birddog, full rotation mobility, cobra to downward dog and activation work with Power Loop (hip thrust, donkey kicks and body weight squats). There are then 3 blocks. Block 1 is EMOM and Blocks 2-3 are repeated for 3 rounds each. Block 1 is a 4-min EMOM focus with deadlifts at 15 reps each set. Block 2 includes drop goblet squat (8 reps each side), DB plank row and adductor plank (20 sec each side). Finally, Block 3 consists of side lunge rack, DB rotation pull and half kneel warrior chop (20-sec each side). Wow, wow, wow! Amoila said this program ramps each stage but if today’s workout is any indication 645 may give The Work a run for its money with intensity by the end. I pushed hard today and used 20-50-lb dumbbells. The sweat was flowing and my heart rate ramped big time compared to Stage 1 of 645 with most of the workout in Zone 4, which is seriously impressive since 10-min of the workout is mobility work. Block 3 is really challenging as the pacing picks up with little rest between sets with dynamic weighted work that keeps the heart rate elevated. Love it! There are some great innovative new complex moves in this workout (especially half kneel warrior chop). I burned 361 cals in 46-min with average and max heart rates of 126 and 178 bpm, respectively! This is significantly higher than Weeks 1-4 Lower Body Strength and my heart rate even hit Zone 5 today. I am pumped for the rest of Stage 2 and look forward to Total Body Power tomorrow. Be sure to click the CONTACT button below to reach out and get connected to my TEAM RAGE support system if that would be of value to you! I hope you are enjoying my 645 Review!!
645 Total Body Power Week 5

Total Body Power Week 5 is another great workout. The intensity and pace picked up again in this routine vs. Stage 1. I found it challenging, although not as exhaustive as Lower Body Strength Week 5 yesterday. There is more complex balance and mobility work in this session, which lowers the overall calorie burn. However, the benefits in mobility and strength are real regardless of calories. After the typical dynamic warmup activation there are 3 blocks of movement. Blocks 1 and 2 are 3 exercises each repeated 3 times while Block 4 is a single move repeated 4 sets. The focus is 15 reps and/or 40-sec timing. Block 1 consists of curl + press, elevated push-up and knee tucks (core). Block 2 involves American swings (40-sec), Icky lateral bound and plank walkout. Block 3 is depth drop for 40-sec (on toes arms up then eccentric drop to squat on command). I used 25-30-lb dumbbells, but overall much less weighted work today. They move fast again with some of these moves so you need to adjust weight accordingly to maintain timing while staying safe with proper form. The curl + press went well with 25-lb DBs as I went to failure the last 2 reps of the last set. Success. I burned 253 cals in 45-min with ave./max heart rates of 109/157 bpm, respectively, mostly in Zones 1-2. The heart rate data is most similar to Week 3 Total Body Power. I have some soreness already in the first half of Week 5 so I definitely need the Mobility and Stability work next on the schedule!
645 Mobility and Stability Week 5

Week 5 Mobility and Stability really targets the hips and adductor complex region by forcing the muscles to power/drive expansion through range of motion (vs. pulling). The seven movements are mostly performed for 60-sec total each (30-sec per side as required) including adductor QL rock, alternating adductor stretch, hip swivel lift, bear hip circles, side plank lift and reach, front/back elevated hamstring stretch, and single leg deadlift to curtsy bow. The circuit is repeated for 3 rounds. The workout finishes up with activation tempo iso squats using the Power Loop. This was another great mobility session. The weekly reset with 645 Mobility and Stability mid-week is critical to progress and success in the program. I have already observed significant improvement in my mobility and balance after only 5 weeks. I am now ready for 645 Week 5 Upper Body Strength tomorrow. I am expecting a killer workout after the challenging Week 5 version of Lower Body Strength earlier in the week. Reach your peak!
645 Upper Body Strength Week 5

Week 5 Upper Body Strength focuses on multi-joint Olympic-style bodybuilding lifts along with core/stability challenges at 15 reps and/or 40-sec duration. The workout consists of 3 blocks. Blocks 1 and 3 have 3 moves each while Block 2 EMOM is 4 sets of a single move, as usual. Block 1 involves hang clean (40-sec), low plank hold and X bent over row. Block 2 EMOM is tricep kickbacks at 15 reps x 4 sets without dropping the dumbbells! Block 3 includes Around the World (awesome), DB pull over and beast ab drag (40-sec). I used 10-35-lb dumbbells. Overall I felt like this was a very effective and solid workout. Again, not as relentless as Week 5 Lower Body Strength, but still ramped intensity relative to Stage 1. The extra low plank isometric exercise within Block 1 really brought down my heart rate, for example. 645 is definitely building momentum in Stage 2 heading into Stages 3-4. My favorite movements today were Around the World (only 10-lb DBs) and X bent over row (watch form to protect your lower back). I burned 255 cals in 45 min with ave./max heart rates of 110/157 bpm, mostly in Zone 1. These numbers are fairly consistent with Week 3 Upper Body Strength. I am enjoying the new compound movements in Stage 2 already!
645 Total Body Tempo Week 5

Pressed play on Stage 2 Week 5 Total Body Tempo today! This is a much slower workout per tempo discipline and there are many isometric movements to provide more time under tension. After the typical stretch and dynamic warmup there are 3 sets of 3 blocks of 2-3 moves each with 15-reps and/or 40-sec duration. Block 1 is pause press and scarecrow. Block 2 consists of bridge march press and underswitch crab reach while Block 3 involves goblet squat, swimmer and single arm carry. The calorie burn was lower as a consequence with the tempo and iso focus including non-weighted scarecrow and swimmer. I found the goblet squat and single arm carry most challenging. The last two sets of Block 3 were essentially combined so you perform 30 goblet squats and double arm carry. Select your weight accordingly! I used 30-45-lb dumbbells in this workout and the chest work was excellent. The double arm carry at the end maxed my heart rate and really worked my core stabilization. Awesome move! Overall the heart rate analysis numbers are lower relative to Week 2 but higher than Week 3. Tomorrow I will finish up Week 5 with Cardio 45. Let’s do this!!
645 Cardio 45 Week 5

Here we go! Cardio 45 to finish up Week 5 in Stage 2 of 645! This was a different style of cardio workout. The focus is on strengthening the kinetic chain of the ankles/calves for push phase assistance and shock absorption via quick power/balance movements using cardio discipline. As usual, the workout begins with the dynamic warmup including Power Loop activation for approx. 10-min. The 7 cardio movements are then performed for 45-sec and/or 15 reps at 3 sets each consisting of high knee variation, two toe taps hip switch, counter lateral plank, squat toe rock raise, single leg side hop, hip hurdles and 2 foot glitter jump. This sequence is repeated for 3 sets total. There is a bonus fourth round in reverse order that cuts the time in half for each exercise, and Amoila commands more intensity to finish strong! Finally, there is a short stretch cooldown at the end. This is another excellent Cardio 45 workout. I found it relatively easy, but I recognize the benefits. Overall, the cardio in this program is challenging and functional as you push hard, although it is not Insanity Max:30 intensity. To be fair, The Prep and The Work cardio are not at that level either. What I noticed today is that the mobility in my ankles, knees and hips has improved significantly in this program (especially hips in the hip hurdles). Day 1 of this program I had a lot of issues and noises in my joints! Today I burned 305 cals in 45 min with average and max heart rates of 118 and 162 bpm, respectively, mostly in Zone 2. These numbers are fairly similar to previous Cardio 45 sessions per below.
Week / Cals / Average Heart Rate (bpm) / Max Heart Rate (bpm) / Workout Zone
Week 1: 313 / 119 / 151 / 2
Week 2: 283 / 114 / 159 / 1
Week 3: 321 / 119 / 147 / 2
Week 4: 310 / 118 / 153 / 1
Week 5: 305 / 118 / 162 / 2
Stage 2 Week 5 of my 645 Beachbody Review is DONE. Stage 2 definitely ramped intensity vs. Stage 1 and I am looking forward to Week 6! Amoila mentioned the first week of each stage is slower as you learn the mechanics and foundational importance of the movements. Time to ramp! Rest day tomorrow and back at it with Week 6 Lower Body Strength. Keep up the good work my friends and be sure to CLICK THE CONTACT BUTTON below to message me your thoughts on 645 and learn more about joining TEAM RAGE Nation today!!

645 Lower Body Strength Week 6

It is now Day 1 of Week 6 of Stage 2 of the 645 program. This program is going fast, partly because I am enjoying 645 so much. Lower Body Strength Week 6 was another rocker of a workout similar to the Week 5 version. Amoila really seems to ramp things up with the Lower Body Strength workouts more than the others thus far in the program. Of course the extra compound work with the large muscles in the legs has a lot to do with the challenge. The pacing seems to be faster in the Lower Body Strength workouts as well. Week 6 started with the typical dynamic warmup with activation using the Power Loop (approx. 10-min). There are 3 blocks with Block 1 being EMOM front rack squat 4 sets x 15 reps. What a way to start the workout as your heart rate will ramp progressively each set. Blocks 2 and 3 are 3 moves each at 15 reps and/or 45-sec duration. Block 2 is single leg deadlift, adductor plank and alternating dead pull row. Block 3 includes transverse lunge, dumbbell rotation plank and DB banded hip thrust. I used 15-40-lb dumbbells in this workout. Block 3 was the most challenging as the pace was very fast and the moves were all weighted. This is where I maxed heart rate. Overall I burned 357 cals in 45 min with ave/max heart rates of 126/167 bpm, mostly in Zone 3. The data for the Week 6 version of Lower Body Strength was slightly lower in cals/max heart rate/workout zone relative to Week 5. Good stuff and I like where this is all going as we progress into the later stages of 645!
645 Total Body Power Week 6

Checking in with 645 Total Body Power Week 6! Man, this was a tough workout. From my perspective it is now the most challenging workout in 645 thus far overtaking Lower Body Strength Week 5. I think this style workout is a sign of the progressive challenges to come in the 645 program. Total Body Power begins with the standard 10-min or so dynamic warmup including activation with the Power Loop. I really appreciate these dynamic warmups and I would not do them otherwise, which would limit my progress and perhaps reduce safety overall. There are then 3 blocks of moves using the 15 reps and/or 45-sec duration discipline. Now in Week 6, Amoila recommends ramping weight moderately around 5% increase in load relative to previous weeks. Block 1 is carry push press, weighted Russian twist and drop push-ups. Block 2 consists of snatch, warrior chop and 1/4 get up lift. Finally, Block 3 is 4 sets of depth jump squat (45-sec each round). I used 20-35-lb dumbbells in this workout. I pushed hard and my shoulders were on fire after the workout. Very heavy on the shoulders today and power movements. Block 2 is a rocker as the weighted snatch and warrior chop back-to-back with fast pace is rough. I used 30-lb and 35-lb DBs for those moves and that is where my heart rate maxed approaching the red zone. I burned 374 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 130/179 bpm, mostly in Zone 3. The data clearly reflects how much this one can you push you if you select challenging weights with proper form. Keep pushing, reach your peak!
645 Mobility and Stability Week 6

I had a lot of soreness in my legs heading into Mobility and Stability this week after the power moves the past two days, especially my hamstrings! The main focus areas for Week 6 are TFL, QL and squat patterns while stretching total body. The session includes alternating side bend squat rotation, PNF with Power Loop, 90-90 with shoulder turn, cobra bound with toe touch, thoracic rotation, PNF stretch with hand, and spiderman plank. This sequence is repeated for 3 rounds followed by a few minutes of breathing patterns. I feel much better after this workout today. Success!!
645 Upper Body Strength Week 6

Upper Body Strength Week 6 was challenging today. The total calories burned would have been the highest thus far in the program, however, Amoila moves fast so there is an extensive stretch session at the end and the workout is slightly shorter than normal. As such, this workout is second behind Total Body Power Week 6. Clearly Week 6 Stage 2 has consistently ramped intensity in the 645 program. Great stuff. The workout today had a typical dynamic warmup (no Power Loop activation) followed by 3 blocks with the 15-reps and/or 45-sec duration. Block 1 is squat + pull, side plank DB rotation and bent over row + alt row. Block 2 is EMOM lateral raise and bicep curl. Block 3 is reverse lunge chop, butterfly sit-up and plank DB drag/row. I used 10-30-lb dumbbells in this workout. Like many of Amoila’s workouts, this one hits the shoulders and back again. The EMOM was tough. I started with 15-lb DBs and ended with 10-lb DBs after 4 sets to maintain form on the lateral raise. Unfortunately using this light of weight limits the challenge on biceps, but I did get a good burn. This is still one of my issues with 645 with the limited heavy bicep work (and chest to a lesser extent). With that said, the bonus Bicep workout can be stacked weekly. The side plank rotation with DB today was awesome! Great move and really targets the oblique muscles. The reverse lunge chop is another strong movement. I burned 368 cals in 44-min with ave/max heart rates of 129/169 bpm, mostly in Zone 3. These numbers are quite a bit higher than previous Upper Body Strength versions and on track with the numbers I have been getting in the other workouts here in Week 6 of Stage 2. Work continues, almost halfway done with the 645 program!!
645 Total Body Tempo Week 6

I was looking forward to Total Body Tempo this week. Tempo discipline is always challenging and Amoila comes up with new ways to tempo each week. Week 6 did not disappoint! After the dynamic warmup there are 3 blocks of 2-3 movements each block repeated for 3 sets using the 15-rep and/or 45-sec duration. The moves with reps involve tempo slow count in the eccentric motion. Block 1 is SL bridge press and Unload Beast. Block 2 includes split squat (22.5-sec each side) and Beast side kick throughs. Block 3 consists of DB sumo squat, get up leg circles and half kneel windmill (22.5-sec each side). I used 20-60-lb dumbbells in this workout today. Man, the SL bride press was a great exercise and the DB split squat is my new favorite move to get a total body challenge with lunges. Block 3 I was able to ramp up weight on the sumo squats while the half kneel windmill was a rocker (don’t need much weight, I have room to improve here!). Excited to try these movements again! I burned 247 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 108/149 bpm, mostly in Zone 1. These numbers are higher than Week 5, which is progress given the slow-pace tempo focus with time under tension!
645 Cardio 45 Week 6

The sweat was flowing for me by the end of Cardio 45 Week 6. I burned 346 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 124/161 bpm, mostly Zone 2. These numbers are higher than Week 5. After the typical dynamic warmup of 10-min with Power Loop, there are 7 exercises repeated including crossover shuffle, ball slams, lateral hurdles, plank to bear, walk-out, hip hurdle reverse lunge, and dynamic jacks. There are 3 rounds at 45-sec per move (15-sec transitions) and then a bonus round with the time cut in half to finish strong. The ball slams are a throw-back to The Work and I double-timed them to increase intensity. Talk about a leg burnout! The hip hurdle reverse lunge was my favorite exercise and it demonstrates progress from Day 1 of 645. Week 6 is DONE and Stage 2/Week 7 is coming! Bring it!

645 Lower Body Strength Week 7

Week 7 of 645 is all about INTENSIFICATION while Week 6 was accumulation. So, lower reps (10) and/or higher duration (50-sec). Heavy up your weights! This workout starts with the usual dynamic warmup including Power Loop to ready the body for the battle. Block 1 is the 4-min EMOM for deadlift at 10 reps where you increase weight relative to previous weeks and get a little more rest between EMOM sets. Block 2 involves drop goblet squat, plank row and adductor plank. Block 3 consists of side lunge rack, DB rotation and overhead warrior chops. Blocks 2 and especially 3 were very challenging as I pushed hard on increasing weights. I used 20-50-lb dumbbells. The adductor plank is super challenging isometric hold with one leg off the ground. I was able to nail those today for the full duration, which confirms the progress I am seeing in this program. The overhead DB warrior chops are my new favorite movement. I also like the side lunge rack since that move works the total body including hammer curl simulation during the rack process. All good stuff. The heart rate data is fairly similar to Week 6 with a slightly higher max heart rate. Great start to Week 7 and I am ready for tomorrow’s power session. Make today amazing!
645 Total Body Power Week 7

The Week 7 version of Total Body Power was certainly challenging, but I found it easier overall relative to Week 6. This is reflected in my heart rate analysis. I believe this is because of the 10 reps and/or 50-sec duration. I pushed hard on the weights in the 20-40-lb range and will look to increase next time. After the dynamic warmup there are the usual 3 blocks of 3 sets. This time Block 1 is curl + press, elevated push-up and knee tucks. Block 2 includes American swings, Icky lateral bound with DB and plank walkout. Block 3 consists of 4 sets of depth drop. Honestly I don’t find depth drop very challenging in these workouts. I imagine in future weeks and stages Amoila may add jumps to the movement, which would significantly increase the challenge. I liked the curl + press exercise to get in some more bicep work and the Icky lateral bound with DB is tough. I burned 279 cals with ave/max heart rates of 114/168 bpm, mostly in Zone 1-2. Great workout overall and I am still a big fan of the 645 program! Be sure to click the CONTACT button below to let me know what YOU think! Bring it!
645 Mobility and Stability Week 7

Week 7 Mobility and Stability really targets the hips, adductor complex region and glutes. The seven movements are mostly performed for 60-sec total each (30-sec per side as required) including adductor QL rock, alternating adductor stretch to half kneel hip drive, pigeon (with leg float), hip swivel lift, bear hip circles (stand for last round), front/back elevated hamstring stretch, and quad stretch reach. The circuit is repeated for 3 rounds. The workout finishes up with a couple of minutes of breathing work. As usual, the weekly reset with 645 Mobility and Stability mid-week is critical to progress and success in the program!
645 Upper Body Strength Week 7

Back on the weights with Upper Body Strength Week 7! There are 3 blocks using 10 reps and/or 50-sec duration where Block 2 is EMOM. Block 1 is hang clean, low plank and X bent over row. Block 2 is the 4-min EMOM for tricep kickbacks (10 reps each set, don’t drop weights between sets). Block 3 involves Around the World, DB pull over and Beast ab drag. The blocks are similar to Week 5 Upper Body Strength with the only difference being Week 5 targeted 15 reps and/or 40-sec. My heart rate analysis numbers for Week 7 are almost identical compared to Week 5. As I have mentioned in the past, 645 works multiple muscle and multi-joint exercises, but sometimes the program isolates specific muscles such as the EMOM tricep work today. Generally all muscles are worked every workout. Similar to Week 5, I enjoyed the Around the World exercise and X bent over row Week 7!
645 Total Body Tempo Week 7

I was expecting Week 7 Total Body Tempo to be similar to the Week 5 version and that is indeed the case. However, weight increases and rep count goes down (and duration goes up). Definitely a slower style workout with all of the eccentric tempo work, but very effective overall. After the typical stretch and dynamic warmup there are 3 sets of 3 blocks of 2-3 moves each with 10-reps and/or 50-sec duration. Block 1 consists of pause press and scarecrow. Block 2 is bridge march press and underswitch crab reach while Block 3 involves goblet squat, swimmer and single arm carry. I used 30-60-lb dumbbells in this workout. The swimmer activation work is awesome and I can tell the mobility activation is helping my shoulders. Overall the heart rate analysis numbers are almost exactly the same as Week 5. I burned 210 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 103/149 bpm, mostly Zone 1. Cardio 45 is the last workout in Week 7 and then on to Week 8 of my 645 Beachbody Review!
645 Cardio 45 Week 7

Cardio 45 is here, last day of Stage 2 – Week 7! The Week 7 version appears to be an evolution of some of the stage 1 moves in Week 5. I burned 282 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 115/156 bpm, mostly Zones 1-2. The calorie burn is one of the lowest for the Cardio 45 program to date, but it is a challenging workout at times during the balance variations. After the typical dynamic warmup of approx. 15-min with Power Loop, there are 7 (45-sec) exercises repeated for 3 total rounds including 1-2 high knee variation with single leg hop, two toe tap switch, low plank forward to side reach, squat calf raise, lateral bound side hop out push, hip hurdles, and broad jump. I noticed even more improvement this week during hip hurdles. All of the daily mobility work is paying off. Week 7 is DONE and Stage 2/Week 8 is coming!

645 Lower Body Strength Week 8

Week 8 is the official DELOAD week for Stage 2. As we know from the Stage 1 Deload, the amount of mobility and recovery work increases (approx. 20-min) and then the blocks of movements have fewer sets (typically 2 sets instead of 3). The lifting weight increases to continue ramping progress in the program. This approach was very effective for me in Stage 1 and I am looking forward to the Stage 2 deload. The Week 8 version is a great workout using 10 reps and/or 45-sec duration. Block 1 is a 4-min EMOM front rack squat at 10 reps x 4 sets. Block 2 includes single leg deadlift, adductor plank and alternating dead pull row. Block 3 involves transverse lunge, DB rotation plank and DB banded hip thrust. I used 15-50-lb dumbbells today. Good stuff. Although the heart rate analysis intensity is low overall, as expected, Block 3 seemed to move fast and I was pushing hard on the weight so you can see a ramp in my dynamic heart rate data near the end. The adductor plank movement is one of the hardest in the program and I was able to hit the total duration. The DB rotation plank is also a challenging move for 20 total reps! I am really enjoying the 645 program and seeing great progress in my mobility, strength and endurance now over half way through the program. Work continues!!
645 Total Body Power Week 8

Even in deload week this Total Body Power Week 8 workout was very tough at times. I am looking at you Block 2 snatch – warrior chop – get up lift! The Week 8 version is similar to Week 6 except I heavied up my weights since we leverage 10 reps instead of 15 reps (only 2 sets each weighted block). Total Body Power begins with a longer 15-20-min or so dynamic warmup including activation with the Power Loop. There are then 3 blocks of moves using the 10 reps and/or 45-sec duration discipline. Block 1 is carry push press, weighted Russian twist and drop push-ups. Block 2 consists of snatch, warrior chop and 1/4 get up lift. Finally, Block 3 is 4 sets of depth jump squat (10 reps each round). I used 20-35-lb dumbbells in this workout. I burned 288 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 115/178 bpm, mostly in Zone 2. This is really impressive given the recovery and deload focus. The power moves stacked in sequence Block 2 may be the most challenging block of the entire 645 program when performed for 3 total sets (non-deload week). We will see. Very happy with this session today and looking forward to tomorrow!
645 Mobility and Stability Week 8

Every Wednesday is a good day… Mobility and Stability day! This is one of the most important days of the week to enhance results with the rest of the 645 program. Week 8 includes 3 rounds of 7 movements at 60-sec each. The moves consist of sumo squat rotation, cobra plank pushback to alternating bound, 90-90 TFL stretch, hamstring leg extension, child’s pose rotation, side quad push, and spiderman stretch. The session finishes up with almost 5-min of breathing exercises. Today is just what I needed during the Stage 2 deload to help reach my peak heading into Stage 3!
645 Upper Body Strength Week 8

Similar to Stage 2 deload Lower Body Strength and Total Body Power, Upper Body Strength in Week 8 is no joke. Sure, much of the workout involves dynamic activation, mobility and recovery, however, the weighted work is challenging in Blocks 1 and 3, especially. The workout today has the typical dynamic warmup (no Power Loop activation) followed by 3 blocks with 10-reps and/or 45-sec duration. Block 1 is squat + pull, side plank DB rotation and bent over row + alt row. Block 2 is EMOM lateral raise and bicep curl. Block 3 is reverse lunge chop, weighted butterfly sit-up and plank DB drag/row. I used 12-40-lb dumbbells in this workout. This is a strong increase over Week 4 deload Upper Body Strength to end Stage 1. I increased my EMOM lateral raise curl weight to 12-lbs all 4 sets (don’t drop the weights between sets). Next time I will go for 15-lbs as you don’t need much on this movement. Today Amoila added a weight to the sit-up reps as well. Compared to the Week 4 version of this same workout, I burned 75 MORE cals with much higher average and max heart rates. Progress, not perfection!!
645 Total Body Tempo Week 8

Stage 2 Week 8 Total Body Tempo is the last weighted workout for the deload week heading into Stage 3. The Week 8 version is similar to Week 6 with the exception of only 2 sets per weighted block and 10-reps vs. 15-reps. After the extended dynamic warmup approx. 15-min there are 3 blocks of 2-3 movements each block repeated for 3 sets using the 10-rep and/or 45-sec duration. The moves with reps involve tempo slow count in the eccentric motion. Block 1 is SL bridge press and Unload Beast. Block 2 includes split squat (22.5-sec each side) and Beast side kick throughs. Block 3 consists of DB sumo squat, bridge hip whip and half kneel windmill (22.5-sec each side). I used 20-70-lb dumbbells in this workout today, increasing weight on most exercises. I burned 166 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 94/135 bpm, mostly in Zone 1. These Tempo workouts definitely burn less overall cals at lower heart rates, as expected. These numbers are much lower compared to Week 6 since there are less sets and reps. I am still working on my range of motion for the half kneel windmill to the right side, but my bridge hip whips today were awesome and my hip mobility is dramatically improved. Cardio 45 will finish up Stage 2 tomorrow and then I am ready to take 645 to next level intensity in Stage 3!!
645 Cardio 45 Week 8

Here we go, last cardio in Stage 2! Like many of the workouts this week, Cardio 45 Week 8 is similar to the Week 6 menu of exercises. However, this is the first cardio workout without a bonus fourth round, which is consistent with the deload week (although I think Amoila just ran out of time). After a longer dynamic warmup of approx. 14-min with Power Loop activation, there are 7 exercises repeated including crossover shuffle, ball slams, lateral hurdles, plank to bear, walk-out, hip circles, and dynamic jacks. There are 3 rounds at 45-sec per move (15-sec transitions) and then a long 5-min cooldown session. The second round increases the pace of tempo. As usual, the double-timed ball slams are tough! I burned 257 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 110/161 bpm, mostly in Zone 1. These numbers are a lot lower than Week 6 (100+ cals lower), as expected, with the longer warmup and 3 rounds vs. 4 rounds. I am ready for a rest day before pressing play on Stage 3 Week 9 of my 645 Beachbody Review. I am pumped to see how much the intensity ramps in Stage 3 with even more dynamic compound movements. Keep up the good work my friends and be sure to BRING IT today! CLICK THE CONTACT BUTTON BELOW TO REACH OUT TO ME FOR PRIVATE AND TEAM SUPPORT… CAN BE A GAME CHANGER!

645 Lower Body Strength Week 9

Stage 3 is all about increasing the weight relative to Stage 2 while re-assessing form to make sure you are dialed in with safety. There are more single leg bi-lateral exercises in Stage 3 and many new strength, power and plyo movements overall. The first day of Stage 3 of 645 DID NOT disappoint. Lower Body Strength Week 9 is definitely The Work level type intensity (with added mobility work, which is a very good thing). This workout is no joke. Loved every minute. After a slightly different dynamic warmup with a cardio component and more activation with Power Loop there are 3 blocks of weighted work. The moves are 15-reps and/or 50-sec duration. Block 1 is 4-min EMOM with deadlift (10 reps) to front rack squat (5 reps) each of the 4 sets. Block 2 consists of plank row (20 reps) to bear row (10 reps), DB Hale Split Squat (25-sec each side) and frog DB thrust. Block 3 involves front rack reverse lunges (30 reps), single arm sit-up and drop row (15 reps each side). I used 15-45-lb dumbbells. The DB Hale Split Squat move is killer and I was absolutely spent by the last set of Block 3 (front rack reverse lunges at 30 reps using 30-lb DBs). I burned 379 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 130/179 bpm, mostly in Zones 3-4. I believe this workout is the hardest in the 645 program thus far into Week 9 (harder than Total Body Power Week 6, I think). Time to rest up before what I expect to be a brutal Total Body Power session tomorrow. Reach your peak!!
645 Total Body Power Week 9

Checking in with Stage 3 Week 9 Total Body Power. This workout was interesting with at last half of the routine consisting of power single leg balance, plyo and isometric movements. There is less weighted work in this version of Total Body Power so the heart rate response is lower than previous versions of Power such as the more intense Week 6 variation. I burned 301 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 116/161 bpm, mostly in Zone 2. Still a fantastic workout! After the dynamic warmup with Power Loop activation around 11-min there are 3 blocks focused on 15-reps and/or 50-sec duration. Block 1 is ski swing step, elevated push-up and side lunge adductor drag. Block 2 involves rotation chop press, side plank knee drive and reverse knee drive switch. Block 3 is 2 pogo + drop squat for 50-sec repeated 3-4 sets. I really like the ski swing step exercise. The rotation chop press is also a great weighted move that had me sweating in the iso side plank knee drive immediately following the chop in Block 2. Awesome stuff, work continues!
645 Mobility and Stability Week 9

Stage 3 Mobility and Stability Week 9 is a good recovery session, as usual, with a primary focus on shoulders, anterior and posterior variations. There are 3 rounds of 7 movements each including leg swings, scorpion lift, pretzel stretch, shoulder protract-elevate-retract-depress, swimmers, calf raise stretch, and hamstring rotation. My calories burned and heart rates were a little higher than normal for a Mobility and Stability routine since I have been very active today leading up to the workout this afternoon. Typically I would press play first thing in the morning closer to my resting heart rate. Good stuff and I am ready to rock-and-roll tomorrow.
645 Upper Body Strength Week 9

Week 9 is going fast my friends! Pressed play on Stage 3 Upper Body Strength Week 9 this afternoon. I burned 308 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 118/166 bpm, mostly in Zone 2. Similar to Total Body Power Week 9, these numbers are lower again that heart rate data from Week 6. However, I consider the workout just as challenging, if not more. I pushed hard. The focus in Week 9 is 15-reps and/or 50-sec duration with more iso and single leg balance movements. After the typical dynamic warmup of approx. 10-min there are 3 blocks, as usual. Block 1 is high pull step, scapular plank knee drive and reverse fly. Block 2 consists of 4-min EMOM Arnold Press at 4 sets x 15 reps each set. Block 3 involves single leg row, modified side plank extension rotation and farmer hold. I used 15-45-lb dumbbells today. I like the high pull step exercise while the EMOM Arnold Press was brutal (used 25-lbs, will try 30-lb DBs next time). I found the scapular plank knee drive and modified side plank weighted move in Block 3 especially difficult. I tried 15-lb DB for the side plank extension rotation. Overall, my shoulders and back were absolutely shredded in this workout. Success!!
645 Total Body Tempo Week 9

Stage 3 Total Body Tempo Week 9 is interesting. I didn’t find it overly taxing with regard to heart rate and cardio challenge, but there are some tough moves that really help work the muscles in much different ways. This includes balance and stability work. I used 12-40-lb dumbbells today. There are 3 blocks using the discipline of 15-16-reps and/or 50-sec duration. Block 1 is frontal plane lunge shift and crab reach underswitch. Block 2 involves rainbow squat (16 reps) and front step through while Block 3 is overhead carry, ape reach and T-raise/scaption raise. The ape reach is a cool new dynamic balance movement and I really like the rainbow squat. I burned 253 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 110/155 bpm, mostly in Zones 1-2. These numbers are actually some of the highest in the program thus far for Total Body Tempo. The tempo routines generally have lower calorie expenditure and heart rates. Good stuff. Tomorrow finishes up Week 9 with Cardio 45. Let’s do this!
645 Cardio 45 Week 9

Last day of Stage 3 Week 9 645 with Cardio 45. It also happens to be my birthday celebration so it is a great day to push it!
My birthday fitness challenge today:
Cardio 45 was challenging enough and I did well. Based on Amoila’s comments during this workout it sounds like Week 10 Cardio 45 will ramp up intensity by incorporating Power Loops during the actual workout. Week 9 has 3 rounds of 7 movements after the 13-14-min dynamic warmup with Power Loop activation. Pace is increased each round to ramp intensity throughout. The exercises include low front back sprint lunge, jump rope to hurdles, side shuffle to plyo hops, plank toe tap, 2 pogo split lunge, inchworm and frog hops. I noticed a strong improvement in the plank toe tap (similar to bound dog in P90X3). I really liked the 2 pogo split lunge in the spirit of Max:30 iron legs move! I burned 304 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates 118/159 bpm, mostly Zone 1-3. This data is higher than most previous weeks of Cardio 45 with the exception of Week 6. With that, Week 9 is DONE. Keep reaching your peak my friends and be sure to click the CONTACT button below to let me know how you are doing. Let’s bring it!
645 Lower Body Strength Week 10

Week 10 begins with a new evolution of Lower Body Strength. This workout did not disappoint. Very challenging routine if you select weights that push you without sacrificing proper form and safety. My heart rate analysis for this session demonstrates a calorie expenditure and heart rates that rank as one of the highest to this point in the 645 program. Stage 3 is definitely next level relative to Stage 2! I burned 360 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 127/173 bpm, mostly in Zone 3. Lower Body Strength begins with the typical dynamic warmup with Power Loop activation followed by 3 blocks at 15 reps and/or 45-sec duration. Block 1 is a great EMOM cycle of suitcase squat (5 reps) + jump squats (10 reps) repeated for 4 sets EMOM-style. I used 60-lb DBs and my legs were on fire by the end. Block 2 includes bent over row complex, torque rotation and single leg dynamic hip thrust. Block 3 involves overhead split squat, calf raise shrug and L sit-up chop. I leveraged 20-60-lb dumbbells throughout. I am a big fan of some of these new movements such as bent over row complex (5-sec iso hold at the top of the row every 5 reps) and overhead split squat (killer!). The L sit-up chop is my favorite core exercise. Awesome stuff. Time for some recovery before Total Body Power!!
645 Total Body Power Week 10

I was really sore heading into Week 10 Total Body Power. Fortunately, the dynamic warmup helped prep me for this power-based workout. Amoila states that this version of Total Body Power is a little different than past versions with more plyo work and eccentric focus on slow, long movements to develop enhanced body control. After the typical dynamic warmup with Power Loop activation, there are 3 blocks using the 15-16-reps and/or 45-55-sec duration. Block 1 is double hinge swing (5 reps) + swing (10 reps), side to side knee tuck (16 reps) and deceleration lunge hop. Block 2 consists of thrusters, broad jump and DB deadbug. Block 3 is essentially the EMOM cycle for this workout with 4 sets of split snatch (27.5-sec each side). I used 25-lb DBs for EMOM to start and moved down to 20-lbs in later sets to get all of the reps safely. TOUGH sequence and my heart rate was spiked near the red zone. Otherwise, I used 30-lb DBs for most of the workout. The hinge swing/swing combo was challenging while DB bug was a great weighted control move that worked shoulders, back and core. The thrusters were also difficult, especially after all of the shoulder and similar power focus past few days in other 645 sessions. I burned 315 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 119/174 bpm, mostly in Zones 1-2. In keeping consistent with Weeks 9-10 in Stage 3, these numbers are higher than previous versions of the workout with the exception of Week 6. Mobility and Stability tomorrow is MUCH NEEDED and then I will be ready to finish up Week 10 of 645!
645 Mobility and Stability Week 10

The Week 10 version of Mobility and Stability is solid. There is a lot of extra stretching vs. dynamic exercises, which I needed today, especially my hamstrings! The session includes 7 movements repeated for 3 rounds each including 90-90, side leg internal rotation, half kneel or side laying thoracic rotation, adductor walkout, calf stretch, hamstring stretch with Power Loop (awesome), and quad reach. Most of these moves are 30-sec each side and there is approx. 1-min of breathing work at the end. The first round alone was 20 minutes so Amoila moves faster subsequent rounds. There are different variations of certain moves in the 3 rounds of work to target the muscles from different angles. Excellent mobility focus today!
645 Upper Body Strength Week 10

Upper Body Strength Week 10 is on the menu today! Crushed it. The Week 10 version includes the typical 10-min warmup followed by 3 blocks of movements at 15-reps and/or 55-sec duration. Blocks 1 and 3 have 3 exercises each set while Block 2 is the 4-min EMOM cycle. Block 1 is ski swing Arnold Press, renegade row (55-sec) and bent over pull back. Block 2 involves bicep 15’s EMOM at 4 sets of 5/5/5 reps (full, lower, upper range). Do not drop weights between EMOM sets. Block 3 consists of DB jammers & front raise, DB pull over leg raise and DB side plank hip tap (15/15 reps). I used 15-30-lb dumbbells. Overall, GREAT workout today. The ski swing Arnold Press is a tough move (used 25-lb DBs) and my arms were on fire after the EMOM cycle since there are 60 reps over 4-min without dropping weight! Block 3 was the most challenging for me and it was nice to see some more chest work. I burned 339 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 122/164 bpm, mostly in Zone 3! This is comparable to previous versions of Upper Body Strength that were the most challenging (e.g., Week 6). Success. Keep pushing my friends, we got this!
645 Total Body Tempo Week 10

This is the last weighted workout of Week 10 with Total Body Tempo. These are slower workouts with a lot of iso and tempo movements, but tempo discipline is very effective. There is a lot of exercise science instruction from Amoila during this session. Week 10 is 3 blocks of 2-3 exercises each for 3 sets using 15-16-reps and/or 45-55-sec duration. Block 3 is actually only 2 sets due to time constraints. Block 1 consists of iso split squat and J curl. Block 2 involves lateral step sumo squat and underswitch crab reach while Block 3 includes offset carry, Ape and low plank reach. I used 20-50-lb DBs. Excellent mix of movements today and J curl is my favorite. J curl is not a bicep move, instead it provides back vertebrae focus very similar to a move I have done many times in the past for lower back injury rehab! The iso split squat and lateral step sumo squats had my legs on fire. I burned 163 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 94/149 bpm, mostly Zone 1. This is a very slow workout overall, but that is the strategy. This session gave me the lowest heart rate analysis of all Total Body Tempo workouts now 10 weeks in the 645 program. All by design, enjoy the slower pace. Make a difference today my friends!!
645 Cardio 45 Week 10

Last day of Week 10 645 with Cardio 45. Let’s go! Amoila leverages two (2) Power Loops today for the first time in the program for a fun new challenge. The Week 10 version begins with the typical dynamic warmup with Power Loop activation approx. 13-min followed by 3 rounds of 7 movements repeated usually 30-60-sec each including jumping jacks (Power Loop), 1-2 jump lunge (Power Loop), drop squat (Power Loop), shuffle call-out (2 Loops on ground to set boundaries), lateral bound (2 Loops on ground set boundaries of bounds), alternating toe tap (core), and lateral step high jump. There is a longer 5+min cooldown at the end. I used the heavy black Power Loop where only one loop is required. These exercises are much more difficult with the Power Loops attached with legs on fire during the burner movements! I believe the Power Loop also helps build knee stability and strength in this workout, most notably in the lateral moves. I appreciate this given my knee injury history of ACL/MCL tears to help rebuild. I really enjoyed the call-out variations to work the brain and challenge reaction time. Overall, the 1-2 jump lunge with Power Loop was my favorite exercise (quads on fire). This may be my favorite (fun) workout from 645 after 10 weeks. I burned 230 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 105/144 bpm, mostly in Zones 1-2. These numbers are lower compared to most versions of Cardio 45 given the plyo focus on command, which provides more breaks and lower average heart rate. Week 10 is done and I am ready for the last few weeks of 645. Click the CONTACT button below to get in touch with me today on 645 and other workout/nutrition programs…. let’s do this together!
645 Lower Body Strength Week 11

Week 11 of 645 is all about intensification and the objective is to safely increase your load and push hard throughout. After the dynamic warmup with Power Loop activation (approx. 11-min) there are 3 blocks of weighted work. The menu is similar to Week 9 Lower Body Strength, but this time leverages 10-reps and/or 60-sec duration. Block 1 is 4-min EMOM with deadlift (5 reps) to suitcase squat (5 reps) each of the 4 sets. Block 2 consists of plank row (10 reps) to bear row (10 reps), DB Hale Split Squat (10 reps each side) and frog DB thrust. Block 3 involves front rack reverse lunges (20 reps), single arm sit-up (10 reps each side) and drop row (10 reps each side). I used 15-60-lb dumbbells today. I was ultimately challenged by the DB hale split squat again. It is just a really tough move as you are in iso-lunge while performing the halo shoulder move over your head each side! The single arm sit-up pushed me and I only used a 15-lb DB. A lot of sweat today! I burned 347 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 125/172 bpm, mostly in Zone 3. These numbers are fairly comparable to Week 9 with a slightly lower calorie burn due to lower reps. Week 9/11 Lower Body Strength rank up there as some of the most difficult in the 645 program. Bring it my friends!
645 Total Body Power Week 11

Sore today! Similar to Lower Body Strength yesterday, Stage 3 Week 11 Total Body Power is almost the same workout as Week 9 with the primary exception being the focus on 10-reps and/or 60-sec duration (i.e., Amoila’s intensification process). I burned 302 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 117/166 bpm, mostly in Zone 2. These numbers are almost identical to the Week 9 version at higher reps and shorter duration. After a longer dynamic warmup with Power Loop activation around 12-min there are the standard 3 blocks of power movements. Block 1 is ski swing step, elevated push-up and side lunge adductor drag. Block 2 involves rotation chop press, side plank knee drive and reverse knee drive switch. Block 3 is 2 pogo + drop squat for 30-sec repeated 3 sets. I used 30-35-lb dumbbells today. Some of these moves are still very challenging such as the ski swing step and side plank knee drive (iso killer!), but I did see increases in load moved on weighted work. I am looking forward to Mobility and Stability tomorrow. Keep pushing my friends!!
645 Mobility and Stability Week 11

I always look forward to the Mobility and Stability day in the 645 program to slow down for maintenance work before finishing the week STRONG. For me, this recovery-based workout always falls on a Wednesday in the schedule. As such, so much for the common Wednesday mantra, “PUMP DAY”. Ha. The Week 11 version of Mobility and Stability is a good one, as usual. The session has a few similar movements to Week 9 and involves the typical 7 exercises for approx. 60-sec each including lumbar rotation (leg swings later sets), 90-90, side pretzel, scapula circles, swimmers, World’s greatest stretch and hamstring flamingo stretch (hits the glutes). There is a short breathe-relaxation focus at the end. This was a really low key version of Mobility and Stability today. Obviously the calorie burn and heart rates for these recovery sessions are highly dependent on your activity level around the workout (e.g., first thing in AM vs. afternoon of a busy, active day). Felt great, success!
645 Upper Body Strength Week 11

Pressed play on Stage 3 Upper Body Strength Week 11. These workouts are challenging in some very different ways compared to other programs! Consistent with the other Week 11 workouts, most moves today were the same as the Week 9 version of this workout. Today I burned 283 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 113/151 bpm, mostly in Zone 2. The numbers are a little lower than Week 9 due to the lower rep count. The focus in Week 11 is 10-reps and/or 60-sec duration including iso and single leg balance movements. After the typical dynamic warmup of approx. 10-min there are 3 blocks, as usual. Block 1 is high pull step, scapular plank knee drive and reverse fly. Block 2 consists of 4-min EMOM Arnold Press at 4 sets x 10 reps each set. Block 3 involves single leg row, modified side plank extension rotation and farmer hold. I used 15-60-lb dumbbells today. The EMOM Arnold Press was killer again this week and I increased weight to 30-lb DBs (Week 11 you drop the weight between sets due to higher load). I will push to 35-lb DBs if we do EMOM Arnold Press again this program. The modified side plank weighted external rotation move in Block 3 is still one of the most difficult in the program (be safe!). Right on, today was another successful 645 workout. Time to recharge and recover for Total Body Tempo tomorrow!
645 Total Body Tempo Week 11

This is the last weighted workout of Week 11 645! With movements similar to Week 9, this session includes a lot of balance and stability work. I used 15-50-lb dumbbells today. There are 3 blocks using the discipline of 10-reps and/or 60-sec duration. Block 1 is frontal plane lunge shift and crab reach underswitch. Block 2 involves rainbow squat (various tempo timing) and front step through (loaded beast variation sets 2-3) while Block 3 is overhead carry, ape reach and T-raise/scaption raise. There is a thoracic extension stretch with dumbbell during the cooldown stretch. The overhead carry is challenging for core and shoulder stabilization and I enjoyed the scaption raise move today! I burned 224 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 105/139 bpm, mostly in Zone 1. These numbers are lower than the Week 9 version of Total Body Tempo with lower reps. Progress, not perfection. Keep doing your best my friends!
645 Cardio 45 Week 11

I decided to stack Cardio 45 Week 11 after Total Body Tempo this week due to my travel schedule. Not a problem since Tempo was slow paced and low impact. Cardio 45 Week 11 is similar to Week 9 with the longer dynamic warmup with Power Loop followed by 3 sets of 7 movements repeated 45-sec each including low front back sprint lunge (run backwards set 2 for tendon strengthening), jump rope to hurdles, side shuffle to plyo hops, plank toe tap, 2 pogo split lunge balance single leg, inchworm and frog jumps (set 3 is a burner with plyo rotation). Sets 2-3 were faster pace and there is an extended cooldown at the end. The first move is awesome for developing acceleration/deceleration control. I burned 257 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates 109/150 bpm, mostly Zone 2. This data is lower than Week 9 of Cardio 45, but higher than most weeks of this workout with the exception of Week 6. Success! Click the CONTACT button below to get in touch with me today on 645 and other workout/nutrition programs…. let’s do this together!
645 Lower Body Strength Week 12

Similar to Stages 1 and 2, the last week of Stage 3 focuses on DELOAD to help recover while maintaining progress from the intensification workouts. The Week 12 version of Lower Body Strength leverages the same blocks of moves as Week 10 with the discipline of 10-reps and/or 55-sec duration for only 2 sets. This is still very challenging as the goal is to increase weights where possible in the weighted work! Lower Body Strength begins with the extended dynamic warmup for deload with Power Loop activation 15-min followed by 3 blocks. Block 1 is a great EMOM cycle of suitcase squat (5 reps) + jump squats (5 reps) repeated for 4 sets EMOM-style for post-activation potentiation (PAP, think P90X2 type). Block 2 includes bent over row complex, torque rotation and single leg dynamic hip thrust (w/ Power Loop this week). Block 3 involves overhead split squat, calf raise shrug and L sit-up chop. There is an extended 5-min cooldown at the end. I leveraged 25-60-lb dumbbells throughout. I increased weight by at least 5-lbs on each move. I burned 221 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 103/151 bpm, mostly in Zone 1. These numbers are much lower compared to Week 10 (-140 cals, only Zone 1 vs. 3 in Week 10!), as expected, with less reps and sets at higher weight. Deload continues tomorrow with Total Body Power. This is all leading up to Week 13 performance week where Amoila says you will go all out with The Work Crucible-style workouts to finish 645. Man. Let’s GO!
645 Total Body Power Week 12

Deload Week 12 for recovery continues with Total Body Power. This workout is still challenging though with 2 sets most blocks instead of 3 sets. After a longer variation of the typical dynamic warmup with Power Loop activation, there are 3 blocks using the 10-reps and/or 55-sec duration. Block 1 is double hinge swing (5 reps) + swing (5 reps), side to side knee tuck (55-sec) and deceleration lunge hop (20 total reps). Block 2 consists of thrusters, broad jump and DB deadbug (55-sec). Block 3 is the EMOM cycle for this workout with 4 sets of split snatch (5 reps each side). Blocks 1 and 2 are 2 sets. There is an extended 5-min cooldown at the end. I used 25-lb DBs for EMOM (tough, my heart rate red-lined near 180 bpm last set!), otherwise 20-35-lb DBs. The hinge swing/swing combo was challenging again while DB bug was a great weighted control move that worked shoulders, back and core stabilization. I burned 258 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 110/178 bpm, mostly in Zones 1-2. In keeping consistent with deload workouts compared to the non-deload version, the calorie expenditure is lower than Week 10 Total Body Power. Keep pushing my friends!!
645 Mobility and Stability Week 12

Week 12 Mobility and Stability focuses on a lot of hip work with 3 rounds of 7 movements (usually 1-min) repeated for 3 rounds each including spine roll release, hip swivels, pullback, adductor rock with thread, plank hip flexor stretch with modified squat, quad reach, and alternating side kick through bridge. The routine finishes up with some breathing work. The plank hip flexor stretch with modified squat is awesome. I will perform this exercise more frequently. The final kickthrough variation is also a great move that elevates heart rate slightly. Although this version of Mobility and Stability hits the hips mostly, I got a fantastic lower back, hamstring and shoulder focus. I was super sore heading into this session and feel amazing after. This is my favorite Mobility and Stability version since it specifically addresses areas of challenge for me based on my injury history (e.g., back herniation that has led to tight hips). This work is SO important for overall success with the 645 program!
645 Upper Body Strength Week 12

We are just flying through this last deload week on the 645 schedule. Upper Body Strength Week 12 is up today! The Week 12 version is similar to the Week 10 variation and includes a longer 13-min warmup followed by 3 blocks of movements at 10-reps and/or 55-sec duration. Blocks 1 and 3 have 3 exercises at 2 sets each while Block 2 is the 4-min EMOM cycle at 4 sets. Block 1 is ski swing Arnold Press, pushup renegade row, and bent over pull back. Block 2 involves bicep 10’s EMOM at 4 sets of 5/5 reps (lower/upper range half curls). Do not drop weights between EMOM sets. Block 3 consists of DB jammers & front raise, DB pull over leg raise and DB side plank hip tap (27.5-sec each side). There is a longer 5-min cooldown at the end. I used 20-40-lb dumbbells. I really enjoyed this workout and it felt good to push the chest and arms. Again, the ski swing Arnold press is one of my favorite movements in the 645 program and my biceps were on fire with EMOM without dropping DBs between sets! I burned 275 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 111/169 bpm, mostly in Zone 2. Not bad for DELOAD week! This data is lower than Upper Body Strength Week 10, as expected. Keep reaching your peak my friends!
645 Total Body Tempo Week 12

I was looking forward to this workout today. It is the last weighted workout of Stage 3 and loaded with eccentric movements. Tempo is much slower pace as mentioned many times, but the discipline is very effective with primal movements and iso focus. Week 12 Total Body Tempo is similar to Week 10 with 3 blocks of 2-3 exercises each for 2 sets using 10-reps and/or 45-55-sec duration after the extended 16-min deload warmup. Block 1 consists of iso split squat and J curl. Block 2 involves lateral step sumo squat and underswitch crab reach while Block 3 includes offset carry, Ape and RKC low plank. The iso split squat for 4-sec negative is a brutal leg burner. I used 20-50-lb DBs in this session today. I burned 189 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 98/144 bpm, mostly Zone 1. There was an issue with the heart rate monitor spiking heart rate around 38-min due to a contact issue during the Ape movement. Max heart rate was 144 bpm and not 175 bpm. As usual, this is a slow workout overall with lower heart rate data compared to Week 10, which was already one of the least challenging from a heart rate analysis perspective. Cardio 45 tomorrow and then I will recharge for the final performance week of the 645 program!
645 Cardio 45 Week 12

Final day of Week 12 heading into the last week of the program, PERFORMANCE Week 13! Man, can’t wait for next week. Amoila sure pumped up this Cardio 45 workout as the toughest one in the program thus far with added intensity. We will see! The Week 12 version of Cardio 45 is similar to Week 10 and begins with the typical dynamic warmup with Power Loop activation approx. 10-min (shorter than Wk 10) followed by 4 rounds of 7 movements repeated usually 30-60-sec each including jumping jacks (Power Loop), 1-2 jump lunge (Power Loop), drop squat (Power Loop), shuffle call-out (2 Loops on ground to set boundaries), lateral bound (2 Loops on ground set boundaries of bounds), alternating toe tap (core), and lateral step high jump series. The faster paced allowed enough time for a 4th round (30-sec/move). The 1-2 jump lunge is a burner with the Power Loop and one of my favorite moves of the program. This workout IS definitely faster paced vs. other Cardio 45 workouts as he turns up the heat. I used the heavy black Power Loop where only one loop is required. I burned 285 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 113/157 bpm, mostly in Zone 2. These numbers are higher compared to Week 10 with the amped up pacing on movements with extra round (+55 cals). Week 12 is DONE and I am ready for the last few weeks of 645! What brought YOU here? How bad do YOU want it?!? Click the CONTACT button below to get in touch with me today on 645 and other workout/nutrition programs…. let’s do this together!
645 Lower Body Strength Week 13

STAGE 4 Day 85 Week 13 is HERE. Performance Week. Time to push the limits and finish the 645 program STRONG! During performance week you perform similar movements as Stages 1-3, but you go ALL OUT and have to embrace the faster pace. There is a lot of volume in Week 13. Lower Body Strength Week 13 includes a shorter dynamic warmup only 7-min followed by 3 blocks of movements. Block 1 is a single move EMOM while Blocks 2/3 have 3 exercises each. The focus is 10-20 reps and/or 30-sec duration. This raises the intensity as you keep moving throughout the entire workout! Block 1 is 4-min EMOM front rack squat (20 reps). Block 2 consists of SL deadlift + row (10/10 reps), fire hydrant & donkey kickbacks with Power Loop (20/20 reps), and DB side plank (30/30 sec). Block 3 involves transverse & snatch (10/10 reps), DB hip thrust with Power Loop (20 reps), and sit-up DB twist (10/10 reps). I used 15-50-lb dumbbells and black heavy Power Loop today. Starting with the EMOM front rack squat is KILLER as heart rate elevates immediately in this workout Block 1. Man. The sit-up DB twist is also new and very challenging (like DB jammers during sit-ups). This move even works the chest and shoulders. I burned 385 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 130/174 bpm, mostly Zones 2-3. These numbers are higher compared to the other Lower Body Strength workouts in the program and I believe the highest calorie expenditure thus far. Good stuff. Let’s bring it, Week 13!
645 Total Body Power Week 13

I am really sore heading into my workout today after the challenging Lower Body Strength workout yesterday. I think the donkey kicks and fire hydrant moves with heavy Power Loop contributed! The Total Body Power Week 13 warmup should help with the workout this morning. Amoila says Total Body Power will intensify even more here in Week 13. There are 10-20 reps and 60-sec duration with moderate to light weight given the higher amount of reps in this workout. After the 8.5-min dynamic workout with Power Loop activation there are the usual 3 blocks of movements at 3 sets each. Block 1 is single arm DB snatch, cossack squat (ab rocker & hip opener!), and tuck jumps. Block 2 consists of hollow hold press (used 35-lb DBs), neuro catch split stance, and walkout jump squat. Block 3 involves DB swing lunge for 3 sets of 20 reps. Wow. I used 15-35-lb dumbbells with 35-lb DBs for most exercises. The plyo tuck jumps were absolutely brutal today in the Block 1 sequence, especially set 2. Awesome to see some more chest work in Block 2 and the neuro catch split stance was killer. My heart rate hit the red-lined zone at the end. Regardless of the heart rate data, this has been the HARDEST workout for me in the entire 645 program up to this point. The Week 13 workouts remind me of the next level of 6 Weeks of The Work. The extra mobility work at the end was well-received. I burned 372 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 128/181 bpm, mostly Zone 3. These numbers are in the range or higher compared to other workouts in 645. I believe my max heart rate of 181 bpm is the highest of the program and the average heart rate is impressive given the extensive warmup/cooldown. The Mobility and Stability workout arrives tomorrow at a good time. I need to recharge before finishing up 645 with RAGE!
645 Mobility and Stability Week 13

Week 13 Mobility and Stability slows down the performance week by stretching with 3 rounds of 7 movements (usually 1-min) repeated 3 rounds each including QL rock, half circle rotation on side, child’s pose thoracic rotation, hip swivel with lift reach, tuck to single leg iso balance, curtsy side lunge, and plank squat rotation. The routine finishes up with 1-min of breathing work. The Week 13 version is similar to the other Mobility and Stability sessions in 645 (i.e., not any harder or intense in performance week). I feel mobile and energized for the last 3 days of the 645 program. We got this!
645 Upper Body Strength Week 13

Here we go with the last Upper Body Strength workout of the 645 program. Week 13 focuses on 20 reps and/or 60-sec duration for 3 blocks of movements. After a shorter 7-min warmup, Block 1 is 10 elevated push-ups + 20 rows for 20 reps, reverse fly, and plank drag. Block 2 consists of 4-min EMOM wide curl & press (10/10 reps) for 4 sets while Block 3 involves dead pull, DB pull apart, and alternating high pull. There is time for a bonus round at the end that is a superset of ALL moves from Blocks 1, 2 and 3 without stopping. Wow, intense and I really had to focus on my breathing to keep up! I used 15-40-lb dumbbells today with a lot of volume in this routine. The workout is fast paced. For the EMOM curl press cycle I did not drop the dumbbells between sets. Burner! The DB pull apart was an awesome new move that also works the biceps. The sweat was flowing by the end! I burned 415 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 136/179 bpm, mostly in Zones 3-4. These numbers are higher compared to all previous versions of Upper Body Strength as well as all other workouts in this program. This workout is the first in 645 where I burned over 400 cals, which is very impressive given my conditioning level. It is working!! The last weighted workout is tomorrow with Total Body Tempo Week 13!
645 Total Body Tempo Week 13

Hard to believe it is the LAST weighted workout of the 645 program! Week 13 Total Body Tempo is a slow-paced eccentric-focused workout, as usual. After a different variation to the traditional warmup with Power Loop activation (8-min), there are 3 blocks of 2-3 movements each block for 3 sets each. The focus today is 10-20-reps at 60-sec duration. Block 1 is iso split squat and crab call out. Block 2 consists of single leg RDL clean (snatch added set 3) and beast call out while Block 3 includes plank pike, traveling Ape (similar to 22 Minute Hard Corps), and farmer march variation. I used 20-40-lb dumbbells today. The single leg iso split squat was a burner and certainly challenging with 30-sec iso hold in lunge position (a lot of shaking by the end). Honestly, the crab reach and beast mode variations are not challenging for me at all and they are not my favorite exercises throughout the program. Still keeps you moving though and pushes overall mobility! I burned 256 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 109/159 bpm, mostly Zones 1-2. These numbers are actually higher compared to other Total Body Tempo workouts in 645 including Week 6. The Total Body Tempo workouts usually demonstrate some of the lowest heart rates of the 645 week schedule and the Week 13 version is the easiest weighted workout of performance week. Time to recharge and refuel for the final graduation day for 645 tomorrow with Cardio 45. Let’s do this, reach your PEAK!!
645 Cardio 45 Week 13

It comes down to this…. the LAST day of the entire 645 program with Cardio 45 Week 13!! It is a special day my friends, we made it! Let’s get right into it. After a 8-9-min dynamic warmup with Power Loop there are 7 movements at typically 45-sec each including light jump rope, switch jump lunge squat, call-out mountain climber, depth drop lateral bound (great stabilization move), high knee speed hop variation, stop-and-go with two band markers (3-4 ft separation), and side kicks in beast mode position. The second and third sets move much faster pace and there is time for a bonus round at the end. For the stop-and-go I went “go” the entire time to keep the heart rate elevated. I found the mountain climbers sequence challenging and the bonus round was essentially full-out. My favorite moves are the high knee speed hop variation and depth drop lateral bound. Great stuff! I burned 375 cals in 45-min with ave/max heart rates of 129/170 bpm, mostly Zone 3. These numbers are much higher compared to the other Cardio 45 sessions in 645 (+100 – 150 cals in some cases). Special shout out to Amoila and his Dad with that emotional ending to the program. We are all fighting… when you stop moving, you stop living! With that, we are now DONE with 645 and my 645 Beachbody Review. Wow, what a major accomplishment and THANK YOU for joining me on this mission! This program is no joke and I have had amazing results. I am also so proud of you all for hanging in there with me! As always, hit that CONTACT button below to get connected with me today to let me know your thoughts on 645 and get daily support for your fitness/nutrition programs to help achieve your goals. I am here for you and the TEAM RAGE support system is a game changer, let’s do this! Rage. Become a Machine.

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