6 Weeks of THE WORK Transform :20 Hybrid
My new hybrid workout schedule is HERE – 6 Weeks of THE WORK Transform :20 Hybrid!
I just finished the 6 Weeks of THE WORK program by Amoila Cesar including my detailed heart rate analysis reviews for ALL 39 workouts (including sample and fit tests)!! What an amazing program focused on elite functional performance using the same discipline Amoila leverages for pro athletes! My results were awesome. However, given my background with other Beachbody programs, in particular my recent review of ALL 51 Shaun T’s high intensity interval training with Transform :20, I felt I needed more cardio challenge than provided with THE WORK Cardio & Core and Endurance & Agility workouts. As such, there should be no surprises that I decided to hybrid T20 with 6 Weeks of THE WORK given my current goals for muscle hypertrophy to add lean mass while promoting a low (healthy) body fat percentage and “functional” fitness performance. These are easily two of the best, most challenging programs EVER developed!
6 Weeks of THE WORK Transform :20 Hybrid Deconstructed
The 6 Weeks of THE WORK provides focus on developing elite functional speed, cardio, and athletic performance leveraging body weight and dumbbells to drive “conditioning spikes” to elevate heart rates while Transform :20 uses a step to challenge your total body HIIT performance. The incorporation of a step in T20 is awesome, and I was seriously challenged. There are no breaks in T20 so you can get it done effectively in only 20 minutes. Also, there are bonus weighted workouts in T20 using the step to add resistance in a new way to balance your strength gains. You can adjust the number of risers on the step or remove the step altogether to control the difficulty of the workouts based on your fitness level and ultimate goals. As such, Transform :20 can be done for a range of fitness levels. However, THE WORK is intended for those already in good shape so be sure to complete the fit test in advance to determine your suitability for the program and hybrid. THE WORK brings some new innovation to intense workouts with strength slides and resistance loops along with the standard dumbbells and pull-up bar to enhance resistance challenge. The slides and loops work your muscles in new ways and your core is engaged throughout the program. Awesome stuff. Click the CONTACT button below to message me with any questions related to your suitability for this hybrid or other programs based on your background and goals!
Arguably the most popular Beachbody Super Trainer, Shaun T is a GREAT complement to new pro-athlete trainer Amoila Cesar in this hybrid. This may easily be one of the most effective, challenging hybrids I have created to date. Shaun T and Amoila both push you to fail from a strength, HIIT and core perspective using fast pacing between sets and blocks plus “transformer” fit tests built within the workouts (T20). Shaun T’s motivation and inspiration is top notch in what I believe to be his most challenging program to date. That is why I was excited to create a 6 Weeks of THE WORK Transform :20 Hybrid to get the best of both worlds in resistance and cardio to maximize results for muscle gain with hypertrophy while promoting functional fitness. #GameOn to #TransformYourLife!
I am unaware of ANY 6 Weeks of THE WORK Transform :20 workout schedule for these two programs yet (as of Nov-2019) and certainly none yet that have been vetted from personal experience with EVERY workout on the schedule. I have done that, unlike those “random generator” hybrid schedulers out there that are different every time (and typically unsafe!). In this hybrid all primary 36 THE WORK workouts are represented. These two programs are amazing on their own, but a 6 Weeks of THE WORK Transform :20 Hybrid of the two allows you to build mass, get ripped, and add functional strength and endurance aligned in ONE schedule (while having fun)!
I also created a Body Beast hybrid with Amoila’s 4 Weeks of THE PREP program if you would like to ramp up to the hybrid with THE WORK. The workouts are shorter and less intense, but still NO JOKE, while getting you ready for THE WORK and other advanced workouts!
Nutrition is CRITICAL for getting the results you want with your fitness program and the targets need to be aligned with the clean eating system (Nutrition + Portion Fix recommended, but you may need to bump calories for mass gain depending on goals). My current supplements include the BODi Performance Advanced Stack of ENERGIZE pre-workout, HYDRATE during workout, and RECOVER post-workout with Shakeology and Beachbar snacks. Be sure to let me know if you would like to join my private support team for daily motivation and accountability, the slight edge, for your success. Check out my TESTIMONIALS! Click JOIN TEAM RAGE with any questions. Let’s do this!
Be sure to use this new 15% off promo code savings when you use any of the links on this page only! >>> MIKENBODI15
Please contact me directly if you have any issues using the promo code, need links to different products, or, would like help selecting the products to maximize your results! >>> MikeNowakFitness@gmail.com
- Special Offer: GET BODi ACCESS to EVERY Beachbody program ever created HERE!
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GET YOUR FREE, first ever (to the best of my knowledge) 6 Weeks of THE WORK Transform :20 schedule – Enter your name and email in the boxes below for immediate access!
Let me know YOUR comments on my 6 Weeks of THE WORK Transform :20 Hybrid and email me to join my private online support group for daily support and motivation. 6 Weeks of THE WORK Transform :20 Hybrid…
wow great job! any input on a The Work and Max 30 hybrid?
Thanks EJ! What has you interested in a hybrid for THE WORK? Have you tried the program? Yes, email me if you would like help with a Max :30 WORK hybrid! — MikeNowakFitness@gmail.com
Yes I’m on the second week, I usually go to the gym but with this virus business I’m working from home so I’d like to up it, without rest days. I mean it is only 30 mins workouts, (TW is more like an effective 40 mins). Also I have pretty good upper strength but my cardio sucks. that’s why.
Makes sense. Have you tried Transform :20? It is very effective and no breaks. I also have a killer Body Beast Max:30 hybrid: https://howdoigetripped.com/my-hybrid-workout-programs/. By the way, we have many team members working through these big changes in lifestyle with the current events. Are you part of a private support network doing these programs? If not, let me know and we can get you added. Can be a game changer!
thanks no idea what a support network is. Is Transform 20 better than Max30? From your reviews and statistics I htought max 30 is more challenging than T20
Sent you a message!!