LIIFT MORE Insanity Max:30 Hybrid
My new hybrid workout schedule is HERE – LIIFT MORE Insanity Max:30 Hybrid!
After graduating LIIFT MORE I decided to create a hybrid with Body Beast to ramp the muscle confusion for enhanced mass gain with heavy weights. Although LIIFT MORE does have some HIIT focus, the cardio is limited compared to say one of the most challenging HIIT programs EVER… Insanity Max:30!
LIIFT MORE Insanity Max:30 Hybrid Deconstructed
LIIFT MORE has a comprehensive lifting focus combined with periodic High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) plus core in 5 days per week with flexible nutrition! Although LIIFT MORE primarily involves weights (more than LIIFT4), there are HIIT and burnout components to enhance the cardio challenge in the routines. After doing all 52 unique LIIFT MORE workouts I have realized that the program would align well in a hybrid format with Insanity Max:30, which focuses on cardio and Tabata intervals to increase strength, endurance and performance. This IS one of the hardest hybrid schedules I have ever created! From my perspective, LIIFT MORE is one of the best overall at-home, mass gain programs with resistance training, while Max:30 is the best cardio intensive program to truly push your limits with your performance in only 30-minutes per workout. These two workout programs are amazing on their own, but a LIIFT MORE Max:30 hybrid of the two allows you to build more mass and achieve cardio endurance with superior athletic performance aligned in ONE schedule!
The hybrid is created leveraging the entire schedule from LIIFT MORE since they are ALL unique workouts. As such, the hybrid ends up being a more traditional 3 month focus. The LIIFT MORE weeks are broken up after each 2 week schedule that alternates LIFT and LIFT HIIT format for each muscle group. The Max:30 weeks are intense, as usual. Each week in the hybrid has a combination of LIIFT MORE and Max:30. I also added in my favorite LIIFT MORE Express bonuses and extra Max:30 core routines to finish the hybrid STRONG! Enjoy!!
I am unaware of ANY LIIFT MORE Insanity Max:30 workout schedule for these programs yet (as of October 11, 2022) and certainly none yet that have been vetted from personal experience with EVERY workout on the schedule. I have done that, unlike those “random generator” hybrid schedulers out there that are different every time (and typically unsafe!). In this hybrid 50+ unique LIIFT MORE workouts are represented (including Upper and Lower Body Recovery). These programs are amazing on their own, but a LIIFT MORE Insanity Max:30 Hybrid allows you to build mass, get ripped and add functional strength and endurance aligned in ONE schedule (while having fun)! Nutrition plan for this hybrid is critical and will depend on your specific goals… contact me below to further discuss nutrition to optimize YOUR results and get added to my private support group for daily motivation!
Nutrition is CRITICAL for getting the results you want with your fitness program and the targets need to be aligned with the clean eating system (Nutrition + Portion Fix recommended, but you may need to bump calories for mass gain depending on goals). My current supplements include the BODi Performance Advanced Stack of ENERGIZE pre-workout, HYDRATE during workout, and RECOVER post-workout with Shakeology and Beachbar snacks. Be sure to let me know if you would like to join my private support team for daily motivation and accountability, the slight edge, for your success. Check out my TESTIMONIALS! Click JOIN TEAM RAGE with any questions. Let’s do this!
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GET YOUR FREE, first ever (to the best of my knowledge) LIIFT MORE Insanity Max:30 schedule – Enter your name and email in the boxes below for immediate access!
Let me know YOUR comments on my LIIFT MORE Insanity Max:30 Hybrid and email me to join my private online support group for daily support and motivation. LIIFT MORE Insanity Max:30 Hybrid…
I would love to get this liift more/insanity max 30 hybrid. It’s not showing up in my email.
Hey Jacob! Email follow-up sent so be sure to check your inbox. You will enjoy the hybrid!
I would love to try
Interested in liift more/insanity max 30 hybrid
Hi John! Absolutely. Please check your email!
Would love to see this hybrid, thank you.
Absolutely Mona! Please check your email and talk soon!
How long does it normally take to get access once we’ve filled out the name and email?
Hey Bill! The access email should arrive right away so be sure to check your promotions/junk folder in case it was filtered. I sent you an email follow-up to be sure you get the hybrid(s)!
Any chance of a DigDeeper + Insanity Max hybrid coming out as well? I’ve loved your prior hybrids thanks for the work!
Hey Matt!! That would be a great hybrid, thanks for the idea. Send me an email and I may be able to work on that my friend. Have a great day!
Any progress on this?
Hey Bill! If I get enough interest I will create a Dig Deeper Max:30 hybrid schedule. Is that the one you are interested in? Hope all is well!
I would be interested. I started this Liift4/Insanity Max30 hybrid today. So I’m booked for the next 13 weeks!
You got this, Bill! I’ll see about creating the hybrid soon. Keep up the good work!