Commence Operation Six-Pack Hammer and Chisel is HERE!

Hammer and Chisel Review



Be a Masterpiece. The next big thing from celebrity super trainers Sagi Kalev (Body Beast) and Autumn Calabrese (21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme) is HERE – introducing HAMMER AND CHISEL!


What is The Master’s Hammer and Chisel™?


It’s a 60-day total-body transformation program that helps you craft a defined, jaw-dropping physique using breakthrough resistance training. You will sculpt your body into a masterpiece with 14 brand-new workouts from celebrity trainers and winning fitness competitors, Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese.


How does The Master’s Hammer and Chisel work? 


You’ll focus on building muscle, power, and strength with The Master’s Hammer™ workouts and trainer Sagi Kalev, while you shed fat and sculpt definition with The Master’s Chisel™ workouts and trainer Autumn Calabrese. Plus, it includes a dedicated modifier who demonstrates moves at a lower intensity and adapts exercises for those with limited access to equipment and fitness level.  You can take on this program from home, road or at the gym. See below for kits available to get started and access to my private test group for Hammer and Chisel. Let’s do this!


Click Here Get Started


Check out a few pics I captured from the first ever live HAMMER AND CHISEL workout with at the annual Beachbody Coach Leadership Retreat in California…


Hammer and Chisel Review

Hammer and Chisel Review


I was surprised and excited to see how fun, but challenging the live Hammer and Chisel workout was at the event. I am excited to be doing this challenge with you in my private test group environment. Select your kit below to get started!


Click Here Get Started

Once you order from my Team you will also have access to my exclusive, private online support test group for daily motivation and success with Hammer and Chisel. Please contact me at for any questions on kit selection.


Once you order also be sure to follow my detailed reviews with heart rate analysis for Hammer and Chisel!!

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