Disney and Shaun T’s T25 Coming Soon!

Shaun T Disney


Beachbody Logo Epcot







Life is good. Seriously, I am fortunate to be an Independent Team Beachbody Coach and have the opportunity to earn rewards like our expenses paid trip to Disney World in Florida this week. All in only a few hours a day… Amazing. Weather is unreal at Disney considering we left the Twin Cities, MN at 15 degrees!


Mickey and MinnieAnyway, we arrived Wednesday this week and had a great evening with the Beachbody Team including a lot of the Disney characters including Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck and Goofy. Our kids are currently 2 1/2 years old and 4 months old, and our son was SO excited to meet the larger than life characters (he was scared of Captain Hook though:).


Thursday was an amazing day of personal development with Chris Widener and Paul Zane Pilzer, which is key to any business, or success and happiness in life, really. There were also product announcements and training for the Beachbody coaching business. Most exciting to me was the announcement of the release of Shaun T’s T25 at the Coach Summit in June (available to the public shortly thereafter, so contact me if you want in my first challenge group for T25 in July!)


Here is a short video of T25 that I took at the conference. It is going to be a very popular program taking a lot of the interval and performance-based concepts of Insanity using cardio and resistance in only 25 minutes of workout time. Perfect for those with busy lives, like myself!



I am pumped for this program. We even did a lot of the T25 moves in our Sunrise workout on the Disney Epcot stage and it was amazing. My favorite move was the one-arm burpee, of course. A few pics from the EARLY workout….


T25 Disney Workout Epcot
T25 Disney Workout Epcot


T25 Shaun T Live Disney
T25 Shaun T Live Disney


T25 Shaun T Disney Warmup
T25 Shaun T Disney Warmup


T25 and Mike Live at Epcot
T25 and Mike Live at Epcot


Contact me for more info on Shaun T’s new T25 and to join my T25 challenge groups.


TEAM RAGE is strong and growing. Very little investment required for potential huge rewards to build a willable, financial legacy for your family too… BRING IT. And some last pics from Disney, time to go enjoy our last two days here!


Donald and Goofy


Chip and Dale


Buzz Light Year


Magic Kingdom 

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